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More control from iPhone interface

scifiguy says:
I really like the iPhone interface, the features, and the optional control from the web (one of the reasons I moved away from TadaLists). However, I'm a little frustrated with the 'lack' of options controlled from the iPhone side. I would like to be able to add tags and lists from the iPhone, not just tasks.

I hope this is in the works. Thanks!
Posted at 9:12am on November 18, 2007
mmartel says:
I've tried out the iPhone interface several times and -- I hate to say it -- while it's fine for viewing one screen of task data, I prefer the standard mobile interface whenever I'm going to be interacting with data a lot.

Here are some specific gripes with the current iPhone interface:
- No easy buttons at the top of individual task menus to mark a task "complete" or to "postpone" = too many taps to make most common edits (mark an item complete , postponing)
- Can't see enough detail on my task names (it's cut off after about 15-20 characters). On the standard mobile interface, titles aren't cut off
- Screen load times are longer with iPhone interface
Posted 17 years ago
scifiguy says:
Can you clarify "standard mobile interface"?

"No easy buttons..."
True, that was what I was getting at with this post. The "+" button on every page of the iPhone interface just adds a task. While this can be handy, there is no way to add a new list from the iPhone. Tags can be added by simply typing them into the tag field of a new task, but sometimes I just want to add the tag (note, this is also true of the normal web interface). Marking a task complete is done by pressing edit on the page of tasks you are looking at, but I would like to see the number of presses reduced, especially given the response speed of the iPhone interface. First you hit edit, then press on the task in the list, then press on the Complete button that appears. I guess I do see the advantage of this since it could prevent accidental task completion, so this doesn't bug me as much as the lack of tag and list management.

"Can't see enough detail on my task names"
I commented on this in another posting. Using landscape mode on the iPhone helps with this, but I wouldn't mid seeing a setting for iPhone users to reduce the type size to help make task names fit.

"Screen load times are longer with iPhone interface"
PErhaps they have been working on this, because on wi-fi it seems to be switching screens pretty fast. On Edge I just expect everything to be slow, so it seems acceptable.

Furthering the discussion on tags, personally I would like to see the "roller" interface come up in the tag field for tasks, like it does for locations. The problem I have is that I can't always remember my tags, so I have to guess, sometimes creating duplicate tags (did I use "friend" or "friends"?). Perhaps this can't be done and still allow multiple tags to be selected. Could there be a drop down or auto-complete for this field?
Posted 17 years ago
scifiguy says:
Oh, yes, and the postpone button, as stated, would be super handy, but is absent from the Iphone interface.
Posted 17 years ago
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