Set rules for reminders (e.g., send to phone if priority 3, send to email if priority 2, etc)

dmrosenthal says:
You should be able to set rules for reminders -- if priority 3, send to my cell phone 30 minutes before. if priority 2, send to my email 2 hours before. if priority 1, don't remind.
also, you should be able to set special reminder details for specific tasks.
also, you should be able to set special reminder details for specific tasks.

(closed account) says:
definitely agree with the second point here

inocima says:
I loved RTM over checkpad for the google integration, but I really miss the configurable reminders... I checked the forums and this request seems to be around for quite a while, and this really makes a difference for ppl with so many tasks (and who doesn`t these days).
Ideally the reminders would be settable by priority, lists and by tasks (though I`d be happy with any of them!)
Ideally the reminders would be settable by priority, lists and by tasks (though I`d be happy with any of them!)

i'd like just to be able to select IM or email for different classes of remidner. if there's a due time I want IM beforehand, but for tasks with only a date an email at start of day would be better. I don't want to have to select reminder type per task if possible, because I like task entry to be very quick.

sujeetb says:
Don't know if this is a "different idea" for this thread, but I would like the Priority of the task to drive a couple of things:
# The sound / notification
# The messaging / notification - the subject of this thread, as I understand it
# The sound / notification
# The messaging / notification - the subject of this thread, as I understand it

wheretheskygrows says:
I agree with sujeetb! A different sound would at the very least help to determine if I am missing something super important, like a doctor's appointment - versus something less important, like pick up dry cleaning.

jeff.hadley says:
Definitely. The first step (for expediency sake given development concerns) would be to have an option to have reminders occur ONLY with tasks that have any priority assigned.
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