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MilkSync for BlackBerry

dmd1272 says:
To the RTM triad, this is perhaps the best time to jump on the Blackberry boom as its already begun, right now there is no application on the market that has the integration your application has, Google Gear, Gmail, Google Calendar, emailing task, IM Reminders, all the aforementioned technologies are very well represented on the Blackberry platform, now all we need is either a Milk Sync for Blackberry or better yet a full blown RTM blackberry application to really blow the lid of the competition, of course this would be a PRO feature but the community support would be there guaranteed. What say you.
Posted at 2:11am on December 24, 2007
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
MilkSync for BlackBerry is here! Please see the blog post for more details.
Posted 16 years ago
dmd1272 says:
Happy Holidays, just upgraded to the Pro version, I believe in your team.
Posted 17 years ago
raleighretalk says:
Hey RTM guys! First let me say Merry Christmas and thank you for all the great work you have done to bring all of us such a fantastic task manager. Integration into gmail is absolute genius and it works great!

I second the motion that an application for the Blackberry platform would be great! I know there are lots of Blackberry users out there who use gmail on their BBs and would also love to see RTM along side of it.. I'd be willing to bet you would see a huge spike in Pro account sign up if you released a BB application. I know I would sign up without hesitation!
Posted 17 years ago
dmd1272 says:
raleighretalk, sign up in good faith !! they'll add it, its a logical step in the right direction because the mobile app works but its not the same on the blackberry as it is on other platforms, a native RTM BB app would fill the much needed void in task management, the best thing would be to port the iphone app to the Blackberry same but an app.
Posted 17 years ago
dmd1272 says:
Here is the boom I was mentioning to you guys, its arleady begun.

you know this is huge
Posted 17 years ago
gadgetgrl says:
I am loving this application. I just upgraded to Pro to support the future development for BB. I am a long time Windows mobile/PPC user who has recently made the transition to BB. I am missing my PPC apps that I used for GTD. RTM fits the bill better than any PPC app. Now I have work, personal, shopping, etc., all combined into one list which is accessible in a multitude of ways. The Google integration is excellent. Merry Christmas!
Posted 17 years ago
dmd1272 says:
Way to go "gadgetgrl" I hope others follow up
Posted 17 years ago
dmd1272 says:
Pinstack its already talking about it.
Posted 17 years ago says:
I also want to say how much I would love to see - and pay money to upgrade for - a sync feature with Blackberry. I use RTM and Gmail/Gcal together a lot and now that I'm getting all my mail and calendar events sync'ed OTA, it would be perfect if I can get my tasks in one place as well.
Posted 17 years ago
aknappjr says:
I'll pay a small price for the service.
Posted 17 years ago
elbaso says:
Having RtM on the blackberry would be what would push me into paying for the Pro version.
So far, I've been using the web interface, either the full one on my desktop, or the mobile one on my phone.

I'd love some BB love, a la iPhone integration.
Posted 17 years ago
wadeallen says:
I also agree! RTM on blackberry would be fantastic
Posted 16 years ago
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