Symbian app

(closed account) says:
I (and all Nokia / Symbian users) need a Symbian version of Remember the milk!!!

(closed account) says:
Yes please!

nohant says:
me too :-))

paul.sinclair says:
I add my vote too.

dmitchel says:
Me too!

matthias.runge says:

nadavar says:
much needed

martijnpolder says:

(closed account) says:
Well, if it'd help I'd add another vote or two. :)

prof.augusto says:
please, please, please... I'm one for n95

roberto.marcos says:
me too!

david.scatigna says:
I add my vote too.

knovell says:
I'd upgrade to pro in a second.

dmd1272 says:
I'll follow suit, my N82 needs RTM as well

(closed account) says:
iphone fell 2 pavement, shattered. back 2 nokia, miss native app.
so... ya... here's my vote!
so... ya... here's my vote!

fhannouche says:
For Sony Ericsson m600i
For Sony Ericsson m600i

jpar says:
Would be nice. SE w950 here

mecs says:
Nokia E65
Nokia E65

democrito says:
I'd upgrade to pro without doubts!

alessandro.martins says:
I add my vote too!

danie.kotze says:
another one...

u17tw says:
for sure id go pro if i could use RTM on my nokia n95

waltervos says:
Oh yeah, I'd love a mobile RTM app (one that works offline too!)

brm says:
e61i here. please made a symbian app :)

(closed account) says:
another vote for this one,
Symbian/UIQ app would be awesome, please
Symbian/UIQ app would be awesome, please

dmd1272 says:
this would be great especially with the Nseries Nokias coming soon, hot

anu.gupta says:
+1 for S60 support !

henriquetbr says:
Great idea. I' d upgrade to pro if necessary.

villum53 says:
+1 vote
My Nokia E51 needs RTM-app. (S60 - 3rd edition)
would be proUser for sure
My Nokia E51 needs RTM-app. (S60 - 3rd edition)
would be proUser for sure

david.clifford says:
another vote here! please, please guys???!!
make us happy!
make us happy!

bruno77sa says:
+1 vote
My nokia E62(Symbian) needs rtm-app
My nokia E62(Symbian) needs rtm-app

polano says:
+1 for my nokia E61

ratson says:
+1 m600i

schngrg says:
my E62 needs one too...
For tips on interface, please make it work exactly like the google desktop's todo gadget.
After using it for a while, EVERYTHING feels SO inconvenient (just try adding new items and then sorting them, real sweet).
For tips on interface, please make it work exactly like the google desktop's todo gadget.
After using it for a while, EVERYTHING feels SO inconvenient (just try adding new items and then sorting them, real sweet).

e.vdgeest says:
+1 for my upcoming n95-2

(closed account) says:
+1 :-)

jimmy.coyne says:

zervin says:
yeah comeon, can i get something other than WM and iphone? neither of which suits me lol.

adame says:
Symbian app would be great.

nohant says:
please ...

roosta21 says:
Yep absolutely remember that there are a lot more n95's than iphones!!

(closed account) says:
Yep, I've been using MilkSync on Windows Mobile,
but have a new N95 now...
My temp setup is to keep my old PocketPC turned on and connected to WiFi, have MilkSync on the PocketPC, as well as ActiveSync to Exchange,
and use Mail for Exchange on my N95 too.
Would be 10x better to have Milksync directly on my N95!
but have a new N95 now...
My temp setup is to keep my old PocketPC turned on and connected to WiFi, have MilkSync on the PocketPC, as well as ActiveSync to Exchange,
and use Mail for Exchange on my N95 too.
Would be 10x better to have Milksync directly on my N95! says:
yes pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease

jezschaj says:
Hi all, I would like symbian version too!!!!! Please

margus.laak says:
I'd really love symbian version also.

ian.tromp says:
yep, sign me up for pro the day this comes out!

(closed account) says:
For the love of God. Please! Seriously, great application. Would love an app for Symbian.

marian001 says:
another 'PLEASE' :-)
if not Symbian, at least make RTM synchronize with Outlook...
If I am unable to see my tasks on the go, RTM is useful only when I am at my PC - which is not enough..
if not Symbian, at least make RTM synchronize with Outlook...
If I am unable to see my tasks on the go, RTM is useful only when I am at my PC - which is not enough..

implicit says:
WinMo, now Blackberry... can we please have a native Symbian version? I'd get a Pro account STAT! =)

norby says:
Another vote!

kornix says:
voting for it too!

torgeir.waterhouse says:
the is very much needed!

cmo says:
and another vote xxx

hopelessone says:
I'll vote if it counts!

jakepog says:
me too.

qmic says:
me to!!!

oversc0re says:

(closed account) says:
me too

jquarrin says:
Agreed - Symbian - and I am in for Pro.
Great s/w by the way - excellent!
Great s/w by the way - excellent!

jquarrin says:
By the way - symbian holds by the far the largest percentage of smart phones on the market.

rogerkondrat says: is in for a batch. We would definitely become big users.

paulqui says:
I add my vote too, and if it works as well as the Blackberry version that would be excellent

tjuuljensen says:
(New - but exited - RTM user)
Symbian for sure. Just replaced my old iPAQ (WM2003) with a Nokia E65. Don't wanna go back - only thing I miss is a reason to upgrade to the RTM pro version... ;-) * Please* - make a Symbian version!
RTM rocks!
Symbian for sure. Just replaced my old iPAQ (WM2003) with a Nokia E65. Don't wanna go back - only thing I miss is a reason to upgrade to the RTM pro version... ;-) * Please* - make a Symbian version!
RTM rocks!

allspiritseve says:
I'm adding my vote as well

david.scatigna says:
+1 please
thank u
thank u

(closed account) says:
For me to have RTM work usefully it needs symbian support

tripful says:
Emily and Crew,
Symbian S60 user here (Nokia E51). If you implement either MilkSync -OR- an S60 application, I'll go to a Pro account tomorrow. No joke.
This needs to happen! Please let me know if I can help alpha/beta test!
Symbian S60 user here (Nokia E51). If you implement either MilkSync -OR- an S60 application, I'll go to a Pro account tomorrow. No joke.
This needs to happen! Please let me know if I can help alpha/beta test!

allspiritseve says:
Ditto on the Pro account.

marcelomartins says:
Me too.
Symbian is the market leader in mobile phones with 206 million cumulative shipments.
Please, don't forget us.
Symbian is the market leader in mobile phones with 206 million cumulative shipments.
Please, don't forget us.

calmbeach says:
Me too!
For my P1i
For my P1i

hergaty says:
PLEASE (Nokia E70)

bjonathan says:
please !!!!!
n95 user
n95 user

(closed account) says:
I would love to see a symbian version, too.

andreasnb says:
me to, e51 has google cal and gmail contacts sync. just needs rtm to be complete.

(closed account) says:
E51 user here. In two minds though, I currently use Milksync with my PDA, it would be hard to justify carrying it around though if I had RTM on my e51!
Would definately be a win though.
Would definately be a win though.

ikram.choudhury says:
Pretty Please with sugar on top!

evan.crompton says:
me too - what's with this pandering to iPhone trendies - your base is hurtin!

(closed account) says:
Any word on if this is in progress?
Would also become pro if this was made available.
Would also become pro if this was made available.

alessandro.martins says:
Please (Nokia E61i and N73)!

andrew.myhre says:
Me too, I would totally pay for the service if it was hooked into my N82 over the web.

(closed account) says:
i'm currently trying out rtm. looks very useful but really needs to be syncable with s60. if you make it accessable for s60, i'd like to see a solution over syncml and not an extra app i'd have to install.

hampus.jakobsson says:
I'll add my vote to the noice. Please fix a version for Nokia N95... (I already have a Pro account, so I can't give you more I guess...)

giorgio.chiodi says:
yes please please please...
i'll go pro then, i promise.
i'll go pro then, i promise.

