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Ability to set a default location per list

(closed account) says:
Most of my lists really are location specific. It would be nice if it was possible to create a default location per list. So, when you create a new task for a list, the default location would be pre-populated.
Posted at 1:35pm on August 1, 2007
coneslayer says:
Seconded... I have a list called "Home" for chores, maintenance, etc., and all of those items could be assigned a location of "Home".
Posted 17 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
I think I can help here.

Since late March, you can add tasks to SmartLists and they will inherit the list's defining criteria.

[Blog: and Help:]

As that help article indicates, if you have a SmartList with location defined as one of the keys, then any task you add to that list will share that location, too.

If you replace your location list with a smartlist keyed to that location, you should be in business. Does that help?
Posted 17 years ago
erik says:
This is one of the best benefits of living only in smartlists. I only have one "list" and everything else is implemented with tags and smartlists. They are *the* way to go IMO (I know I don't have to sell you Ran, but for everyone else).
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'd love this feature :-) I have many smartlists, but also a few 'dumb' ones. Every project gets its own list, so auto-adding locations would indeed be awesome. As this topic is old, I hope it's not integrated. I couldn't find it anyway.
Posted 13 years ago
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