Create subtasks from bulleted list in task note

I have a lot of tasks that end-up with bulleted lists in its notes that I need to convert into subtasks. I find it quicker to create a task and then use a note to jot down some possible things I need to do to accomplish the task instead of creating subtasks right away since there's a lot more clicking/tapping around needed to create subtasks. Or sometimes it's an older task that has a list I need to convert. Or other times, it's a list from somewhere else I want to import.
It would be super handy to have a function off a note in a task (where we find the Edit and Delete options today) to "convert to subtasks" which would parse the note looking for lines that start with "- " or "+ " and quickly convert them to new subtasks with the line's text as the task's title. No due date, no priority, just simple subtasks. Then we can use bulk changes to set other properties.
This would handy both in the web app and mobile apps.
It would be super handy to have a function off a note in a task (where we find the Edit and Delete options today) to "convert to subtasks" which would parse the note looking for lines that start with "- " or "+ " and quickly convert them to new subtasks with the line's text as the task's title. No due date, no priority, just simple subtasks. Then we can use bulk changes to set other properties.
This would handy both in the web app and mobile apps.

Agreed. Subtasks are not easy to use or create...despite what you think RTM programmers. I also end up listing 'subtasks' in the notes because that just works better, which isn't a good vote for the way subtasks are implemented.
+ Fix this issue
+ Test it well
_> Be sure to test it with users
+ Release it.
_+ Virus test the installer before releasing it.
See, that is what I end up at least let me easily convert that list to real subtasks?
+ Fix this issue
+ Test it well
_> Be sure to test it with users
+ Release it.
_+ Virus test the installer before releasing it.
See, that is what I end up at least let me easily convert that list to real subtasks?
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