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accidentally select multiple

mbrandonpace says:
I tend to accidentally select multiple tasks when I intend to select one. This often leads to me completing a task I don't intend to complete!

Happens like this: I select the task using the checkbox, postpone it (such that it moves down the list off-screen), and select another task (thinking I only have one task selected).

This is user error, but does anyone else have this trouble?
Posted at 3:09pm on September 18, 2019
mbrandonpace says:
Suggestions of possible solution:

A) By default, only one task is selected at a time. (Hold Ctrl for multiple?)
B) Clicking the checkbox completes the task.
C) Some visual cue that multiple tasks are selected.
Posted 5 years ago
davidvg says:
I agree with mbrandonpace in point C. A simple visual indicator would help.
I don't think option B would benefit. A lot of people use RTM via keyboard (me included, I almost never use the mouse when adding/editing tasks), and completing the task by ckecking the box would remove almost every keyboard functionality.
Posted 5 years ago
sfcurley says:
To me this is the most infuriating thing about RTM, great as it is. I would strongly vote for per-user option to have a multi-select mode and single-select mode. Or perhaps better yet, and alternatively: a default single-task select mode with shift-click used to select multiple tasks. I have several times unintentionally completed multiple tasks and not realized it until it was too late, and some have bee high-value, time-sensitive tasks. So, I think the default (and only-available) option of multi-selecting tasks has the potential for costly and/or catastrophic mistakes.
Posted 3 years ago
guerrillas says:
same, it happens daily. Looking around for alternative, as I can't trust my system anymore
Posted 2 years ago
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