Calendar view

(closed account) says:
I was thinking, why don't we have a calender in RTM? If it's too much work then you could make it for Pro only, I guess.
Here is my Proposal:
I used firefox to edit some code and paint to move in the rest. But, you can get a pretty good idea of what it could look like if a calender was implemented into RTM. it could easily work with color coding and dates right with the tasks.
Here is my Proposal:
I used firefox to edit some code and paint to move in the rest. But, you can get a pretty good idea of what it could look like if a calender was implemented into RTM. it could easily work with color coding and dates right with the tasks.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Thanks for your feedback!
Unfortunately we don't have any plans currently to develop a calendar product -- there are companies with a lot more resources than us who have spent years developing great calendar products (I'm looking at you, Google :)
We try to stay pretty focussed on task management (there's only so much that two people and a monkey can do!), but we can definitely look at how we can improve our existing integration with other calendar products.
Unfortunately we don't have any plans currently to develop a calendar product -- there are companies with a lot more resources than us who have spent years developing great calendar products (I'm looking at you, Google :)
We try to stay pretty focussed on task management (there's only so much that two people and a monkey can do!), but we can definitely look at how we can improve our existing integration with other calendar products.

dcefrance says:
I too think this is a great idea... and I don't think it's the type of thing only of interest to Pros...
Here's another example... this is taken from another ToDo site but using all of my information imported from RTM.
I think THIS would be great!
Here's another example... this is taken from another ToDo site but using all of my information imported from RTM.
I think THIS would be great!

(closed account) says:
Bleh, I'd rather have a RTM integrated calender than the Google calender. I tried their calender, and I don't like it.
Did you just Deny my request? /cry
Did you just Deny my request? /cry

kowsmic says:
As a new user, I brought to RTM my experience in floor plan design. My design philosophy is ergonomic - don't cram stuff into a "design", instead, design from the need.
When I saw the Google Calendar link I thought, "Great, I have a Google calendar I haven't used for quite a while. Maybe this will make it useful enough for me."
Then I realized that it didn't make sense for me to outsource RTM tasks to Google Calendar when I could have my own custom calendar within RTM. Why squander wasted white space in Google Calendar (days without tasks/events) when RTM allows you to create a streamlined custom calendar of its own?
Try it. Create a Smartlist called Calendar by searching for a tag called 'Event' (or whatever). Use this tag on every event/appointment/anniversary (one time or repeatable as needed) that you would normally put into Google Calendar and create them as tasks with each having the 'Event' tag.
Then the Calendar Smartlist you created contains nothing but calendar entries (sort by date), without any unneeded 'white space' and retaining all of the task parameters.
Why use two apps with a problematic relationship when one will do?
I think I like your app.
When I saw the Google Calendar link I thought, "Great, I have a Google calendar I haven't used for quite a while. Maybe this will make it useful enough for me."
Then I realized that it didn't make sense for me to outsource RTM tasks to Google Calendar when I could have my own custom calendar within RTM. Why squander wasted white space in Google Calendar (days without tasks/events) when RTM allows you to create a streamlined custom calendar of its own?
Try it. Create a Smartlist called Calendar by searching for a tag called 'Event' (or whatever). Use this tag on every event/appointment/anniversary (one time or repeatable as needed) that you would normally put into Google Calendar and create them as tasks with each having the 'Event' tag.
Then the Calendar Smartlist you created contains nothing but calendar entries (sort by date), without any unneeded 'white space' and retaining all of the task parameters.
Why use two apps with a problematic relationship when one will do?
I think I like your app.

jz3333 says:
I currently use RTM for everything, including events, and have all of my calendars' feeds going into my GCal.
My problem what that I NEEDED a calendar-like view for my todos, but I like to be able to get rid of them when I'm done with them, so this seemed the best way. RTM shouldn't develop a calendar, but they should include a view that has the dates and the tasks due on those dates.
My problem what that I NEEDED a calendar-like view for my todos, but I like to be able to get rid of them when I'm done with them, so this seemed the best way. RTM shouldn't develop a calendar, but they should include a view that has the dates and the tasks due on those dates.