(closed account) says:
A Symbian version would be very welcomed. If not a native Symbian app, a Java ME version can work as well. I want the cow on my E51 ;-)

(closed account) says:
A Java ME version would offer nothing over the current opened in a browser. I want to see the synced tasks (a.k.a appointments) on the today screen. They have to "encode" the RTM tasks on their servers into Nokia appointments and let us access them over SyncML. Cleanest solution.

taras.nadvirny says:
+1 Sony Eric M600i
Would upgrade to Pro
Would upgrade to Pro

tutunkommon says:
For all of the requests to support different hardware, I suspect Emily (and Bob) would put a higher priority for those that donated the hardware to them. As I understand, they don't code to specific platforms that they can't test. Since Bob is a fan of the iPhone, that is what they have hardware to test against.

(closed account) says:
Of course they don't code for different platforms. The Milksync clients for BB and Win Mobile are simply Funambol SyncML clients as these platforms don't speak SyncML natively. Symbian comes with SyncML already integrated.
I would like so much (as a then pro user) to sync the tasks with S60 appointments. Sure, priorities would get lost, but what the heck. The web-app alone has no real benefit for me.
I would like so much (as a then pro user) to sync the tasks with S60 appointments. Sure, priorities would get lost, but what the heck. The web-app alone has no real benefit for me.

terence.reis says:
I so would upgrade to pro if I could get some functionality running on Symbian (whether it's syncing or a full app). The mobile web app is a good one, though. And if there were extra-features I would upgrade as well. :-) Mind you, I'm doing it right now for my brand new iPhone.

hjwerkman says:
Yes Please!

sandrup says:
me too!!

mrjazz says:
i would love to be able to sync rtm with nokia n95 tasks too!!

attg says:
Me too!!!!! (Nokia E71)

jpmschweitzer says:

(closed account) says:

(closed account) says:
and me

tomas.rollo says:
I'm actually just working on a symbian client for RTM.
It will be a standalone application rather than a sync-daemon since the todo abilities of S60 pretty much suck (tasks have to have a date assigned, no task categories, etc.).
I plan to make it with offline-capability so one can use the client also when in underground/at plane/in other areas w/o coverage.
There's still a lot to be done (not nearly ready for alpha), but stay tuned, a lot more coming ;)
It will be a standalone application rather than a sync-daemon since the todo abilities of S60 pretty much suck (tasks have to have a date assigned, no task categories, etc.).
I plan to make it with offline-capability so one can use the client also when in underground/at plane/in other areas w/o coverage.
There's still a lot to be done (not nearly ready for alpha), but stay tuned, a lot more coming ;)

tobias.pennekamp says:

abssorb says:
One more for symbian.
My e61i will only sync with Outlook, and there is no RTM / outllook sync.
My e61i will only sync with Outlook, and there is no RTM / outllook sync.

john.ash says:
Seeing the potential of this on Symbian, I have 'pro'd up' to try and add my twopenneth of input to make this happen...won't even use it 'til it is!

(closed account) says:
As I am issued an E61 for work I would love RTM integration.
Carrying around an iPAQ, E61 and personal phone is getting rather messy.
Carrying around an iPAQ, E61 and personal phone is getting rather messy.

kersti says:
Yes please!

jamiepullman says:
Me too please.

(closed account) says:
symbian_votes++; // =P
I'm using a N73.
I'm using a N73.

(closed account) says:
all the same, S60 here, Nokia E65... :)

(closed account) says:
+1 symbian app.
Or at least google gears for symbian
Or at least google gears for symbian

edwar64896 says:
yup. A native symbian app would be great. Go right along side my gmail app. Native app will allow use of menu keys. Just using html ( means my thumb gets RSI clicking the mouse around. ;-(
native please.
native please.

(closed account) says:
please!! i need it too :)

zstorok says:
+1 for Symbian S60 support
There are so many way to make this work, in no particular order:
- native Symbian application
- Java application
- Nokia Widget (using the new Web Runtime)
- SyncML (all Nokia S60 phones have SyncML support out of the box)
I think SyncML support on the server side might be worthwhile, it would open up so many possibilities for both RTM and its users.
There are so many way to make this work, in no particular order:
- native Symbian application
- Java application
- Nokia Widget (using the new Web Runtime)
- SyncML (all Nokia S60 phones have SyncML support out of the box)
I think SyncML support on the server side might be worthwhile, it would open up so many possibilities for both RTM and its users.

itjgray says:
+1 vote for symbian support. I've just got an N95

saltbar says:
I _demand_ a Symbian version, thank you very much :-)

(closed account) says:
Yes please! S60 version would be sweet! (running N95)

david25 says:
Symbian version would get me salivating all over my e71.
Not literally.
Not literally.

josh.klavir says:
please thrill me with a symbian version and show the world you support Americans who think different about their consumer electronics.

iletunic says:
add another vote for Symbian. Would love to see it on my E61i

rbreton74 says:
I'd upgrade to pro in a minute if i could sync with my N95 (and with my future n96)

mariusmarais says:
I'll upgrade too!
Give us a Symbian app, but also allow syncing with the phone's calendar (via SyncML or something)
Give us a Symbian app, but also allow syncing with the phone's calendar (via SyncML or something)

nanok.bie says:
Yes please, release RTM for Symbian (I got series 60 - nokia e90)
Best regards, Nanok
Best regards, Nanok

loshia says:
+1 :)

mr.zeno says:
you could use a twitter app for symbian! :)

gsbarbieri says:
+1, make it as good as google mail for mobiles (java app that sync via 3g)

calrion says:
+1 Symbian s60 would be great!! (I use the Nokia N82.)
mr.zeno: Are you thinking of any particular s60 Twitter client? I've been using Twibble but don't like it--is there anything better?
mr.zeno: Are you thinking of any particular s60 Twitter client? I've been using Twibble but don't like it--is there anything better?

andy.close says:
I would like to add my name to this list. I have a Nokia N95 8GB and would therefore really appreciate a Symbian version.

artjom99 says:
i am a E61 user and will go pro if java appl. would be available

chris.penfold says:
+1 for RTM on Symbian s60 for my E65

tuan.ta says:
+1 for my N95

yonyonson says:
+1 for S60, Nokia E71 says:
+1 for my new E71

bayger says:
+1 for Nokia N82

jerinjoy says:
Yes! Please get a version ready for Nokia E71

tirone says:
Absolutely! Java or Symbian S60 version would be great!

janastasios says:
Me two (hundred or so)

mokjpn says:
+1 for S60 (I have E71 and E90)

(closed account) says:
add me too. Need the cow on e71

madciapka says:
just plain SyncML - this covers all smart and "dumb" phones at once. And would love to get "pro" but it`s useless without proper support for mobile synchornization

(closed account) says:
I also need a Symbian version of RTM ! Please !! :)

rsaran says:
Im wondering how usefull would be RTM for Nokia 82 Symbian.
I would go to pro version in a minute!
I would go to pro version in a minute!

krzyspia says:
+1 vote for Nokia E61 (Symbian)

(closed account) says:
Another vote for a Symbian version please. Got a N95 8GB and like others here would get a pro account instantly..

phillipmai says:
RTM for symbian to support n95.
I'd upgrade to pro in an instant! oh yes :)
I'd upgrade to pro in an instant! oh yes :)

anton.reva says:
+1 for Nokia N78

mwenyon says:
yes, please!

friedov says:
+1 (E90)

mhoenn says:
Yes, this could be fine!

worldofnic says:
Another N95 user here. is nearly usable... But not good enough(!)

