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Easier drag and drop for unpaid version

cjkogan111 says:
Drag and drop sorting comes with the unpaid version, however, it is often difficult to drop the task in the right spot without RTM thinking that you are trying to create a subtask (and pinging you that that feature is not available). It would be really helpful if there was a little more area between tasks that you could drop another task without RTM thinking you are trying to make a subtask.
Posted at 5:37pm on July 27, 2017
mesmes says:
I even could not drag and drop between days on the This Week view. :( That would be nice to have. Please, add this feature :)
Posted 7 years ago
mesmes says:
And also would be good, if the handle to grab the task would be the whole task, not only the left part.
Posted 7 years ago
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