anakrinokairos says:
hm - I like the idea of calender integration. I tried RTM for a short time, but then dropped it, because, a pure list of task is nice, but not enough for me.
My problem is, that there is no PIM or ToDo application, that has what I am looking for.
What I'd like is kind of a time or project management thing:
I create a new task and say: I will need 20 hours for this task. Then you say when it starts and when it is due.
Then it would be cool if RTM (knowing that it is a job task, not a private one) shows you e.g. each day one hour as reserved for this task. Or you could say: I want to work each day so and so long.
the priority would decide which task is preferred in case of a conflict of interests.
the key for me must be, that a task that I created must appear in my calender. Just a list of it is not enough. If I planned 20 hours for this task, these 20 hours must appear in my calender.
PLEASE, could you do this for me?
The day you make this real, I'll upgrade to pro ;-)
My problem is, that there is no PIM or ToDo application, that has what I am looking for.
What I'd like is kind of a time or project management thing:
I create a new task and say: I will need 20 hours for this task. Then you say when it starts and when it is due.
Then it would be cool if RTM (knowing that it is a job task, not a private one) shows you e.g. each day one hour as reserved for this task. Or you could say: I want to work each day so and so long.
the priority would decide which task is preferred in case of a conflict of interests.
the key for me must be, that a task that I created must appear in my calender. Just a list of it is not enough. If I planned 20 hours for this task, these 20 hours must appear in my calender.
PLEASE, could you do this for me?
The day you make this real, I'll upgrade to pro ;-)

sheiney says:
It looks like this thread is pretty old, but I'd like to try to bring the discussion back since Emily has already responded here.
I like jz3333's idea of a calendar view, where I can see my tasks organized by day over a one week or one month period. I already use a smart list for "This Week", but sometimes it's useful to look further ahead, and the list view just doesn't cut it for that sort of thing.
I appreciate the Google Calendar integration, but I never use it because I don't like having to click on a checkmark to view the tasks for a particular day. I'd rather see all of my tasks for each day of the week or month laid out in front of me and integrated more smoothly with my calendar entries (e.g. tasks with "due times" appearing in the corresponding time slot of gcal).
I think the line between a "task management" and a calendar app is pretty fuzzy.
I like jz3333's idea of a calendar view, where I can see my tasks organized by day over a one week or one month period. I already use a smart list for "This Week", but sometimes it's useful to look further ahead, and the list view just doesn't cut it for that sort of thing.
I appreciate the Google Calendar integration, but I never use it because I don't like having to click on a checkmark to view the tasks for a particular day. I'd rather see all of my tasks for each day of the week or month laid out in front of me and integrated more smoothly with my calendar entries (e.g. tasks with "due times" appearing in the corresponding time slot of gcal).
I think the line between a "task management" and a calendar app is pretty fuzzy.

vanilla8 says:
I would agree that it doesnt make sense to "reinvent the wheel" - I would love instead the web service to be able to integrate google calender and maybe a paid-for desktop application version that could sync with iCal, and Outlook. Basically don't build a calendar app, provide instead a means of linking the service to a selection of existing calendars.

uwe.steinmetz says:
By planning my tasks actually I need a separate calendar. Just a calendar-picking aid would satisfy me a lot.

sonjakirsten says:
I love the weekly planner. Could that be extended into a view where I can then change dates on tasks while looking at the rest? (my other proposal of doing that is a Gantt chart, but it could be more simple)

punishment says:

(closed account) says:
I was thinking of a calendar view for completed tasks. I suppose an iCal subscription would make this an easy implementation. maybe the completed smart list as an iCal subscription

(closed account) says:
If the iCal wasnt static with Google Calendar this wouldn't be necessary. Mabey the focus could be on fixing the iCal integration with Google.

joaojesus says:
RTM is incomplete without a calendar. And I don't agree with the ones who say that there are already many calendar applications out there (it's like if Microsoft said that MS Word wouldn't print labels and envelops, because there are already other applications who make the same). From my point of view (and I use RTM everyday for managing hundreads of tasks and list items for both my professional and personal life), the task management in RTM is absolutely great and very well done. But, without an integrated calendar, something is missing. After inserting all my task in different lists, I would like to have a calendar view (that I could also print) in order to see my time in some kind of graphical view. I'm sure you would sell at least the double of PRO licenses if you created an integrated calendar.

beppe.simone says:
As users rely more and more on RTM it would be awesome if a calendar view option would be integrated, to avoid having to log in to google calendar.

hansekaiser says:
What about the abillity to put a google calendar widget on the side of RMT web inteterface?

wayne.porter says:
I agree with others that want the calendar view. I was surprised to learn that RTM doesn't provide at least a basic calendar view.

catada says:
I see you we can use it with google calendar, so no need for a calendar within milk.

