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Restart Postpone count

eoe says:
I know this is very specialized to one of my lists, but as explained in one of my (award-winning! :) )Tips & Tricks, I use a list to keep track of people to contact that I cycle through so I make sure to keep up with friends.

When I email them, I would like to be able to restart the postpone count.

I know there's a workaround by just completing it and creating a duplicate one, but it'd be a nice addition albeit perhaps an eyesore in the UI for such a specialized request. But maybe you could make it easy like by putting it as a potential field to show rather than having to look at the "info". And from there, it's as simple as a little icon to reset it.

Posted at 2:08pm on June 5, 2020
(closed account) says:
You could just make it a recurring task using "after" so it automatically renews when you complete one. The only problem is that you'd have to include dates which might not fit with your workflow for that list.
Posted 3 years ago
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