0ranje says:
and yet another e71 user would love this

jmvidalvia says:
E90 here, missing Symbian RTM

roehe says:
another N95 user in need for a symbian version

chaseadam says:
yes please!

anne.helmond says:
Yes please, N95

thmcnutt says:
add me to the list with my e51

stefeq says:
No need for RTM native.
Google Gears for Symbian will solve this
Google Gears for Symbian will solve this

madramoor says:
+1 for this - N95 and wireless keyboard is slowly replacing my laptop for "little meetings"

canha says:
A Symbian version of RTM would be swell.
Nokia E61 here ;)
Nokia E61 here ;)

optip says:
me too. I would certainly use RTM on my N95

timbenjamin says:
I've just got the E71 - are you guys planning to support the Symbian OS?

melizeche says:
N95! i need a Symbian Version!! at least a Java Version compatible!

mark.cullen says:
Please add a version for Symbian, it would make my decision to go Pro very easy.

yichun says:
yes, please for E71

dinesh_ms says:
me too for my N95

pejot says:
me 2 ... e51

robtaylor82 says:
Yes please. E71.
Would upgrade to pro in a heartbeat.
Would upgrade to pro in a heartbeat.

lukeataylor says:
seconded :)

rsaran says:
Nokia version please!!!

memoacosta says:
me too

andrepinto says:
we really need a symbian or a java version for this amazing tool

cmo says:
Hi guys,
Any ETA on this? (This thread's now over ten months old)
Any ETA on this? (This thread's now over ten months old)

renam says:
e51 please!

alexleekt says:

magnus.ericmats says:
e71 please :)

philiptoews says:
e71 please

(closed account) says:
e71 too please :)

(closed account) says:
I don't want an app but sync the inbuilt calendar. As it is now RTM has only a very limited usefulness for me.

mike.haufe says:
An App for E61i would be great! Please!

revsorg says:
+1 for N82

skurt says:
+1 for S60 (Nokia E71)

moombe says:
+1 for S60 (Nokia E71) as well.
Incredible to see how many people are asking for it, and I've seen no single comments from RTM people about this request.....
At 25$/year.... I'm not sure without Symbian platform support that it's worth the money.
Incredible to see how many people are asking for it, and I've seen no single comments from RTM people about this request.....
At 25$/year.... I'm not sure without Symbian platform support that it's worth the money.

sandgrounder says:
Yes please. Symbian, Java or Sync ML. Whatever to get tasks into phone.
About to commit to E71 after 18 months with my N95.
About to commit to E71 after 18 months with my N95.

(closed account) says:
Symbian version, please!!!

mbex says:
Another for Symbian! :~) RTM rocks!

denadai2 says:
Another for Symbian... i have an n95

falecomoalex says:
Por favor, atenda a todos nós usuários da Nokia/Symbian.
Please, try to correspond to all of us Nokia/Symbian´s users. Remember the Milf for us.
Please, try to correspond to all of us Nokia/Symbian´s users. Remember the Milf for us.

(closed account) says:
"Remember the Milf"

ilyaz says:
Please for Symbian!

coredump777 says:
Just bumping, I would love a symbian app so i can get rid of my iphone.

ole.schmitto says:
yes please

gail.quantock says:
Yes, please!
I'm new here and looking at getting the new LG-Dare at contract renewal in Dec with Verizon.
the idea is fabulous! I can eliminate multiple calendars! I've been wanting to have all planning in one place.
I'm new here and looking at getting the new LG-Dare at contract renewal in Dec with Verizon.
the idea is fabulous! I can eliminate multiple calendars! I've been wanting to have all planning in one place.

(closed account) says:
i have nokia e71, and i love RTM - please please please please please RTM for symbians!!!

jorgebauer says:
+1 vote here. :-) Nokia N96

markaitken says:
Another vote. Specifically, I think people would pay $10 on top of a pro account cost to see these features; Offline support for tasks, sync over the air without user intervention (scheduled basis) and importantly the ability to select a paimary connection to use (wifi usually) and a secondary to use (Edge/3G) - Fring does this well, search your tasks, sync your tasks on your Symbian OS calendar (therefore they show up on a mobile calendar and get built in reminders fitting the current Symbian profile), sort tasks by date (asc and desc) and by location by tag by priority, click through to the URL attached to a task, add a URL from your bookmarks to a task, support for keyboard shortcuts would be useful to avoid menu trawling (see the gmail S60 native client), ability to only sync certain tags (probably defined from the client if possible, or the site if required), two way sync. Thanks for a great product guys and gals.

olegi4 says:
+1 - Nokia E51

tatsunoko says:

tkauppin says:
I have also a huge need for Symbian client! Or even a j2me client would be enough for me.

dan.wels says:

golovlev says:
I'll go to pro next day you'll give us the symbian app. Please, we need it! :)

stephanemartin says:
s60 support plizzz
s60 support plizzz

jens.unsinn says:
yep, me too

patrick.fischer says:
me too -- E71

(closed account) says:
"golovlev says:
I'll go to pro next day you'll give us the symbian app. Please, we need it! :)"
Concur. Nokia E71.
I'll go to pro next day you'll give us the symbian app. Please, we need it! :)"
Concur. Nokia E71.

pkhristolubov says:
+1 -- my E71 waits for RTM native.
tomas.rollo -- where are you with the client, it's been months since you asked to stay tuned :))
tomas.rollo -- where are you with the client, it's been months since you asked to stay tuned :))

rastatekk says:
one more vote from E90 user in Germany

(closed account) says:
Yes please! A Symbian RTM app!

axel.hess says:
One vote from my E71, too! I'd love to go Pro when the symbian version arrives.

tonyussel says:

mol35 says:
+1 - n95 8G says:
+ 1, Nokia N95 8GB, please

drchristy says:
My Sony Erc P990i needs This, Please consider

zed72 says:
+1, nokia e71, pleeaaaaase

samolet says:

robboedwards says:
Would love to see this on my n96
Would love to see this on my n96

robsequeira says:
Yes, please -- on an E71

pennzh says:
Yes, please -- on an N95

stephanemartin says:
yeah !

ritwik.roy says:
I'm on an e71. If there was a native app that would sync with RTM and let me access my task lists offline and update them to be synced back later, I would get a pro account.
+1 for symbian app
+1 for symbian app

(closed account) says:
+1, Nokia E71, thank you :)

jfmcleal says:
I have a E71. Would upgrade to pro in a heartbeat if there was native app support.

soumelid says:
+ nokia n95

d.adamos says:
N95 symbian plz! Who uses iphone, anyway?

(closed account) says:
any news for s60 client?

(closed account) says:
Guys, you know this is gonna be a must-have when the N97 comes out early next year!
+1 more vote from my N95
+1 more vote from my N95

joe.kavi says:
1 vote from me

visaonet says:
Another vote for me, would be a Pro deal maker

miesner.lars says:
for me too please

(closed account) says:
for me too E71, almost a year of Posts to this thread and still no response from RTM on this

nsxstorm says:
Count me in for signing up when a symbian version comes (s60 3rd edition phone here)

thawatchai says:
+1 vote, please.

zhangjiantao says:
Yes,I need it.

alexandre.atheniense says:
Me too

thatjoshguy says:
Would also happily upgrade to Pro for a s60 app...

(closed account) says:
Just a me too. Hell, there's no reason why the iPhone specific web page wouldn't work on Symbian, except you block it. Even that would be better than the current generic mobile one.
I signed up for Pro partly on the promise that there would me some love shown to mobile devices, but all I've seen so far is iPhone stuff.
I signed up for Pro partly on the promise that there would me some love shown to mobile devices, but all I've seen so far is iPhone stuff.

gidion.stamp says:
yes, for E71

krishna_ch12 says:
Yes,I need it.

xpoint says:
me to

francisco.cano says:
s60 client?? I need......... :(

philippau says:
Moi aussi !!

maxim.sablev says:

paulo.guedes says:

awilson says:

althausen says:
S60 client! go! go! go! plz!

stian.almaas says:
I am also a Nokia user and would very much like to see a Symbian app. Actually I'm currently looking into the beta of Producteev just because they have a native symbian app.

