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Include notes in the print view

clientcontrol says:
Sometimes it's important what's behind, so the need for task' notes appears.

I saw this idea in topics about a year before. Any news?
Posted at 8:52am on September 10, 2007
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
The new Remember The Milk does have the ability to include notes when printing an individual task, so hopefully that will help those with that feature request.

For those wishing to print notes at the same time as printing a list, thanks for your feedback on this!
Posted 8 years ago
johnfoland says:
I would love to be able to see if a task has notes! Are you referring to actually printing the entire notes next to tasks, clientcontrol? And do you mean 'printing' to screen or actual printing on paper lists?
Posted 17 years ago
rlieving says:
I would like the ability to print notes with paper and the screen. The problem right now is that I want RMilk to manage my to-do list AND help me manage projects.

When my boss asks me what I have been doing, I want to print the task out with all the supporting documentation behind the list.

Better control of printing is a place that could improve greatly.
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
I would like this feature as well for the same reason. I love using RTM, and I could use its awesome search features to print a weekly report for my boss (completedBefore and completedAfter). But right now the search results would create more work. I would have to duplicate what is in the notes to my boss.
Something like a flag in settings would work where users could turn off and on notes printing for lists and search results would work great for me.
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
I agree. Sometimes I may only have 3-4 lines of notes expanding on the task, and would love to have the option to have it print right out there in my list.
Posted 17 years ago
mddurda says:
Agreed; this is one of two features preventing me from adopting (and paying for) RTM as my task management solution. It would be ideal to be able to have notes print out with any list print out.
Posted 16 years ago
tswartz says:
Agreed - please add an option to print on the print-out list!
Posted 16 years ago
xinatrotter says:
I, too, have been hoping for this ability to print notes with a task list. Any news on the development on this feature?
Posted 16 years ago
brant.peery says:
I vote for this feature also. I will mass enter many tasks for a project and would like to be able to print the notes for the tasks that are due this week. I keep things like phone numbers or minitasks in the notes and need them to be able to complete the tasks.
Posted 16 years ago
otterbyte says:
Posted 16 years ago
krissie says:
I agree to this suggestion....printing task with notes is important!
Posted 16 years ago
mrtuk says:
I've just started using RTM and I too use the notes to expand on the task itself, and I would like to be able to print out the notes with the task when printing out a task list.

Could someone let us all know if this feature going to be introduced.
Posted 16 years ago
thomas.simoneau says:
Ditto for me
Posted 16 years ago
mark.gerber says:
Just started using RTM two days ago and I'm already enthusiastic about it. Printing notes with a list was one of the first things I looked for in the Help files. While I'm disappointed it's not part of the feature set, it's not a deal-breaker for me. Is there some word from the developers about whether or not it's something they plan to add?
Posted 16 years ago
krissy says:
Hi all, this one is on the list for the developers. Unfortunately I can't give you any indication of possible implementation. When I have news I will pass it on. We are definitely aware how popular this is.
Posted 16 years ago
discoveringself says:
I second this idea, glad to see is "under development"
Posted 15 years ago
eggotrip says:
I believe that incorporating note taking into the list itself would be a great way to advance RTM as a whole.

Few points about what I'd like to see:
1) Font/Color Alterable notes which could be expanded downward from any task
2) RTM could lock any note to always show for a task
3) The active task would always show it's expanded note field
4) You could expand/collapse all task notes at once
Posted 15 years ago
erwin says:
This is no. 1 on my wishing list for RTM...
Posted 15 years ago
joellybaby says:
Posted 15 years ago
pablolo says:
+1 . Please, I need task' notes appears.
Posted 15 years ago
lsorbo says:
I'd like the option to have the notes appear in the reminder that is sent to my phone.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
please print notes

also - notes can be converted into an area to create subtasks for sure
Posted 15 years ago
cev says:
Posted 15 years ago
binh.pok says:
Agree with everyone-- notes are useless unless I can print them in a list so that my day really is taken care of.
Posted 15 years ago
krissie says:
Posted 15 years ago
mgjacqz says:
and one more vote for printing a list of tasks with attached notes. I use for project descriptions and project tracking.
Posted 14 years ago
daniel.kracke says:
I am a new user of rtm, but the possibility to see notes in list (especially in printed lists) would make this tool really helpful.
Posted 14 years ago
judsond says:
Posted 14 years ago
jaapkoole says:
when you send (for example every morning at 5am) a reminder to your email inbox,
you have your list if you can print your email.

RTM wil do this for you with the right settings>reminder.