alfred74new says:
I like to start my day with planning time, and pre-RTM, I would review the events in my Google calendar (a very weak attempt at task management) that I had put in at a random time, and then drag & drop & adjust the time allowed depending on the immediate need regarding Priority and context. I appreciate the Google calender feed, the check box link, and the widget, but you can't use any of them to create a graphical layout of how you want to spend your day, By seeing things laid out, you can see whether you are over scheduled and decide what to postpone.

i can't tell exactly what people are talking about.. but google tasks offline plus has this really cool calendar view. (remember the milk is way better in general, but this is the view i'm looking for). i'm looking to have a visual calendar (monthly) view of how many tasks i have each day and because i do alot of acitivity planning based on day. so dragging and dropping activities around the month calendar was so awesome! but the google tasks has major bugs with due dates and none of the other cooler features. i would love to have this option.

weblivz says:
I'd also like a calendar view - maybe not on RTM but inline with the Evernote integration why not sync with a Google Calender?

mnplatypus says:
I'm looking for a calendar view within RTM too, and here's why: When I have forward planning time I'd like to be able to look at a calendar view and see that 'every 3 months' or 'every year on June 1' lands on a Saturday this time ... hmm, I don't work Saturdays so I need to move it to the previous Thursday. I like that I can make it show up on my Google calendar, but I can't move it on my Google calendar (if I move it with the widget the move doesn't show up on the calendar right away so it soon gets confusing) ... so ideally a calendar view would allow me to drag and drop tasks to a different day :)

i get you don't want to do an entire intense calendar view. but just a monthly lay out of where the tasks are located for a visual view of how many tasks are on each day and then be able to drag and drop them to different days would be awesome. currently every calendar option lacks this ability. when you sync with outlook you can't modify in outlook. its a read only document. if you put it in google you still have to click on a check mark so you can only view one day at a time. or you have a pop up window which doesnt put it in a great visual view. if a way to modify on a calendar and drag and drop is not created i wont be renewing my pro. i like your style better and would prefer to support a small company..but i need the calendar view with drag and drop (i don't need my events in it).

dalelane says:
I've tried making a calendar view for RTM tasks, with support for setting task due dates by dragging the tasks around the calendar. Hopefully this might be useful to some of the people looking for this sort of thing.

wyedesign says:
Calendar view would just be a great way of click and drag for re-arranging due dates, instead of manually having to go into each task. Everything else in RTM is great, but Google Tasks beats it only in the fact that I can arrange my tasks visually for the week/month.

nicholasemay says:
I came here to see if there were any plans to do this in RTM and -- in some ways -- I'm glad there isn't; as Emily says above RTM's laser-focus on fantastic task management is why we all use it every day.

metagrapher says:
RTMs export calendar to Google Calendar is almost worthless. As Google does not update ICS calendars more than every 24 hours, then either RTM needs to come up with another format that Google Calendar can play nice with, or some other calendar solution. But considering that this is the case between Google and RTM, I don't see how pointing us at that solution is helpful. We would not be asking for this if that solution worked well.
Personally, I would like to be able to easily convert my tasks into calendar entries so that I can do my daily scheduling and get a feel for what I can actually accomplish today.
While you're at it, the ICS feed is not so great. It doesn't consider time estimates and for some reason tasks always START when they're DUE, which is not helpful. It's also not terribly helpful for me to have my tasks lined up in All Day Appointments, but I understand that without a due time per se then you have no place to put it. But then this goes back to the 24 hour updates with Google Calendar.
The only solution I see right now is to futilely attempt to plan my day a day or two in advance. :/ Please please please do something better with calendar integration?
Personally, I would like to be able to easily convert my tasks into calendar entries so that I can do my daily scheduling and get a feel for what I can actually accomplish today.
While you're at it, the ICS feed is not so great. It doesn't consider time estimates and for some reason tasks always START when they're DUE, which is not helpful. It's also not terribly helpful for me to have my tasks lined up in All Day Appointments, but I understand that without a due time per se then you have no place to put it. But then this goes back to the 24 hour updates with Google Calendar.
The only solution I see right now is to futilely attempt to plan my day a day or two in advance. :/ Please please please do something better with calendar integration?

i'm still wishing you had a calendar view that i could drag and drop items around in .. to see how busy my month is. all the exporting etc. does not work well at all. i have not found a way to look at monthly to do list in other calendars that i actually use. i use google a bit, and cozi.

dmitry.ivashkin says:
This can be quite dangerous misconception of mixing up tasks and events. Yes, some tasks have fixed due or start dates, but most things that I'd like to see in my calendar are NOT tasks, but meetings and other events.
Having said that I still think it would be nice to have some sort of calendar view for your tasks inside RTM :)
Having said that I still think it would be nice to have some sort of calendar view for your tasks inside RTM :)

