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Show Subtasks Underneath Parent Tasks Preferably as Hierarchy or Tree

jonm3 says:
Show Subtasks Underneath Parent Tasks Preferably as a Hierarchy or Tree:

Please introduce this feature. You should be able to view the subtasks on the main view underneath the parent task, preferable indented. Google tasks does this despite being one of the most basic task list apps available. Optionally it would also be nice if you could could have the option to expand/collapse to either Parent, Level 1 Subtasks, or Level 2 Subtasks. Something like this:

+/- Show Only Parent Tasks
+/- Show Level 1 Subtasks
+/- Show Level 2 Subtasks
| □ Parent Task 1
| □ -- Subtask 1
| □ ---- Subtask 1.1
| □ ---- Subtask 1.2
| □ -- Subtask 2
| □ ---- Subtask 2.1
| □ ---- Subtask 2.2
| □ -- Subtask 3
| □ ---- Subtask 3.1
| □ ---- Subtask 3.2
| □ Parent Task 2
| □ -- Subtask 1
| □ ---- Subtask 1.1
| □ ---- Subtask 1.2
| □ -- Subtask 2
| □ ---- Subtask 2.1
| □ ---- Subtask 2.2
| □ -- Subtask 3
| □ ---- Subtask 3.1
| □ ---- Subtask 3.2

You will should also still be able to see a list of subtasks when opening the Parent task details.

I have been using google tasks for a long time. I only stumbled across RTM this afternoon and liked some of the features it had. I purchased pro membership right away for the subtask feature, this was the only reason why I made the purchase. I'm very disappointed that I can't view the subtasks in my lists (except for a smart list with of subtasks = true). I regret purchasing the pro membership ani will stop using RTM if this feature isn't added soon. There are many other free options I can look into.
Posted at 2:25pm on March 4, 2016
(closed account) says:
that's What i want
Posted 8 years ago
odrulz says:
I find the lack of this feature to be a fundamental flaw as well. It is too difficult to get the high level view of a project.
Posted 8 years ago
glendamos says:
would love this feature.
Posted 8 years ago
atreesun says:
Please, do it! It's necessary thing!
Posted 8 years ago
atreesun says:
Please, do it! It's necessary thing!
Posted 8 years ago
christian.leth says:
go go go!
Posted 8 years ago
dino.gane says:
Posted 8 years ago
welred says:
yes please. looking for a new task manager, and the lack of this feature is a serious roadblock for me.
Posted 8 years ago
peter.jewell says:
Yes please, this would be a useful improvement.
Today I wanted to see all the incomplete subtasks associated with a tag, but I couldn't. An optional hierarchy view would be great.
Posted 8 years ago
onerror says:
Am waiting for it
Posted 8 years ago
newyear17 says:
Posted 8 years ago
ornorm says:
Fully agree, this feature is a must have.
Posted 8 years ago
constant.giraud says:
Totally agree too. This feature would be particularly useful in smart lists where the subtasks are lost within their main task
Posted 8 years ago
kbjenkins says:
It is mandatory.
Posted 8 years ago
benradclyffe says:
Posted 7 years ago
johnfoland says:
I'm yearning for this so much. I'm yearning.
Posted 7 years ago
srossetter says:
Agree - please get it done
Posted 7 years ago
imnotashrimp says:
+2 for this one. It would also make it easier to plan out my projects
Posted 7 years ago
johnfoland says:
This feature would be a game changer for a lot of us I think. I'm rather surprised there aren't more up-votes / +1s / likes loves / adores / obsessions / restraining orders for this breathtaking functionality. This is my number one feature request. Love you Bobby T. <3
Posted 7 years ago
robgia says:
important feature Bob!!!!
could you do it?
Posted 7 years ago
feidaman says:
I think it's time to point the elephant in the room: literally EVERYONE here is crying for the following features:

1) Ability to display children items indented
2) Ability to expand/collapse children items
3) Ability to quickly change item indentation by swiping left/right
4) Ability to quickly re-order items by swiping up/down
5) Ability to perform 4) and 5) on multiple items simultaneously, rather than just one item at a time.

By "quickly" I mean without having to activate some sort of special "Edit" mode that takes extra taps and fiddling. Just swipe directly. After each action, provide an undo button in case it was accidental.

