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Show subtasks Due in Smartlists when grouping by Due date

jamezzz says:
For the built-in queries Today, Tomorrow and This Week, if there are any subtasks with due dates for today, tomorrow or this week they show in those lists so they don't remain hidden when the due date hits. It would be great if this were also true in the smartlists when using sort that groups by due date as well since I tend to "live" in my smartlists more than the built in lists.
Posted at 3:20pm on November 28, 2016
jamezzz says:
Actually, looks like this is working, but I had a particular SmartList query that where subtasks due Today were not showing up. The query looked like this:

(dueBefore:"7 day of today" OR (priority:1 OR priority:2 OR tag:@tw OR tag:@tm)) AND list:work

So basically I had a priority 1 parent task with no due date and it had a priority 1 subtask due Today. The sorting for that smartlist sorts by due date then priority and groups by due date.

So the query was showing the parent task in the No Due Date group because it was priority 1 and as long as that parent is displaying the subtask won't display in the same list even though it's due Today. Basically, I'm wanting a Work Hotlist that shows tasks that are due within 7 days OR priority 1's and 2's. In this case, it would be nice if the due date was considered above the priority so I'd be guaranteed to see what's due even if it's a subtask. Thoughts?
Posted 8 years ago
jamezzz says:
If only the No Due Date group was always shown after the Due Date groups (Today, Tomorrow, etc) then I could just leave the priority out of SmartList query and just ignore the priority 3's and 4's at the bottom of the list. But as is, the No Due Date group would push all my dated tasks right off the bottom of the screen because it would be much longer with the priority 3's and 4's included.

So close to a good solution, but blocked either way!
Posted 8 years ago
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