(closed account) says:
I'd like to see a Calendar view adding to RTM. Tasks and Dates are clearly different but i'd still see whats coming up today and this week so I don't have to look at my calendar separately. TickTIck does this very well.

busera says:
+1 for calendar view. Similar to TaskCracker (Outlook Plug-in) or (online service)

scubatke says:
It's really a shame that RTM doesn't have an integrated, drag-and-drop calendar and doesn't have any interest in adding one. RTM is a great tool but they’ve always been behind the curve on features and functionality; even after the big update earlier this year. With just a little interest in being a leader, RTM could eliminate a huge portion of their competition.

(closed account) says:
I don't know if a calendar is needed, but a visual representation of your tasks would be nice. I'm looking at Scribblepost and they have a nice way to see your tasks in a calendar-like context:

aforementionedthoughts says:
I have tried integration with my Google calendar but it feels unhelpful to me since I can't easily change my task date. Would love to be able to look at different lists on a calendar view to be able to easily move tasks accordingly.

Definitely added a +2 here. I've been getting frustrated with how the syncing function with iCal hasn't been working lately. Not sure how often it's supposed to auto-sync either? Regardless, calendar view NEEDS to happen. And with the ability to make MONDAY THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK. It drives me nuts and slowly eats away my soul when I can't change it from being Sunday, which is the LAST day of the weekEND.

cobrastyle says:
I think you can set your location to UK and the week will start on Monday. This way your soul can stay in tact. :)
I think you can set your location to UK and the week will start on Monday. This way your soul can stay in tact. :)

gordonzano says:
+1 calendar view :-D
TickTick does this nicely, and reads in your Google cal, so you can plan properly.
TickTick does this nicely, and reads in your Google cal, so you can plan properly.

+1 for calendar view!
I plan my days a week at a time, and I need to at least be able to SEE a calendar when I do my delegating. On the desktop version, there is PLENTY of space to put it on there. My workaround is to shrink the RTM browser, and put my own calendar in the negative space, but that is less than ideal.
I plan my days a week at a time, and I need to at least be able to SEE a calendar when I do my delegating. On the desktop version, there is PLENTY of space to put it on there. My workaround is to shrink the RTM browser, and put my own calendar in the negative space, but that is less than ideal.

steve.hamlin says:
My needs seem to be the other way round to most folks here I have events planned on my calendar which I would love to show up in RTM then I could work my todo's around my appointments "Things" does this very well but I would much prefer to use RTM more if only this were possible if any one has any advice on how to integrate diary events into RTM automatically I would be very greatful

mayrhofer says:
Calender-View would be great. As soon as "Zenkit" has got Android widgets my RTM-Pro-Status is very vulnerable ;-)

changenow says:
Hey there! :-)
A little widget on the right side (below tasks and complete) showing my upcoming calendar items for this week (Gcal) would be awesome. So I have everything at one sight.
A little widget on the right side (below tasks and complete) showing my upcoming calendar items for this week (Gcal) would be awesome. So I have everything at one sight.

changenow says:
I do not want my todos in my calendar. Just a widget that shows my GCal items. ;-)

shenfan19 says:
I use google calendar together with RTM, but I found myself moving more and more work into the google keep rather than stay in RTM.
RTM is the best arranging tool I have ever seen, but doesn't quiet boost my action.
RTM is the best arranging tool I have ever seen, but doesn't quiet boost my action.

(closed account) says:
I vote for having an integrated RTM calendar as well. I would find that very helpful.

migmae says:
Calendar view in query-only mode with week, month, quarter view to have a quick look or print, simple, without further complication

(closed account) says:
Any developments on this front? I think the lack of a calendar is a major drawback. Let's fix it guys and gals!

I like the calendar integration, but it would be more intuitive if RTM had its own calendar where I could drag/drop tasks so I can make a daily/weekly planning for the tasks. I think RTM has all the functionalities (e.g. task time, start date and time) to enable this.
Would be awesome!Thanks
Would be awesome!Thanks

hey rtm team, this much of users can't be wrong, come on :)
we all love RTM and all that it gave to our daily lives but with a calender view, it will be so much than what it is now. besides gaining the gratitude from your loyal users, I am also confident that it will be reflected to your user base.
we all love RTM and all that it gave to our daily lives but with a calender view, it will be so much than what it is now. besides gaining the gratitude from your loyal users, I am also confident that it will be reflected to your user base.