In the days of PalmOS there was this beautiful app called ListPro which some of you may have heard of or even used, this app was lists heaven. It could be a simple to-do list but it could be also a fairly powerful (yet easy to figure out) databsae, with very cool filtering and search options. Then along came capacitive touchscreens and the whole thing went down the loo. Not being nostalgic but PalmOS was such a fast workflow, I miss it dearly. To date I am yet to find an app that comes close. All to-do apps for Android I've tested lacks all or some of the above four features which are ESSENTIAL to a to-do list app. No indentation = FAIL. No way to collapse/expand children = FAIL. No way to re-order the list quickly = FAIL. Developers: wake up!! I've just installed Remember the Milk, same thing. It took me longer to download the installer package than to test it and convince myself that it was yet another dumbed down to-do list like all the other apps on the Play Store. All these developers are wasting their life. Seriously, if you are going to give us a crappy app like all the similar hundreds of apps we've already installed, tested and dumped without hesitation, then there are better things for you to do with your time.
Posted 7 years ago
jukmak says:
I think it is time to react on this. It's an obvious flaw in the product. Please do it so I don't need to start shopping for another task manager.
Posted 6 years ago
himanshu121b says:
I have just now posted a use case scenario where the lack of this feature is making some of tasks remain hidden
Posted 6 years ago
mattyg0606 says:
This would be perfect for how I use this app
Posted 6 years ago
dicksrtm1024 says:
I also purchased RTM pro to get subtasks and have been very disappointed at their implementation. Especially since other Task managers / To-Do lists handle them so well and for free. I agree with the issues and faults stated above. Without updated subtask handling I see no reason to renew my pro subscription.
Posted 6 years ago
(closed account) says:
Was the first but really important thing I missed in this nice app.
Posted 6 years ago
ramification says:
I've just buyed a pro account with all of those ideas in mind and... thoses are just ideas... how long for those to become real features ?! :-/
Posted 6 years ago
drill_hidea says:
Subtasks have only a parent-child relationship, and their importance as tasks does not differ from other single tasks.
Posted 5 years ago
bartvanparys says:
Posted 5 years ago
rodrigoborgesp says:
Yes, please!!
Posted 5 years ago
lillgu says:
what @feidaman and @jonm3 said.
any upate?? it's been 3+ years ...
Posted 5 years ago
vivarta says:
I think they can't be bothered. Best just look for another list app I guess...
Posted 4 years ago
vivarta says:
I think they can't be bothered. Best just look for another list app I guess...
Posted 4 years ago
jonhind says:
Oh yes please.
I really would like to see what the idea behind sub-tasks was.
Because without inheritance and visibility they seem of limited value .
I can get a list of sub-tasks with "isSubtask:true"
I can list tasks with sub-tasks with "hasSubtasks:true"
Can I list all tasks with their sub-tasks - it seems not -
I thought a sledgehammer approach of "isSubtask:true OR isSubtask:false OR hasSubtasks:true OR hasSubtasks:false" might at least list all tasks and sub-tasks but no - it just shows 'top level' tasks.
And the sub-task list doesn't show it's parent task does in the list does it ?
Perhaps the groupby feature could help ? Well maybe if I had one sub-task per list ?
Has anyone got a use case for sub tasks ? Because as far as I Can see I Have to remember which tasks are subtasks of name them with a prefix of their parent task, which seems very clunky and easy to forget...
Posted 4 years ago
sfcurley says:
Posted 4 years ago
jpumar says:
Posted 4 years ago
flamingomojo says:
Yes, absolutely! I see I'm not the only one who thinks this is a critical improvement. But I'm dismayed to see that people have been posting this suggestion for 4 years with no action. Please let me be the one who puts the votes over the top and into action!
Posted 4 years ago
dayoung24 says:
Posted 3 years ago
milene.cha says:
a critical and urgent improvement.
please focus on its implementation asap.
users MUST be able to have a consolidated view of tasks and subtasks.
next actions are most probably subtasks rather than the parent task
Posted 3 years ago
(closed account) says:
Perhaps clicking on the number icon that indicates subtasks would expand that task, in the same view, with the indented subtasks. Then, clicking on any task, main task or subtask, would open the normal task details in the right pane as it does now.
Posted 3 years ago
heyyoots says:
I am missing subtask deadlines. The ideas in this list are much more intuitive. I hope something will be implemented here.
Posted 3 years ago
b.lewer says:
I would really like this, too! Seeing all of my tasks for the week (so, tasks and their associated subtasks) would make RTM the best task management app for me, whereas I'm currently leaning toward another option.
Posted 3 years ago
jaykaplon says:
Chiming in to say that a better view of subtasks is critical. I was ecstatic when you added subtasks many many years ago now, but I've never used them much because there really is no way to see what is going on in one view.

Subtasks in RTM are a good checklist item, but not helpful in the real world without better viewing and relative due dates.
Posted 2 years ago
dicksrtm1024 says:
After 4 years + of users asking for better subtask handling I would have expected some relevant action. I would like to see RTM post a comment on their plans.
Posted 2 years ago
milene.cha says:
Unfortunately I don't use subtasks.
I simply can't manage them in my RTM workflow, since they stay hidden all the time or simply get lost.
Plase provide a better integration of subtasks in RTM.
Posted 2 years ago
maureenhalloween says:
It is absolutely unacceptable that RTM has not implemented this most basic, elementary, and critical feature by now. I bought PRO as well for subtasks and *could not believe* they only display as a tiny number in a main task, and the main task has to be clicked for a view with the subtasks to appear.

Out of sight, out of mind. I need to be able to view a list and see all of the subtasks laid out with the main tasks in a list, not have them be hidden. I don't want to have to do "workarounds" either. Seeking a new To Do app now.
Posted 2 years ago
drfrankbuck says:
I don't need anything as detailed as the original diagram, but here is what I would like to see:
You see the subtask. Beside it, in light gray, is the parent. This screenshot is from Asana. Even they don't include this feature in the mobile app, so if RTM could include it as a second line on the mobile app, that would be great.
Posted 1 year ago
levans89 says:
Posted 15 days ago
milene.cha says:
Please, folks, let's improve subtasks, shall we?
There are so many fine ideas from users and many of them are quite easy to implement.
After all, this is a pro feature, we paying supporters deserve better...
Posted 5 days ago
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