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Keyboard shortcut for 'more actions'

(closed account) says:
I was thinking; since you gave us a key-combination to jump to the search box (ctrl-shift-'/'), couldn't you give us on to jump to the 'More Actions...' drop-down box?

It would make it so much easier to enter tasks in the Inbox. Hit 't', type the task, hit 'd', type the date, tab, etc. Then hit the combination for 'More Actions...' then the first letter of the list I want it on and POOF! All done.


Fang Langford
Posted at 9:37pm on August 22, 2007
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
This now has a keyboard shortcut (the same as Gmail :). You can press "." to access the "More actions" dropdown.

Hope this helps, and thanks for your feedback!
Posted 8 years ago
tim.byng says:
I love the keyboard shortcuts for remember the milk. I'd love to see this feature, as I use the "More Actions..." drop down on almost every task I create, and it would be much faster if I didn't need to use the mouse for this. It's really the only keyboard shortcut missing.
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes... Could be like the '.' key in GMail.
Posted 16 years ago
calvin.truong says:
Posted 11 years ago
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