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Quick Add for Mac

chan5harish says:
Can we get a quick add for mac. It helps a great deal when you are on other applications and can quickly add a task that you have to remember.
Posted at 3:07am on May 5, 2016
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We launched this feature a while back, so just marking this idea as launched. :)
Posted 6 years ago
bellebethcooper says:
This is a big reason I haven't committed fully to RTM yet. I'm so used to using this in other apps (e.g. Todoist, Wunderlist) to avoid switching context when I need to just note down a task so I don't forget it.
Posted 8 years ago
prushton says:
I'm using Bettertouchtool on the Mac to have a global hot key that brings RTM to the front and automate press T to create a new task.
Posted 8 years ago
logicelf says:
A native global hotkey combo to add a task would be fantastic.
Posted 8 years ago
logicelf says:
Update: I wrote a very simple Alfred 3 workflow to add tasks to RTM via Rumember (I use Alfred for dozens of things, so it was the natural choice). Quick, simple, reliable.

Here is the add task UI in action:

And it sends feedback once it has the API acknowledgement. It typically returns a result in 1-1.5 seconds for me.

Let me know if you want a copy.
Posted 8 years ago
chan5harish says:
Any updates on this - this is one thing that makes me cringe. every other app has this feature - can you guys atleast provide an ETA?
Posted 8 years ago
(closed account) says:
It's been introduced in a newest version :)
Posted 7 years ago
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