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Make postponing a repeating task work finally..

azaz44 says:
I just tested RTM again (did some years ago already) and see you can't postpone repeating tasks which are of "every ..." type. I see threads in forums which are 8 years old about it. For me it is a blocker feature and reason to look for another app.

Here's how it works:
- you define a task which is repeating "every month", for example pay a monthly bill
- you postpone the task, because there's no problem paying it few days later
- RTM will then mess all future dates of this task, postponing all of them instead of only the current one.

And how it should behave:
- It should postpone the current task, but not do anything with future tasks.
Posted at 5:13pm on December 18, 2017
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi azaz44,
This is how Remember The Milk should already work with repeating tasks if they use the "every" option, so it'd be great if you could contact us with some details so we could look into this and see what's going on.

Posted 7 years ago
fhettenbach says:
Postponing the way you describe works fine on my end
Posted 7 years ago
leoocampo says:
I can confirm this is a problem. I have the same issue.

I create a task that repeats “every Friday”, but one Friday I get behind and postpone the task until Sunday. The task is changed (unintentionally and undesirably) to now repeat every SUNDAY rather than every Friday.
Posted 4 years ago
leoocampo says:
I just submitted a bug report.
Posted 4 years ago
drdamski says:
Is there a resolution for this? I also have this issue. It means that if I postpone a "Every Monday" task once, to a tuesday, all future instances of this task now show up on Tuesdays - most frustrating. If I change something on a repeating entry in an Outlook calendar for example, the system is logical enough to at least ask if I want to save changes for just one occurrence (ie detach it from the recurring chain) or ALL instances.... this would be FAR MORE USEFUL!!
Posted 3 years ago
drdamski says:
Actually - I think I've figured this out - if you set a task to repeat weekly (every week) but then select "Advanced", you can specifically select the day of the week it should normally repeat. If I choose this, and then postpone the 1st instance of the task by a single day - the future repeats remain on the correct day of the week... I think this is the solution!
Posted 3 years ago
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