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Group by Due Date - Allow Ordering or Ordering by Due Date

lordthundering says:
The Pro Feature "Sorting & Grouping" for Smart Lists is really cool. However, Grouping by Due Date shows the tasks without Due Date before the Tasks that are Due today. Makes the features difficult to use. I would like to see the urgent stuff at the top, get rid of it and the take care of the important things (no due date)
Posted at 1:13pm on August 16, 2017
ioparaskev says:
Hmm maybe it's better to have a Smart List where the Due Date is not empty, and group that.
Grouping by Due date and showing as a first Group the "No date" seems to me self-evident since you can't really sort something that has no value. So why put it in the end? If you put it in the end, someone would say "I don't want it in the end, I want it in the beginning so I can plan my unscheduled tasks!"
Posted 7 years ago
mcarcasona says:
Perhaps as a rather simple solution to this: Rename the current grouping option to "due date (no due date at the top)" and add another grouping option "due date (no due date at the bottom" This also does not break any features.

This proposal also seems to be pretty much industry standard, e.g. on TickTick (which I tried for the last few days) grouping is the standard view and there the tasks without due date are always at the end of the list.
Posted 5 months ago
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