(closed account) says:
I agree that developing a fully-fledged calendar would be a 'waste'.
However, what would be useful, is to have a feed from iCal to RTM, so that RTM would calendar entries, e.g. with a tag 'ical'.
That way I could see, what appointments etc. I have without opening the calendar app. (I don't have many and therefore hardly look at the calendar).
An example can be seen in Things 3
However, what would be useful, is to have a feed from iCal to RTM, so that RTM would calendar entries, e.g. with a tag 'ical'.
That way I could see, what appointments etc. I have without opening the calendar app. (I don't have many and therefore hardly look at the calendar).
An example can be seen in Things 3

(closed account) says:
I've posted in this thread twice before over the last 18 months, and I'll just reiterate that a full-fledged calendar view would be very help. I think it would bring you many new users. It would be a real plus in your marketing, IMHO.

(closed account) says:
Without doubt this is the biggest issue stopping me from committing to RTM. There is so much I love about this app. It has the best implementation of task duration I’ve found anywhere. But I REALLY want to be able to see my calendar events together with my to-dos to get a complete picture of my day & help with planning.

stefank60 says:
Again, what others are saying above. I think a calendar view or at least a two-way sync with gcal (todoist has this so it's clearly doable) is a must-have. Come on guys - please put this top of your list.

stefank60 says:
Tick tick also has two-way sync with google calendar so it can't be that hard can it?
Please look at this, tick-tick is definitely wooing me with that functionality and Kanban view.
Please look at this, tick-tick is definitely wooing me with that functionality and Kanban view.

floweringtree says:
If RTM had proper integration with iOS calendar, such that you could tell individual tasks/lists to set up as appointments which appeared in the calendar correctly from their start to end time, programme things to appear automatically in the correct calendar as "study" or "medical", and edit any task in both apps from either app, I would indeed see the lack of a calendar view in RTM as not trying to reinvent the wheel!
However, as it is, the lack produces an awkward functional problem. Calendars are no use for most of my tasks, which are done inbetween interuptions and genuinely need to be handled with a to-do app, but I do have three or four appointments most weeks. Having to add these separately to two different apps (RTM and iOS calendar) to see how much time I have to work with on the one hand, and where a particular parcel of time is actually booked and specifically unavailable on the other, is surprisingly time-consuming and mistake-prone.
This problem would be completely solved by an extremely basic calendar view, and a tick box which told RTM to block off the start-to-due time with that task on the calendar; by proper integration with the local calendar (iOS in my case); or by proper integration with a third party calendar app that worked on multiple systems.
A solution to this issue and one or two others (higher evaluation of what-did-get-done-when capacity - I'm a follower of Julie Morgenstern's time management from the inside out approach - which relies on being able to evaluate) would change RTM from being an extremely good app to an absolutely brilliant one. :-)
However, as it is, the lack produces an awkward functional problem. Calendars are no use for most of my tasks, which are done inbetween interuptions and genuinely need to be handled with a to-do app, but I do have three or four appointments most weeks. Having to add these separately to two different apps (RTM and iOS calendar) to see how much time I have to work with on the one hand, and where a particular parcel of time is actually booked and specifically unavailable on the other, is surprisingly time-consuming and mistake-prone.
This problem would be completely solved by an extremely basic calendar view, and a tick box which told RTM to block off the start-to-due time with that task on the calendar; by proper integration with the local calendar (iOS in my case); or by proper integration with a third party calendar app that worked on multiple systems.
A solution to this issue and one or two others (higher evaluation of what-did-get-done-when capacity - I'm a follower of Julie Morgenstern's time management from the inside out approach - which relies on being able to evaluate) would change RTM from being an extremely good app to an absolutely brilliant one. :-)

cjdenbow says:
Well, I had an account with RTM and I cancelled it last fall because of the lack of this feature. If you look for my avatar in posts above, you can see what I said previously. However, I'm now back, despite this feature not having been added. The other task apps I tried were just inferior to RTM.
As the poster right above this said, RTM is extremely good without a built-in calendar, but would be "absolutely brilliant" with one added.
Come on RTM programmers, get at it! I'm sure this addition would boost your sales, and would be well worth it in terms of your bottom line.
As the poster right above this said, RTM is extremely good without a built-in calendar, but would be "absolutely brilliant" with one added.
Come on RTM programmers, get at it! I'm sure this addition would boost your sales, and would be well worth it in terms of your bottom line.

cjdenbow says:
Thought I'd vote for this feature once again. Just trying to stuff the ballot box a little! ;-)
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