Posted 14 years ago
judsond says:
That only works if you want to print things that are due today.
Posted 14 years ago
bonetruck says:

Too bad to see that this thread is now over 2 years old. Hope it gets some interest and traction.
Posted 14 years ago
chriswil says:
A decent (but not perfect) workaround mentioned in another thread:
Posted 14 years ago
amoslemi says:
Posted 14 years ago
peter.stahl says:
Posted 14 years ago
grace.dingledine says:
I would LOVE to see this feature added! As it is, I have to put ALL the additional info into the task line in order for it to print out, and it gets quite messy. Perhaps viewing notes underneath the tasks--expanding via a little plus sign or similar--could be an option?
Posted 14 years ago
darube says:

We put phone #s in the notes (i.e. the task is to schedule an appointment or order something), and would like to take a printed copy so we can call while in transit. Having the notes printed is CRUCIAL to do this type of thing.
Posted 14 years ago
dbo says:
I m missing this feature too.. It would be very very usefull for me and my team
Posted 14 years ago
dan.toller says:

Overdue on this one :)

Posted 14 years ago
hans.balmer says:
Posted 14 years ago
tim.keys says:
I really, really, really need this. Every time something happens to a task, I put a Note to it with the date as the first part of the text of the Note, and I need to be able to print out Tasks and Notes something like the following:

   9/8/10 Fast Signs sent me a quote, which I
approved. Delivery date is expected to be by
next Thursday.
8 Sep 2010, 10:04AM

9/7/10 I emailed a .jpg to Fast Signs for a quote
7 Sep 2010, 7:44AM

9/9/10 Bob said he bought it out from a guy who can
provide the insurance. Issue Closed.
10 Sep 2010, 7:44AM

9/8/10 Sent email to Daryl to see if he has
equipment that can drill a 12"dia x 200' shaft.
8 Sep 2010, 3:31PM

9/7/10 Spoke to Bob about this issue this morning.
7 Sep 2010, 8:01AM

9/3/10 Bob said he would get into it next Tuesday on 9/7/10.
3 Sep 2010, 2:37PM

9/3/10 Sent email to Bob asking him where he's at with this issue.
3 Sep 2010, 2:27PM

9/3/10 Sent email to Bob asking for status.
3 Sep 2010, 2:21PM
Posted 14 years ago
almondjoy172000 says:
It would be helpful for me to at least have a notes icon in list view to alert me a note exists for a task. When I open the task to view it, the note is visible. I just need an alert to check it. I can see how others need the ability to print for work. Maybe we all get so bogged down in wanting RTM to to be everything for us that we forget just what a great app it is and how much it does for us already. Gratitude noted. Thanks RTM! (Moto Droid)
Posted 14 years ago
cikkcakk says:
Same thing here... It would be awesome if we could print our task lists with all supporting notes. Another thing that I would like to mention, is that when I print a list, the individual tasks are way too close to each other on the paper and there is no room to write anything by hand. I print tasklists for my employees and they are complaining that there is no room between the tasks for them to write.

Thanks for considering my thoughts.
Posted 14 years ago
mdelmarter says:
Yes I need this to. I want to be able to print the Task List - but with the notes inline.

This request has been sitting around for 3 years - any sign of progress?
Posted 14 years ago
dmacnevin says:
I would like a view, not only where you can print the notes with the tasks, but you can also view them all together on the screen...
Posted 14 years ago
hispeedsurfer says:
+1 Please, please, please..... Thanks
Posted 14 years ago
mjessup says:
+1 for printing notes below tasks, and for viewing notes in full on the screen!!
Posted 14 years ago
schneimn says:
+1 - Please? I'll donate food for the monkey.
Posted 14 years ago
debuck3 says:
Add me to that list of folks wanting to print the notes! I saw the tip on printing the Atom Feed, and that will work for now. It isn't pretty or easily readable though. I'll be busting out my highlighters!
Posted 14 years ago says:
This is one of my biggest complaints about RTM. Right now, I only use RTM as a weekly planner. If RTM allowed for notes to be printed with my weekly to-do list, RTM would become more integrated with my daily life by another couple of notches.

One strong vote for the ability to print notes here.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 Print Notes please.

RTM is already very awesome... I noticed there are requests for Print Note for years now...

Posted 14 years ago
akrde says:
Again: +1
Posted 14 years ago
donald.janssen says:
and put another one to the request list
Posted 13 years ago
jacob.rosenfeld says:
Posted 13 years ago
florian.theimer says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
My job duties keep expanding and expanding and I'm thinking I need to go to another task management tool (Co-Human, Manymoon, etc), but I REALLY know how to use RTM well. Sub tasks are not important since I have a great system for turning any task that branches on me into a Project List (pj-PROJECT HERE), so that's simple. But being able to see the particulars of a task are really, really important. If there is any thought to making this happen, please let us know. Also, if anyone has a work around I could use one YESTERDAY!!!
Posted 13 years ago
rolf.studer says:
Posted 13 years ago
stonisoft says:
I really Need this feature
Posted 13 years ago
troost says:
Posted 13 years ago
scott_levitt says:
This is a must have!
Posted 13 years ago
billboyd99 says:
needed. should be cake from a development standpoint.
Posted 13 years ago
bgarlock says:
+1 for me too -- Looks like this is a fairly wanted feature, and should be a simple change, how come it's still a todo (Dev: see your Feature todo list, add a due date, and press '1' to increase the priority) :-)
Posted 13 years ago
nick.holt says:
Add another vote for this feature ...