(closed account) says:

(closed account) says:
+1 symbian

edenmtz says:
+1 symbian s60, pls

trmcculloch says:

dmd1272 says:
Yes, a symbian version or J2ME application would totally rock, I'm testing Upvise at and they have a J2ME for Symbian, LG, Motorola etc and it sync 100% flawlessly, you guys should jump on this make this application part of your PRO package, as an ex-pro member I chose not to renew based on a true lacking mobile experience, its a pitty that only the iphone/itouch users are catered too, them being the minority after, Symbian would be a logical move in my opinion

(closed account) says:
+1 symbian s60 N73

duneplanet says:

dexy.31337 says:
+1 Symbian 9.3 and 9.4 (Nokia 5800)

(closed account) says:
+1 nokia e71 and ipod touch user (that is becuase i can't use only my cel)

wajdis says:
+1 Nokia E65 and E61.

(closed account) says:
RTM client for Symbian. pretty please! (I have a Nokia e51.)

krasnoukhov says:
E61i version please :)

mitchsw says:
+1 for E71!!!
SURELY the demand is high enough. I'd go pro; no question.
SURELY the demand is high enough. I'd go pro; no question.

itts says:

v.kuriy says:

v.kuriy says:
UIQ3 please...

rwielinga says:
I see the voting has been going on for over 2 years, this hasn't produced any results yet?

ufukcc says:
it's quite unbelievable that rtm still does not support symbian. i have an e71 and it would fit so well with rtm that i find it sad that there is no support yet.

golovlev says:
RTM team, where are you?..

hananh says:
Yes please for the Nokia 5800 :-)

baronofhell says:
Make a s60 version and I'll buy the pro version. Some people don't use iphones. Though it is a nice phone, it'll cost me $50 more a month and limit me in ways I'm not cool with. So come on and put out a app for the rest of us and cover all your bases.

vynogradov says:
+1 for 5800

(closed account) says:
Nokia N96 here.
I Would defiantly upgrade to PRO if it becomes available.
I Would defiantly upgrade to PRO if it becomes available.

cameroncook says:
I just switched to S60, this is a great platform for a new RTM version. Many thanks!

ritwik.roy says:
I've recently had an API request approved for a symbian app that syncs to RTM :)
currently I'm really busy though, so I'll start serious work on it in a week or 2...when i have something simple running perhaps i could post back here and get a few brave soldiers to test it and suggest changes.
currently I'm really busy though, so I'll start serious work on it in a week or 2...when i have something simple running perhaps i could post back here and get a few brave soldiers to test it and suggest changes.

ufukcc says:
@ ritwik.roy: if you manage to come out with something, i think there will be more than enough people to test it and give you feedback. just start a new project on "google codes" and it will be much easier for all of us to track your work and help. that will surely be very much appreciated.

jorgebergson says:
Nokia E65 here.
I Would defiantly upgrade to PRO if it becomes available.
I Would defiantly upgrade to PRO if it becomes available.

daryltask says:
Nokia N95
I Would defiantly upgrade to PRO NOW if it became available!!
I Would defiantly upgrade to PRO NOW if it became available!!

martintmlss says:
E71 +1 !!!

dsteiger says:
I would love that!

mike.challen says:
Yes please; there must be plenty of demand from the massive S60 (symbian) user-base

(closed account) says:
+1 (E71)
Question to RTM Team, how many votes for S60 app do you need?
Question to RTM Team, how many votes for S60 app do you need?

(closed account) says:
Emily (Remember The Milk) please give us a hope... that some day we would be using RTM on our nokia phones... using nice native app...

(closed account) says:
I wont be renewing my Pro membership when it expires in a few months if there's still no progress - we've had *2* iPhone interfaces in the meantime (web-based & native app), plus MilkSync for a few other platforms.
I don't need a full app, a better web-based one would be more than sufficient for me (although a native app would rock!)
The current mobile web page doesn't even work properly, if you have more than 10 items in a list you can click "more" but then there's no button to go back to the previous 10!
I don't need a full app, a better web-based one would be more than sufficient for me (although a native app would rock!)
The current mobile web page doesn't even work properly, if you have more than 10 items in a list you can click "more" but then there's no button to go back to the previous 10!

jgunst says:
A Symbian app would be excellent! I recently bought a Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, so a version that supports S60 5th edition, as well as 3rd edition, would be the best. The mobile online version of RTM is workable, but too simple for modern mobile phones with large displays.
Either way, thank you for the work you are doing on RTM, it's a great product and really useful!
Either way, thank you for the work you are doing on RTM, it's a great product and really useful!

tppk925 says:
I add my vote too.

reload says:
Yes, pleas make an symbian s60 verison!

(closed account) says:
...and one for the e71. Would be great!

antti.makkonen says:
Yes please.

mennoberens says:
count me in for N96

ed_lin says:
Please... for my Nokia E71

letadlo says:
yeees- i need it for my N82

(closed account) says:
yes, please!

jarrod says:
I would upgrade to pro if there was a version for N82

kuntau says:
+1 need it for my 5800 XM!

unicell says:
yes! please~~

(closed account) says:
Wow, it´s incredible how much time has passed since people started asking for a symbian version... we´re about to leave our N95´s to get next generation of N series like N97 and still no response... pffff... shame...

markme says:
Symbian version needed...

milos.pavlovic says:
+1 for Symbian

dcelzinga says:
I would love a Symbian (3rd ed. here)

dcelzinga says:
Correction: I would love a Symbian version of Remember the Milk PRO (Symbian S60 3rd ed here).

roods says:
+1 says my 5800

vynogradov says:
Using RTM all time. Would be a fav app on my 5800.

orteipps says:
yes! for my Nokia n85

dominic.soon says:
Would go Pro for a Symbian version of the app. Using a Nokia e71.
I know the iPhone is cool, but there must be something for people who use the alternatives!
I know the iPhone is cool, but there must be something for people who use the alternatives!

(closed account) says:
if you guys get a s60 v1 and v2 app i am pretty sure you would have many more pro users i know i would

turkeyphant says:
My N95 says yum yum.

flez says:
Just think of all that revenue..
I would upgrade..
I would upgrade..

nostressman says:
i would like rtm on my e71 (david from belgium)
in advance thanks a lot!
in advance thanks a lot!

(closed account) says:
cool !!!!!

maconrua says:
please make rtm work with symbian!....

gmp042 says:
that would be very useful for many :-/
that would be very useful for many :-/

briztak says:
15 months asking for a symbian version and nothing at all. This is a waste of time.
The appropriate way to synchronize this stuff is exporting a sync xml services as on to synchronize google calendar.
The appropriate way to synchronize this stuff is exporting a sync xml services as on to synchronize google calendar.

luciano.torres says:
Give me an API documentation and let me do it!
I can sign a NDA...
I can sign a NDA...

monkeyontherun says:
Need one for my E51

daioh says:
Yeah, me too!!!

butze says:
+ Sony Ericsson P1i UIQ3

yell says:
+1 from Moscow

bsrawat says:
I would love RTM on my Nokia 5800 (S60 touch 5th edition).

phillipmai says:
I'd like this also for nokia 5800 s60v5 please!!

awilson says:
OK financial incentive time. I promise to buy RTM Pro once there is a S60v5 app ready. If you need testers let me know.

spencertsai1022 says:
+1 here. Need a Symbian version for sure, thanks.

shaitan says:

rsaran says:

cecruzmo says:

dan.sinha says:

javier.alfonso says:

sirmax says:
+100 :-)) E51. If you need testers, let me know.

