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Option to receive reminders for overdue tasks

(closed account) says:
I find myself making use of the email reminders for date due items, but when something passes I need another reminder, that has a urgency notice to get done.

I've found that overdue items tend to be forgotten unless I manually look at the list which is sometimes hard as I'm not on my computer all day.

Posted at 2:02am on May 4, 2007
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
This is now an option with the new Remember The Milk. :)

You can choose to have overdue tasks included in the Daily Digest. To change your preferences, click the cog in the top right, click "Account settings", then "Daily Digest", and select "Overdue tasks".

Thanks for everyone's feedback on this! :)
Posted 8 years ago
davidbessler says:
I second this.
Posted 16 years ago
piperd says:
Yep - I need to be chased on overdue reminders more than current so this is a fairly key enhancement.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
tandoor says:
This would be so easy to implement and so obvious a need, I'm surprised it's languished since May 2007!

One more checkbox under daily reminders for Overdue Items (and probably one extra condition in an If statement in the code--ok, I know it's more than that but seriously, it can't be MUCH more) and you're done.
Posted 16 years ago
tandoor says:
With the second day of dealing with my reminders on overdue items (arguably the most important) disappearing, I realize that that makes the reminder "feature" basically useless. I checked out but there reminder feature is part of the premium user package, which I would pay for if I knew it actually reminded on overdue items as well ...
Posted 16 years ago
krysta says:
Posted 16 years ago
jc153 says:
Posted 16 years ago
joshpjones99 says:
Wow this really is kinda a Duh. +1 from me. I keep forgetting things because they fall off from today to yesterday. I realize that with true GTD this doesn't happen but in real life outside of books and plans you sometimes forget to postpone things to tomorrow when the day ends then they are forgotten.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 16 years ago
jbguenette says:
I was just about to post something like this too! Count me in!
Posted 16 years ago
charleswlin says:
Posted 16 years ago
charleswlin says:
Does anyone know if this is being worked on? Would really be a helpful feature, but seems like this has been outstanding for a long time, and doesn't seem then is on RTM's high priority list. But as people mentioned here, seems like a logical and straightforward thing to do.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Interesting. I wouldn't push for this, but then again I also wouldn't use this. I suppose the natural conclusion to this request is that RTM isn't your main app for managing is...RTM just delivers your tasks to where you actually want to see them. Doesn't the daily agenda include overdue tasks? If you aren't going to use RTM as your main task management app, perhaps you should flag/start/move your emails and un-flag/un-star/delete them when the task is done. Then you have a constant nag right in your inbox and you don't have to receive additional emails.

If I were an RTM developer, I'd look at this request and say two things:
1. This isn't a deficiency (I don't know of a service that does this) and
2. This doesn't really do anything to improve the product.

...or just send yourself a task every day to check RTM for overdue emails. :-)
Posted 16 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
I haven't spoken up about this previously, but I thought it worth adding that it's not a very complex or outlandish request to hope that a daily, automated email would contain not only newly due items, but also a summary of open, overdue ones as well.

Being able to refer to one email, and not have to scour multiple emails, is a clear benefit.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I was thinking of something else with my "daily agenda" remark previously. I don't use the emails/reminder feature of RTM, my apologies. I think ranbarton is on to something. It's Google Calendar that has a "daily agenda". RTM could adopt this and include overdue items in that email.
Posted 16 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
I adore Gcal's daily agenda. I subscribe to the iCal of one of my RTM Smartlists, so I see my day's tasks integrated right into my calendar - very handy. If we could inject my overdue's into that email, then we'd really be on to something.
Posted 16 years ago
charleswlin says:
Hi, thanks for the responses. In a nutshell, this to me is more about giving the user more options. While email notification is not necessarily used heavily by everyone, some (like myself) would depend on it this way - 2 sections in the email to distinguish due today vs overdue (maybe even with due date). First, hopefully RTM doesn't mind enabling his option. Second, as said before, if it takes less less than a few days to implement, RTM will implement this. But even with such a small feature add, there needs to be enough demand to make it worth their time, so please - anyone whowould like his as well, enter your thoughts here. Thanks.
Posted 16 years ago
dleder says:
Posted 15 years ago
ryanth says:
+1 ... definitely in favor of more email options in general.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Overdue items need to be on the reminder list.

Also the ability to send NOW for the remender list.

