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Print a list with subtasks (and with notes)

(closed account) says:
sorry 'bout my english - I try to do my best:
I have a lot of tasks in my lists with subtasks.
And I need a function to print the list including the subtasks.
And an second additional function to print also the notes would be great.
If you can make this as an selectable option, this would be more flexible.
Posted at 3:18pm on January 3, 2017
gwendywilkinson says:
Please add this!
Posted 7 years ago
kenwong9 says:
I strongly demand to add the function of printing the sub-tasks.
Now i can just print the main titiles. It is not convenient to have a full view of work.
Posted 6 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'd like to add my voice to having the subtasks display in the All Tasks view and to have them print, whenever the task containing the subtasks prints.
It's helpful to see all the underlying tasks when planning one's work.
Posted 6 years ago
(closed account) says:
Now I was waiting 2 Years to an improvement to this topic.
But I cannot feel any developement in the last time.
That's enough. I cancel my pro subscription and move to another tool. That's a pity. You had a very strong potential. But you didn't hear what your customers need. I'm not the only one who needs a professional task management. Bye bye - it started very hopeful with RMT....two years later.....disillusion
Posted 6 years ago
slpow1967 says:
Must have feature!
Posted 5 years ago
thomas.ritter says:
Printing a task (with notes) that has subtask(s) with notes, the notes of the subtask(s) are not printed, the subtask needs to be selected explicitly & separately to get the notes printed.

That's annoying & should be implemented
Posted 5 years ago
rebekahbrandt says:
It seems counter-productive to have a list with subtasks or notes that cannot be printed as a whole. We were really hoping that this would be our new favorite app, but this is a must-have feature that is missing.
Posted 5 years ago
mohamed99 says:
I would like to be able to print the notes when i print the tasks in a List or a Tag, that would be great
Posted 4 years ago
thorstenhahn says:
Yes! Please!
Posted 4 years ago
delucals says:
Yes, please add the ability to view and print subtasks and notes in all views/lists. Otherwise the subtask/note functions are much less valuable as a feature.
Posted 4 years ago
jonhind says:
I see requests for this feature for many years.
It seems such an obvious thing to be able to view tasks with subtasks.
Is there a work around ?
Posted 4 years ago
coatel says:
Ich Glaube ja nicht das wünsche auch mal umgesetzt werden aber die Hoffnung stirbt ja bekanntlich zuletzt ;-)
Werde vielleicht doch mal auf ein anderes Produkt umsteigen oder doch wieder Excel-Listen nutzen. Dafür ist mir das Geld dann doch zu viel.
Posted 3 years ago
scottsigler says:
Please add this. It seems logical there should be a way to see all nested tasks for a list. Three years and counting on this request, I hope y'all can make it happen.
Posted 3 years ago
milene.cha says:
RTM should improve the way it handles/shows subtasks. Subtasks get lost in a black hole.
Posted 3 years ago
edufazendovideo says:
possibility to print a list of tasks, where notes of these tasks are shown below the tasks; RTM only allows printing this way for individual tasks (printing one by one), which is very impractical...
Posted 3 years ago
ayazrkhan says:
Please add this.
Makes it very hard to share or the full depth
Posted 3 years ago
kjohnsonadsalarm says:
It would be super helpful to be able to print subtasks (and notes) when I print my full list of tasks.

With the way RTM is now I have to open each individual task that has subtasks (or notes) and print each task so that subtasks will also get printed. It's a huge pain and not helpful.

Our company paid for the Pro version in large part to have subtasks and with the current RTM set up, I would be better off with the basic, unpaid version.

Your feedback is appreciated on when this capability will be added.
Posted 2 years ago
ksingernc says:
printing subtasks and notes has been requested for years. I signed up for pro because of subtasks and notes, but I need to be able to print them as a group, not individually. It is time to make this a priority.
Posted 2 years ago says:
Printing subtasks would be really handy!
Posted 2 years ago
mars0i says:
I needed to create a list of names that I would give to someone else as part of my job. I created a task to remind myself to do that. I thought it would be convenient to list the names as subtasks in task in RTM. That was a mistake. Now I have to type or copy/past each of the 40 names into a file so that I can send them to my colleague. I should have created the list of names outside of RTM. But RTM should have been a good place for this purpose.
Posted 1 year ago
betsyswell says:
Strong upvote! I'd like to see my subtasks both accessible in smart lists and able to print.

My list of 'next actions' includes some standalone tasks and some subtasks. I suspect this is true of a lot of people.

The only way I can see all of my open action items is to promote my subtasks to tasks or keep two separate lists

At minimum, this should work, a smartlist like:
tag:@na OR (isSubtask:true AND tag:@na)

Posted 1 year ago
betsys99 says:
(oops, posted the above from a test account, repeating from my paid account)
Posted 1 year ago
janetdb says:
Just here to say I need to be able to print subtasks too!
Posted 1 year ago
fabioopatech says:
It will be very useful... Please give us possibilities to print subtasks
Posted 10 months ago
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