(closed account) says:
I'd definitely go pro if there was a s60 app for rtm. Equally, there's no way I'd go pro without it.

doug.morgan says:
If you look at the other Symbian thread:
It looks like a team of college kids already has a working symbian app....
It looks like a team of college kids already has a working symbian app....

truesilvo says:
Once the sync with my E51 is possible, you will have a pro subscriber for life! Promise! :D

scarab3k says:
+1 E51

patifa says:
+1 E71

gtto says:
+1 symbian s60 3rd FP2

karolx says:

joao.clemencio says:
+1 for E51
these guys are already working on the software! lend them a hand!
these guys are already working on the software! lend them a hand!

sgilson says:
+ 1 for Nokia 5800

janet76g says:
+1 e71

hyldon says:
+2: e71 and n95

(closed account) says:
Nokia E71 PLEASE !!! :D

freenerd says:
+1 for E51
Add it to the Pro-Account and i'll instantly buy one
Add it to the Pro-Account and i'll instantly buy one

(closed account) says:
Weird indeed that they added the iPhone, Blackberry and even Windows Mobile, but forgot the most widely used mobile system: Symbian! And within Symbian, Nokia/S60 is the most used version, so please a RTM version for Symbian phones?

dan.quigan says:
seconding this request.
nokia 6220 classic
nokia 6220 classic

milad says:
+1 :D
I sold my iphone :( I need something manage me :D
I sold my iphone :( I need something manage me :D

jmetillon says:
+1 N95 8GB !

nickolev says:
Symbian PLEASEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

markodvornik says:

heathweaver says:
Another +1 for Symbian (E71)

alexnoguera says:

(closed account) says:
Symbian please!!

dafidek says:
symbian +1 (E51)

axelotl says:
Symbian please!!

brunovilar says:
Symbian.. (5800)

torgrim says:
Symbian +1

ftilliere says:
for N95 + 1 please please please

jordell says:

flohr.yoel says:
for E71 pls!!!!!!

sgilson says:
First request was on December 2007 ...
1 year and a half later nothing has come out ...
Is there someone out there?
1 year and a half later nothing has come out ...
Is there someone out there?

munyard says:
Hi, it is rumored that Symbian on many Nokia phones will be replaced with a Mobile Linux of some sort but until then I would very much like to have a remberthemilk application for my Nokia E71. - Thanks.

gcichowski says:
e71 !!!!!!

ferro100 says:
For sure... It is a shame that there is no RTM for Symbiam...

mwgrl5 says:
There remains a constant desire for RTM on S60 devices. S60 devices outnumber all other smartphones. Why has there been zero response from the RTM team?

anielson says:
I do want this too.

neil.venn says:
I also want RTM for symbian S60 for my Nokia E61i

pennyg says:

seb.palmer says:
Yes please for me! (But I do find the mobile interface almost as handy)

(closed account) says:
one vote from me

antoniogra7 says:
I want to use RTM on my 5800 without the simple mobile version please!

dragost says:
+1 for E71

razum says:
I also want RTM for symbian uiq3 for my SE M600i

alystair says:
I'd actually use RTM if there was a Symbian app I could use on my E71 (and soon, perhaps an E72). Hook us up with a beta version already!

christopher.grebs says:
+5 for S60 3rd version!

nunoepls says:
One more vote for a Symbian S60 version.
Symbian is the no1 smartphone platform in the world. Despite the recent popularity of other platforms such as the iPhone and Android it still commands the worl market by far.
It is used not only in Nokia phones but also in many Samsung and Sony/Ericsson models.
An RTM client for this platform would undoubtedly increase the number of RTM users as well as public awareness to the product.
Please do consider investing some time into this.
Also, Symbian will be open sourced soon, so another plus factor for it.
Symbian is the no1 smartphone platform in the world. Despite the recent popularity of other platforms such as the iPhone and Android it still commands the worl market by far.
It is used not only in Nokia phones but also in many Samsung and Sony/Ericsson models.
An RTM client for this platform would undoubtedly increase the number of RTM users as well as public awareness to the product.
Please do consider investing some time into this.
Also, Symbian will be open sourced soon, so another plus factor for it.

efelcie says:
+1 S60 3rd

arpit.jain says:
+1 for S60

meryll says:
+ 1 thanks for all s60 3rd

raskolnikov says:
+1 s60 3rd

rdukat says:
+1 Please..

christoph.ploedt says:
+ 2 S60 3rd

slimor says:
and one on s60 for me!

joyfalula says:
ill jump on the bandwagon too! An S60 app would be a dream come true, id be perfectly happy to to upgrade to a pro account instantly. I hope an app is released ASAP!

juev says:
and me too, pls
nokia 5800
nokia 5800

wmchoe says:
and me too, E71

danielbruno says:
One more in the line!

(closed account) says:
s60 would be ever so great, please! I would upgrade to Pro if it was available for S60

elvista says:
E71 ftw~

kurmannr says:
swiss german please.

calixtolanz says:
yes please, we need a symbian app for rtm

nefgarcia says:
why do iphones get all the attention
please support symbian!
please support symbian!

mmahut says:

jackyzuo says:

shane1 says:
Yes please, +1 for S60

chlettn says:
Yeah, I'd like a version for Symbian S60 v5 too (5800 XM user here) - maybe at least a Nokia WebRuntime Widget? Those are extremely easy to code (basically just HTML, CSS, JS), appear as normal apps in the menu, have access to calendar etc data on the phone etc. Perfect for RTM imho.
Some infos about WRT:
Some infos about WRT:

sciamachy says:
Aside from anything else, Symbian S60 is the most widely used phone OS in the world. It's kind of a no-brainer that if you should offer an iPhone app & a Windows Mobile version, you need to cover S60 too. Why stick to the minorities?

(closed account) says:
Please do something for us Symbian users! I would pay top dollar to get service on my E71 with RTM. Please consider us! It's been a while since the first request about 2 years!!

skymac says:
Please für the E71 !!!

skymac says:
i mean for E71 ;-)

thebrownhaze says:
yeah, I am not going to use remember the milk without one.

pierluigipro says:
I have Nokia E71, I,ve seen in this page that the first request of RTM for Symbian was in 2007, the last is few days ago: why RTM don't mind of Symbian users

teo.bon says:
I vote for this feature too.
Especially for Symbian 9.4 (with touch screen support)
Especially for Symbian 9.4 (with touch screen support)

(closed account) says:
Yes. Please for Nokia E51

(closed account) says:
Yes, please the Noka E71

gdiguardo says:
Yes, please for Nokia E70

hkas says:
and for my Samsung i8910 too!!!! :)))

missgaijin says:
+1 nokia 5800

sreejith_sasi says:
nokia E71 please

bccarthur says:
Crazy this doesn't exist yet.
+1 N97
+1 N97

(closed account) says:
+1 vote. Nokia e71

ruyk says:
+1 N97

lrei says:
+1 Symbian S60 (nokia n97)
Yeah it's crazy that there's a version for winmo, iphone and not for symbian.
Yeah it's crazy that there's a version for winmo, iphone and not for symbian.

qoqosz says:
+1 Symbian S60 v3. Nokia N96.

mitchsw says:
+1 E71. Come on, how many posts do we need until it is considered!?

lexdu says:
+1 E63 please :'(

amroth says:
+1 E65 please and make it usable for non pro's as well

ali.shams says:
5800. Thanks

manuela.dominici says:

jose.rojas says:
+1 ME TOO!
Nokia E71
Nokia E71

carsten.thiele says:
+1 S60 3rd (E65) please!

pablo.speciale says:
+1 S60 3rd (E65) too, please!

robinholemos89 says:
+1 S60 3rd (N78), please!

jonbrett says:
As posted above a web runtime widget seems the most simple approach. However, it is only available on newer Nokia phones (S60 3rd edition feature pack 2 and above). Sadly I and probably many others have earlier versions of S60.
I was considering developing an application, since I have a little bit of experience in Symbian apps. However, that was UIQ and a few years ago, so I will have get up to speed with current S60 stuff. Is this worth my while, or is the RTM working on something already?
I was considering developing an application, since I have a little bit of experience in Symbian apps. However, that was UIQ and a few years ago, so I will have get up to speed with current S60 stuff. Is this worth my while, or is the RTM working on something already?

