Autosave notes

brian.bubnash says:
I find I keep losing notes I type because I type some of the note, forget to hit save, go do something else, then come back to RTM and start to do something else (still without hitting save). It would be _awesome_ if the notes saved themselves!

graham.reeds says:
I agree. I've lost notes because I forgot to hit save.

(closed account) says:
I totally agree to this, happened to me frequently

andrei.marin says:
I totally agree. It happens to me also. Everything in rtm is based on auto-save, except notes.
I think they should be saved automatically.
I think they should be saved automatically.

academic.cac says:
Still the same today

xxjohnboy says:
yes for sure, this is annoying. I just lost all the links I cut and paste into notes because I forgot to hit save. Very frustrating as I spent a long time looking for those and have no way to get them back as clipboard copy has been overwritten.

cavanaughmm says:
If that's too difficult to do for now, at LEAST make the default "alert" when you leave a note without saving it) to be "YES SAVE THIS NOTE" instead of "yes leave this note without saving". And create an intuitive keyboard shortcut to save the note (e.g. "alt+S").
If that's too difficult to do for now, at LEAST make the default "alert" when you leave a note without saving it) to be "YES SAVE THIS NOTE" instead of "yes leave this note without saving". And create an intuitive keyboard shortcut to save the note (e.g. "alt+S").

(closed account) says:
Perhaps the notes could be auto-saved when that note field loses focus.
Or, as suggested by cavanaughmm, the default button on the alert dialog could be "Yes, save" instead of "Yes, discard".
Or, as suggested by cavanaughmm, the default button on the alert dialog could be "Yes, save" instead of "Yes, discard".

iltsu says:
Desperately also need auto-saved notes.
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