Ability to hide specific Smart Lists

paul.sinclair says:
I love the new feature whereby Smartlists can be included in Searches. Before I go too crazy, though, I would love to be able to hide a Smartlist from the tabs in the Task view. This could potentially be do n e, just by allowing Archived Smartlists to be included in Searches, or it could be do n e more explicitly by selectively hiding Lists as required.

I agree, several lists will just be building bl o c ks for more complex searches. If archieved lists are included in the searches (why shouldn't they?) that's a good way to hide them, or have a third optio n Hidden.
Credit to bzpilman for suggesting serching smart lists in the first place.
Credit to bzpilman for suggesting serching smart lists in the first place.

romkyns says:
About 1 in 3 of my smart lists are only there to be used by other smart lists. I totally don't need to ever see them. +1.

(closed account) says:
An alternative to an option of hiding would be allow smart lists be based on multiple rules (i.e. all tasks in 3 of my lists that are due in a week)
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