radanisk says:
+1 Nokia E51

peterpaar says:
so bussiness users have a e71 etc.
please: a symbian version of rtm,
would be great
so bussiness users have a e71 etc.
please: a symbian version of rtm,
would be great

daniel.jarr says:
I need RTM for Nokia 5800 Xpressmusic. Then I have a full sync of googlecalender-RTM-5800. So please do it!

david.landau says:
sync my E63! (still hoping...)

tommycnbj says:
e71 need

moominman says:
*Please* create RTM for Symbian S60 so that I don't need to consider defecting to other to-do list software. This thread has been going on for almost two years, and still no evidence of any progress towards a Symbian version!

l0cutus says:
Please make a symbian app to manage rtm natively thanks !

johnjwhelan says:
S60's been around longer than the iphone - please make an app available for us too.

juanerasmoe says:
+1. 5800 app please

muzzle says:
+1 nokia e51

felipehummel says:
I'm very sad that remember the milk now have a Android application and still nothing for Symbian...
Come on...
Come on...

kapilreddy says:
Yes i vote for S60 app :)

alcaudon66 says:
Another vote (Nokia 6210) Will renew my pro subscription

reaf says:
+1 (5800)

(closed account) says:
+1 for me as well (n95)

(closed account) says:
A J2ME app for symbian really does make sense. The market for symbian is far bigger worldwide than the iphone & google android. Even though the mobile site is OK, it doesn't compare to actually having a proper app.

(closed account) says:
It will be great for most Chinese users if it supports S60. I am using 5800

gslaboch says:
+1 (for 5800)

dmd1272 says:
Guys c'mon every single platform except Symbian has a Remember the Milk, how come its taken soooo long, Symbian has tons of users ready to go Pro, check out my post over at Nokia-Tips

(closed account) says:
+1 for Nokia E71 (and E61)

bodi002 says:
2009 and we still wait :(

oliparcol says:

matt_stabeler says:
Me too :)

peter.phidden says:

joaoguerrasantos says:
Nokia N96, N97 and 5800 XPress Music
One more count to add to the list
One more count to add to the list

(closed account) says:
I guess us NokNerds bought the wrong phone! Does anyone at RTM really read these pleas?
Still I'll join in to promise, promise, promise to Upgrade to Pro the instant an RTM client is available (no thx on sync). Heck, if anyone at RTM even hinted that they're working on it, I'd pop for Pro and sign up to be a tester. As others pointed out, I also think RTM is leaving Nokia money on the table chasing after the JesusPhone-ies. Still love RTM - and Nokia :)
Still I'll join in to promise, promise, promise to Upgrade to Pro the instant an RTM client is available (no thx on sync). Heck, if anyone at RTM even hinted that they're working on it, I'd pop for Pro and sign up to be a tester. As others pointed out, I also think RTM is leaving Nokia money on the table chasing after the JesusPhone-ies. Still love RTM - and Nokia :)

sp1tf1r3 says:
+1 for this :)

jostmart says:
+1 E71

arbe says:
Hi folks
I'm a new user of RTM, and I'm amazed with it.
I discovered RTM searching information about GTD method, and both them are a deep change in my live nowadays.
As well I've changed my mobile phone, a Nokia N85, only two days ago, and.... Really there isn't RTM for symbian ? It's surprising, strange... RTM is everywhere anyway... and not for Nokia mobiles ?
Please, tell me it's a joke !
I'm a new user of RTM, and I'm amazed with it.
I discovered RTM searching information about GTD method, and both them are a deep change in my live nowadays.
As well I've changed my mobile phone, a Nokia N85, only two days ago, and.... Really there isn't RTM for symbian ? It's surprising, strange... RTM is everywhere anyway... and not for Nokia mobiles ?
Please, tell me it's a joke !

juanerasmoe says:
I'll go pro for a S60 v5 (nokia 5800) version

jose.rojas says:
The worst: Any response from RTM people..
Symbian is one of the most used mobile OS versions worldwide!
Symbian is one of the most used mobile OS versions worldwide!

danielneves says:
Pleaseee. I need it on my E71 ! It would be perfect!

carcam says:
My pro account is about to end and as I have changed my phone to a Symbian one, I am afraid I wouldn't renew my membership if I can't sync my tasks. Actually I have not logged in since I got my new phone.

dbacar says:
I would need it for my e52. Would be perfect...

jose.rojas says:
In fact, Symbian is more popular that Android (but less fancy, right?)

(closed account) says:
please, a symbian version - at least some java version for all the java enabled phones out there

antti.vuorela says:
Just make the iPhone-version ( available for other advanced mobile browsers too.

ramakro says:
count me too
for E71
for E71

mike.challen says:
RTM do not appear to be playing ...
How can we get Symbian developers onto this one?
There's clearly huge demand for a Symbian version of RTM.
Tell you developer friends! [discussions_europe_nokia_com]
How can we get Symbian developers onto this one?
There's clearly huge demand for a Symbian version of RTM.
Tell you developer friends! [discussions_europe_nokia_com]

lloydhazlett says:
Another pledge of a pro membership if this eventuates - wanted for e71.

sbabybird says:
Nokia E71
please !

frederick.henderson says:
One more vote for a RTM client for Symbian. I have a Nokia E51 that I would love to have RTM on.

dmd1272 says:
+1 on this "Just make the iPhone-version ( available for other advanced mobile browsers too." if no app is coming

ultrapasty says:
Please, please please!
Nokia 5530 - Have you seen how cack the task manager is on this phone? I'd go pro!
Nokia 5530 - Have you seen how cack the task manager is on this phone? I'd go pro!

mir_lww says:
+1 on this .
Once the RTM client for Symbian comes out,I'll buy a Symbian Phone immediatly~~
Once the RTM client for Symbian comes out,I'll buy a Symbian Phone immediatly~~ says:
Has gone on long enough... where is the app? What good is it having my nokia todo list on the go and a rtm entry on the computer saying 'check phone todo list'. People all but live off their phones and a large percent of phone users are on symbian platforms.. it boggles my mind..

raptor3000 says:
+1 come on guys (& women ;) ), give us a symbian rtm app...i promise, there will be lot of new pro users on rtm as they are now...i`m one of them...
PS: you're making a great job
PS: you're making a great job

greatorlangur says:
i have pro account.
+1 on e71.
Come on!
+1 on e71.
Come on!

urbanofreitas. says:
+1 on e71

rgalonso says:
and one

cduplar says:
+1 on e61. cmon, almost two years from the first request, plz give us this Christmas gift ;)

vishal.bhide says:
+1 for nokia n82. pls pls pls

jabar004 says:
+1 for nokia 5530 (symbian v5)

(closed account) says:

(closed account) says:

mf_amber says:
+1, nokia 6120c

jaime.silva says:
// NOKIA N95!
// NOKIA N95!

ak1000 says:
N97 please!!

ak1000 says:
S60v5 please.....

xxjohnboy says:
nok 5800. jusy got it!!!

arie.duister says:
E71 please!

gabriele.lanaro says:
nokia 5800
+1 !
+1 !

anton.krasikov says:
It would be great to have a native Symbian S60 app for Remember The Milk, or at least some way of synchronization.

ingegnis says:
+1 N79

(closed account) says:
E55 +1

vaithy says:
+1 for nokia e71... please I am tired of searching for this...give a reply...

themeaton says:
If it's been 2 years and no response, my guess is that it isn't going to happen... someone should probably code their own and release as freeware

jjm02351 says:
Yes, Symbian version please....E63

sanjay.pednekar says:
me too for my nokia e61

(closed account) says:
want this, for my e71.

kiketom says:
me too

lisa.reimer says:
+1. 5800 Touch

(closed account) says:
Symbian version please

marcosamartinelli says:
me too!
Nokia 5800 - S60v5
Nokia 5800 - S60v5

staurasi says:
Nokia E65
Nokia E65

dekov says:
Yes please!

oscar.arita says:
Yes please, E71

(closed account) says:
yes please, e72

wanchito10 says:
It wold be great for my E66. When it woul be possible?? Pleaaaaaase!!!

el_salmon says:
Please, we need a Symbian version! (Nokia E51 in my case)

crewmanek says:
Pls mee too (Nokia 5800) thx

balint.pato says:
+1 for nokia e51

krskauli says:
+1 E71

(closed account) says:
+1 for nokia 5800

(closed account) says:
+yet another nokia 5800

(closed account) says:
Android? you're joking.
+1 for Symbian version.
+1 for Symbian version.

