Theme scarlet red (science: most positive color)

Andrew J. Elliot spent years researching the influence of color on humans. He found that 82% of Western society perceives Scarlet red as a positive color. Red is generally associated with warmth and passion. What are your thoughts on the idea of adding a theme color to RTM web app: scarlet red?

floweringtree says:
So long as I don't have to use it - bright red is far too loud and stressful to have to look at all the time, particularly on a to-do list. To-do lists are stressful and overwhelming enough without bright red!
I'm surprised there isn't already a red theme option for the background, though. I have a sunset in muted oranges on my background. It can be annoying regarding low contrast when looking for a list, but it is nice and gentle.
I would suggest that colours associated with calmness, competence, and efficiency are much more helpful in this setting, than colours associated with warmth and passion... though if it is a matter of each to their own, certainly I'm in favour of extra options... :-)
I'm surprised there isn't already a red theme option for the background, though. I have a sunset in muted oranges on my background. It can be annoying regarding low contrast when looking for a list, but it is nice and gentle.
I would suggest that colours associated with calmness, competence, and efficiency are much more helpful in this setting, than colours associated with warmth and passion... though if it is a matter of each to their own, certainly I'm in favour of extra options... :-)

Agree with the fact that bright colors are distracting. A warmer shade is better indeed. I often use the 'black bean theme', which is also a nice dark red.
A setting with a color picker and slider could fulfill everyone's wishes, but I expect this will take too much programming time.
A setting with a color picker and slider could fulfill everyone's wishes, but I expect this will take too much programming time.
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