Each week I produce a "Task Completed" list to provide to my client, at the moment the title is all that's listed. It would be great to have the extra information provided (Report Style) that's avaliable in the notes.

Since this has now been an open issue for over 3 years could we have it soon?

Thanks :)
Posted 13 years ago
lizbennett says:
Yes please, this would be really helpful for regular progress meetings.
Posted 13 years ago
fmarzano says:
It's really important to we see in only one file the tasks and comments of each one, like a minute of a meeting (tasks) with their solutions (decisions / solutions)
Posted 13 years ago
nick.askew says:
Posted 13 years ago
skip53 says:
I too provide a printed "task completed" list to my customers. I was suprised when i could not include the notes. Looks like this has been requested for about four years. It may not have the most votes but must be one of the oldest requested features.
Thanks for a great program. would be lost without it
Posted 13 years ago
wintermute314 says:
I also use RTM to make a shared agenda for meetings and you need the notes to elaborate on the task name.
Being able to print this is very high on my agenda!
Posted 13 years ago
markaitken says:
Agreed, please let users print notes
Posted 13 years ago
freeasinspeech says:
It would be nice if it was per-list configurable.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Printing notes in a list would also be very beneficial for me. I am a new user, and just expected this would be a default option. As others have commented I also use some lists for agendas and elaborate on the headers in the notes. Any idea how soon this feature may be available?
Posted 13 years ago
felixc says:

I think its clear that a lot of RTM users want to print notes to take to meetings. And it's pretty common as 37signals' Basecamp has put time into it:
Posted 13 years ago
rodolphe.bonamy says:
Please RTM, WE NEED this feature : please do ti, it should not be that complicated. Thanks.
Posted 12 years ago
allthatcaz says:
Agreed. And I'll go so far as to say it'd be great if there were options to specify how much Note content to include in a display/print.

E.g. when selecting Print from a list, it would be ideal for the user to first be prompted with the following options, specifying the inclusion of any/all notes for each issue in resulting list:

Print List only (no Notes)
Print List With Last nnn Notes (where 'nnn' is an entered number)
Print List With Notes Entered in Last nnn Days (where 'nnn' is an entered number)
Print List with All Notes

As others have said, being able to show notes in a Print view is important in order to provide meaningful status reports to others who aren't working issues directly in RTM.

Naturally notes can be lengthy, so providing the option to show none/some/all are best so the user can decide how many they want to include.
Posted 12 years ago
stonisoft says:
Agreed - please add an option to print on the print-out list!
Posted 12 years ago
skedzinger says:
if i had this, i would have my meeting preperation ready to print instantly. like it is now, notes are useless to me. i keep them in evernote for meeting preperation. which is not convenient at all, as i need to see the tasks in evernote and compile the preperation manually.

should be easy to realize as well, isnt it?

Posted 12 years ago
skedzinger says:
how can 1/5 not like this idea. the option for that would not change anything for the people who don't see the (in my mind obvious and substantial) benefits for this.
Posted 12 years ago
sbrtm1 says:
Ability to print multiple tasks with notes would be ideal (status reports etc). I actually signed up for a pro account thinking this would be a standard feature.
Posted 11 years ago
flesk_ says:
overview with multiple tasks should show indented notes per task

big +1
Posted 11 years ago
flesk_ says:

task 1
task 2

task 3
task 4

task 5
Posted 11 years ago
flesk_ says:
ok.. no angle brackets, *spam*

task 1
task 2
task 2 notes
task 3
Posted 11 years ago
mocito.agostinho says:
same here.
being able to print task notes should be a top priority on RTM development. Otherwise, I am afraid people will start shifting to another apps with more flexibility.
Posted 11 years ago
roberta.ruggeri says:
Include note in activity list!!!!!!
Posted 11 years ago
davidonabus says:
This is a much needed feature
Posted 11 years ago
skedzinger says:
this is still not in - soooooo bad.

i still cant use RTM as meeting preperation.

also - why would you need several notes for one single task - just add one text field by task that will be end up on the print....
Posted 11 years ago
mkr150 says:
Hi there - to be able to print a pre-selectable number of lines of the corresponding note under each task in a task list would be great! RTM-developpers please invent this feature asap!
Posted 11 years ago
eddiedeegan says:
yes please - it would be super helpful :)
Posted 9 years ago
omar.degoli says:
+1 I'd also like to be able to print list together with the note text.
Posted 9 years ago
dillo99 says:
+1 This has been out here for YEARS and it can't be that difficult. When I select a list to print there should be an option to include NOTES and SUBTASKS.
Posted 8 years ago
tismey says:
Yes! I was sure this used to be available years ago, but maybe not.

Including notes, and by extension subtasks, in printing should be an option somewhere.
Posted 8 years ago
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