(closed account) says:
For nokia 5800 plzz!!!!!!

eustaquiorangel says:
+1 for Symbian, I bought a E75 and will be very cool have a RTM app on it. :-)

malimali says:

dgiscool says:
+1 for Symbian version

doors_virgil says:
Add another request for Symbian version,

airigoite says:
+1 nokia 5530

scottmail says:
Please =(
Please =(

koenfehrmann says:
Yes please!!!!!!

(closed account) says:

royverwig says:
Yes, please for my Nokia N86!

phani.kiran says:
Please please please get this product released for Symbian...please

andres.freese says:
I`m another potential user using a Nokia Xpress Music 5800. Please...!!

(closed account) says:
+1 for Symbian version!

pri_barros says:
Using a Nokia N82 (S60 v3) !!!
Using a Nokia N82 (S60 v3) !!!

trilliput says:

daluiz says:
Symbian! please! and make it Touch :D (Nokia 5800)

olalin says:
I vote +++
using nokia e90
using nokia e90

(closed account) says:
pls. E71

fernando.belo says:
If I had a good S60 3rd (Nokia E51) version, I'd got a pro account.

mistermartin75 says:
Symbian is the most widely used mobile platform, so I'm actually a bit flabbergasted there isn't one yet.
Symbian is the most widely used mobile platform, so I'm actually a bit flabbergasted there isn't one yet.

barskya says:
+1 for my n97 :)
(dont forget touch screen!)
(dont forget touch screen!)

mantees says:
I need it for my 5800!

karpov says:
It would be great to have it for e52. A good reason to upgrade to 'Pro' version.

cescllp says:
I vote too for my 5800XM

cykelmyggen says:
I second versioning to symbian

elvista says:
I (n+1)th

(closed account) says:
Definitely want that. I will go pro when it becomes Symbian S60 compatible.

psavelev says:
+1 yes please, nokia 5800xm

christinapape says:
would be fantastic having in on s60

kaianil says:
I support this need

gabriel.meono says:
Make it reality!

ezomerdijk says:

grso says:
Yes Please
(por favor - : Brazil)
(por favor - : Brazil)

(closed account) says:
Anyone with a solution for this problem? symbian and rtm

mikael.kermorgant says:

malcolmking82 says:
yes please

jcarloz says:
+1 for nokia 5530 (touchscreen)

atcevik says:
please please please

(closed account) says:
need it for nokia 5800 please

chrisbenninger says:
Me too please! e71

oliparcol says:

kiketom says:

saranin says:

sagrath79 says:
Another one

av42 says:

(closed account) says:

ashish.dasnurkar says:
How many more ppl need to ask RTM on symbian for RTM team to realize a need for this?

johannes.friesen says:

darrengoddard says:
returning to rtm following gtd epiphany and am surprised to find no support for symbian after it seems several years and several hundred requests. am i missing something here. i shifted from windows mobile to symbian for many reasons but my primary one was for support for web based products such as rtm.
my nokia 5800 is loney without rtm sync so please add my +1 vote...
my nokia 5800 is loney without rtm sync so please add my +1 vote...

oren.tsur says:
me too, it it counts.

ariel.bardach says:
another vote, with ashish.dasnurkar´s words in my mouth

a.grinevsky says:
I want Symbian version too

aldar.ruslan says:
+1 5800

(closed account) says:

polocanada says:
Yes!! Please symbian version please!!

polocanada says:
Nokia E71

(closed account) says:
s60 3rd edition plz.... or a sync

richard.hagebeuk says:
please +1

(closed account) says:
pleeeease +1

macjob says:
for nokia 5800 or 5530

(closed account) says:
Any idea what this is

patrickchan7 says:
s60 E71 please!

simone.keijzer says:
nokia x6, pleeeeeease!

dennis.melentyev says:
Mee tooooo....:)

yelnakaz says:
N95 needs help remembering

ionut.iortoman says:
meeee toooooooooooooooooooooooo

guenni09 says:
Is there any new issues on this? HAs anybody a shareware available?

kschulst says:
N95 here... symbian version please :-)

skorianez says:
E71 please.

myyumee says:
what about this ?

polocanada says:
This application doesn't do anything, it's just a link to the website.
Waste of time.
This application doesn't do anything, it's just a link to the website.
Waste of time.

polocanada says:
all of them are just links to website.
We need normal application.
all of them are just links to website.
We need normal application.

gidion.stamp says:
Nokia E72

free0u says:

paulocoghi says:
+1 ExpressMusic (5530) here!
Symbian version please :-)
Symbian version please :-)

mir_lww says:
I've got a new E63 ~~

oso.pandra says:
+1 Nokia 5530
Come on guys! Symbian version is really needed!
Come on guys! Symbian version is really needed!

egbert.pot says:
+1 Nokia E51

tomsteenhorst says:
+1 Nokia E71
Nokia is still the MOST used phone worldwide!!!!!!!
Please ad a symbian version. It's simple logic!!!!!
Nokia is still the MOST used phone worldwide!!!!!!!
Please ad a symbian version. It's simple logic!!!!!

janitux says:
do eeeettt pleasee :)

johannes.friesen says:
+1 Nokia 6300

leosanchez says:
+1 Nokia 6120

yweissig says:

thiyagaraj says:
+1 *sigh*

zerolimits says:
n95, n97, n900 the phones can handle it of course!
The users are also ready!
n95, n97, n900 the phones can handle it of course!
The users are also ready!

sokolssu says:
+1. This will make my satisfaction of e72 complete

rafal.slomian says:
+1, please

snom says:
+1, Nokia E72

siebe_r says:
+1, please (I use E71 as well as E52)

lawrence.liang says:
I would love to have that app.
With off-line use capability....
With off-line use capability....

markus.grebenstein says:
Nokia E72 also. I'd love to have it! Thanks a milion times

mwegrzynek says:

brunoburilli says:

gstiebler says:

vivian_h2so4 says:

pcwiek says:
I will also go PRO if my e71 could run RTM! 4 sure!!

aks.abhishek says:
+1 For my E71.

withnonick says:
+1 nokia 5530

luizfelippe says:

loxybjorn says:
+1 for E71/E72

zeepokje says:
*sigh* been following this whole thing for 2 years and still nothing. but.. if you don't vote you can't complain.
please please please a RTM app for symbian!
really... how hard can it be?
Damn Iphone...damn android :(
please please please a RTM app for symbian!
really... how hard can it be?
Damn Iphone...damn android :(

ashwinuae says:

brobban says:
+1 for Nokia N97

liankai says:
Moi aussi :)

qlizard says:

ellis.miller says:
I'm using E71 and would really, really like this. I'd gladly buy Pro.

rishabh9 says:
+1 for E51

(closed account) says:
This would be great...E71

pascalquaiser says:

vmaaxt says:
yes please. E63

shofifi says:

pedfuego says:
symbian version please, X6

gramilla says:

bisnaguete says:
please! n70 here!

rucabaca says:
E71 single looks for eternal relationship w/ RTM.
Subject serious.
Subject serious.

aortac says:

crewmanek says:
OK i must migrate to Android, nokia just dying and symbian too

mpkossen says:
Ehm, not really:
Symbian is used by more users than all other smart phones combined. And it's not dying. It's being actively developed.
Symbian is used by more users than all other smart phones combined. And it's not dying. It's being actively developed.

(closed account) says:
me too...

dooza says:
My vote for RTM on Nokia 5800 please

feeuoo says:
RTM on Nokia 5800 +1

pallavi.desai says:
My vote for symbian support.

geetpurwar says:
Yes, please E63 here!!

imuma says:
2 years ago……

pemrose says:
Series 60v5 please :)

puppe says:
E71 please

goffe.jensma says:
symbian please

zloomi says:

mornpine says:

nikolavp says:

billy.bons says:

gilmar says:

(closed account) says:
+ 1

mad2k says:
me too

karmenlv says:
N97 mini :)

oscar78it says:
you'll bet your shoes i want it.

murlokotam says:

guice says:

fabiozb says:
Me too !!

ebarbeito says:

yuki.imamura says:
For Nokia 5800!!!

mornpine says:
Symbian please!!!!!!

fabrizietto says:
+1 !!!

galdir says:
me too!

galdir says:
A java version to access the tasks offline!

jatinkapadia says:
+1 for Symbian or Java app

vlad84 says:
очень даже нужно!

buur says:
yes please

trueadmin says:
i need too
i need too

ummeed.coo says:

christian.maasem says:
Symbian version for Nokia 5800, please. =)

mattia.cococcioni says:
me too!

dnamurphy says:
please, please, please! How many +1's do we need before RTM think there's enough demand?!

alvarop says:
Nokia 5800 pleeeeeease!!!

xpb says:
Me too! I'd pro in a second.

flusi100 says:
plz e71

gchazalon says:
As the universe is not only made of IPhone OS, a symbian app would be most welcome...
My 2 cents.
My 2 cents.

(closed account) says:

thelord says:

(closed account) says:

mnacharekar says:

mwerber says:

adam.kucharczyk says:
isn't it important? 600+ people ask for a symbian/java client... Me too, of course. Nokia sells MILLIONS of their phones, still MUCH more than Apple would ever imagine, and a lot of business people wouldn't give their N95 iPhone! And what about Sony Ericsson? javaME app would open RTM to nex few millions of possible customers, who have e.g SE Naite (my second phone, now called low-end, but two-three years ago you would call it top shelf product...) wit unlimited data transfer plan.
When you cannot access your do-do list with one shortcut, it has no value.
When you cannot access your do-do list with one shortcut, it has no value.

tookiq says:
+1 Nokia E52

mkuchin says:
Definitely need Symbian/java client for this great online app. Will paid for it for sure!

emergugue says:
Yeaah, me too!

la_sadica says:
my poor n97 would love to see a symbian version, too. pleeeeeeaaaase!

honteone says:

nfaze says:
Need RTM for symbian :(

falco.paul says:
Symbian ... the final frontier!

zasq says:
+1 (5800 ME)

daliusd says:
I'm previewing possibility to write such application (there is big chance that I will do it unless there will be legal problems to do that). If you are interested please let me know about that in more details:

mpkossen says:
I'm previewing it as well, but I'm still in the early stages on getting to know Qt. I'll post any updates in here (that'll be long before I actually start working on it).

drivememad says:
I can't believe there's no symbian app for RTM!!!
I'm willing to upgrade to a PRO account if the Symbian app is released to pro users.
I'm willing to upgrade to a PRO account if the Symbian app is released to pro users.

strindevallhem says:
Me too

msikor says:
Me too!!!
RTM, there are 30% Symbian users out there!
RTM, there are 30% Symbian users out there!

jenek200sx says:
And me!))

crazyprog says:

zangzhw says:

ivangarciaberjano says:

nandita.da says:

glaubereller says:
Rtm for symbian!!!

(closed account) says:
Yes, RTM for symbian is very good idea. I'm waiting for it.

ak1000 says:
Bitte bitte macht doch eine Version für Symbian^3...............
RTM fehlt als letztes meinem Nokia N8...................
Please RTM for Symbian^3
RTM fehlt als letztes meinem Nokia N8...................
Please RTM for Symbian^3

davidbrake says:

leandrocp says:
I ´d upgrade for premium if it was releasead.

gzevspero says:

bheetebrij says:
+1 for Symbian^3...
Development with Qt and your API should not be too difficutl.
I am already a Premium member, but my continuation will depend on there being an app for Symbian^3. Please make it happen.
Development with Qt and your API should not be too difficutl.
I am already a Premium member, but my continuation will depend on there being an app for Symbian^3. Please make it happen.

ka_oe says:
+ 1 für N 97

ryjovm says:

markonya79 says:
+1 for Nokia C5

nihat.akdemir says:
+1 for Nokia E Series ( esp. for E63 )

tliner says:
+1 Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease

andrea.fatica says:
yes please

zombieff says:
+1 for Nokia 5230

bobbus says:

shocklateboy92 says:

salim.elakoui says:
Me too

anilanar says:
I really need something like that for my N95, too. +1

bertyno says:
Me too

kalats says:
+1 for symbian

maicoldelvalle says:
+1 Nokia 5530

asiating says:
+1 5800

ameenrashad says:

rodislav says:

(closed account) says:
+1 N85

michael.phitides says:
+ 1

mustard5 says:
supported on Nokia N95 plz!

I love RTM but hate that I can't use it properly on my Nokia N8. The web app is a very poor substitute and I find it so frustrating I've stopped using it. I get by with syncing tasks to my goggle calendar then to my phone but its not ideal. Please can you stop ignoring the Nokia/Symbian community and develop something for us. At which point I for one will upgrade to pro.

niek63 says:

meditative says:

(closed account) says:

notjhoan says:
hey how about vivaz pro?

coenox says:
Yes, please. Desperately need it for my Nokia N8

fav.vieira says:
+1 please!

bertyno says:
+1 pleaseeeeeeeeeeee!

akhcsuona says:
+1 too.. by the way... dont forget about symbians we are here still..

pri_barros says:
Haven't been using RTM for a while, because of the lack of a Symbian app.
Now I've just bought a Nokia N8 and guess what? Still no Symbian app!!!
Seems I'll never be using RTM again...
Now I've just bought a Nokia N8 and guess what? Still no Symbian app!!!
Seems I'll never be using RTM again...

vladimir.koshelev says:

(closed account) says:

fav.vieira says:
+ 1 I agree pri_barros

mkfnx says:
If there is still someone interested in a Symbian (only for S^3 because it's based on Qt components) RTM app I made one during my school's vacations and made it available on Ovi Store
The app only provides basic functionality: add (smart add), complete, postpone (+1 day) and delete, but I plan to add features in future releases. For now, think of the app like a substitute for (some of) the functions of the mobile website, but with a prettier interface.
Hope it can be useful for someone ;)
The app only provides basic functionality: add (smart add), complete, postpone (+1 day) and delete, but I plan to add features in future releases. For now, think of the app like a substitute for (some of) the functions of the mobile website, but with a prettier interface.
Hope it can be useful for someone ;)

sferrecc says:

gacastroc says:
+ 1 billion

vollstecker says:
+1 (Nokia E71)

pinterkarimandras says:
+1 (Nokia E71)

erikgson says:
+1 nokia n8

dweepvaidya says:
+1 S60v3

gianckarlo says:
+1 nokia 5800

dgm1971 says:
+1 nokia n78

xxjohnboy says:
it ain't gonna happen....

kostin.alek says:
+1 for Nokia 5230

white_wolf_azar says:
Yes please!
nokia 5800
nokia 5800

kalats says:
+1 for Nokia 700

erach.ahmedov says:
+1 for Nokia E72

xiaoliang_zhou says:
+1 for C6-01

solar.olya says:

miroslav.kopp says:
Yes I need this application for nokia N8 and not just me .....!!
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