Also the ability to email a filtered list, on a schedule and NOW.
Posted 15 years ago
kent0n says:
Please, please put this is an option for the reminders - I ponied up the cash assuming that this would be a feature that you can switch on - without it. users not near a computer have to make some pretty special efforts to try and find out what they have missed. I know that this may not appeal to GTD purists but it certainly can't hurt as an option - do RTM guys reply on this firum?
Posted 15 years ago
kent0n says:
that would be *forum*
Posted 15 years ago
mehardin says:
"users not near a computer have to make some pretty special efforts to try and find out what they have missed."

It takes a few minutes for ONE TIME setup, but after that I don't consider a quick direct message on twitter "pretty special effort."

if you have a saved overdue list "dueBefore:today" or a saved today list that includes overdue items i.e. "dueBefore:tomorrow" AND you follow RTM on Twitter, which is a one time setup, it's relatively simple to find out what you missed with a direct twitter message.

d rtm !getlist overdue OR
d rtm !getlist today

When rtm direct tweets me back, it comes to my phone AND my email.
Posted 15 years ago
kent0n says:
@mehardin thanks for that - I will set it up, I still don't see why it can't be added though as ultimately that is asking for a reminder and the whole point is that I want to be reminded automatically ;-)
Posted 15 years ago
kent0n says:
...and in this respect I totally agree with @ranbarton's point above "I haven't spoken up about this previously, but I thought it worth adding that it's not a very complex or outlandish request to hope that a daily, automated email would contain not only newly due items, but also a summary of open, overdue ones as well.

Being able to refer to one email, and not have to scour multiple emails, is a clear benefit."
Posted 15 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
I also think one could build on the weekly planner view and create a very good HTML email of overdue, current, and pending tasks.

For example, if one's reminder list were tied to a smartlist, each user could craft just the right batch of tasks they wished to have emailed to them, and at what intervals. I'd love to have an HTML email I could keep open all day, with links that would let me complete, postpone, or edit each task just a click away.
Posted 15 years ago
nbarrowman says:
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
Why has this not been implemented yet? Seems very simple...

I just want the daily email (that I get anyway) to list my overdue tasks as well. That's all.
Posted 15 years ago
ceejaysmith says:
Yep, +1 for me too. And while we're on it, I'd really like to be able to select custom reminders per task. Some tasks I want reminders of on the day, others 1 hour or so before (and some with Twitter, and some with email). It's seems like this should be a pretty basic feature, as most calendar software does it (eg. iCal).

Could be a good PRO only feature?
Posted 15 years ago
hunkin says:
Posted 15 years ago
ryan.cross says:
+1 from me. I also thought it worth noting a few other threads asking for the same thing in an attempt to consolidate.

Especially since this would seem like a really easy fix / addition. Probably a small tweak to some SQL or possibly a template.
Posted 15 years ago
barkwheats says:
This was asked in 2007 but is still an issue! +1
Posted 15 years ago
amphoto says:
+1 the only 'place' on my computer that I'm always paying attention to is my email - everything that's important ends up there - please let us know if this is coming
Posted 15 years ago
quilnmous says:
+1 I agree with @amphoto -- I check in with RTM b/c it is like my cool friend/personal assistant that helps me stay on top of things. But when I get e-mail, it's like Big Brother/parental unit telling me I have a serious issue to deal with.

I'm also addressing an earlier discussion about being an RTM user versus an external user -- hey, it's OK to be both at the same time, as long as both make you productive. Getting RTM overdue tasks to work with e-mail reminders is like when the whole is better than the sum of its parts. Can't we all just get along? :-)
Posted 15 years ago
nick.gibbons says:
Posted 15 years ago
woelfle says:
Posted 15 years ago
martin.pope says:
I support this 2000%. An option on the reminders setiings is the correct solution here.

I want my daily email to get longer and longer until I have completed all the tasks.
Posted 15 years ago
dougmason says:
Sweet Jesus, please add this feature.

I'm willing to wait for my Outlook sync or a fancy Blackberry application, but this request seems like a simple one that would make a whole lot of people happy!

It doesn't seem like a significant amount of coding and testing, compared to these other RTM projects and the ROI would be excellent.

Posted 15 years ago
vitalyb says:
+1 plz
Posted 14 years ago
kevincberry says:
Posted 14 years ago
tytyzimmy says:
+1. Any plans for this???
Posted 14 years ago
rosswil says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
this is the same for the other one...

so plus 1!

Posted 14 years ago
hebbet says:
Posted 14 years ago
alange says:
Posted 14 years ago
guice says:
Posted 14 years ago
mjerr says:
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1; I'm going to send RTM a friendly mail about this thread...
Posted 14 years ago
amytrc says:
Posted 14 years ago
ivanatpr says:
It would be good to get a daily digest email with any overdue tasks
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 14 years ago
margaret.moser says:
Posted 14 years ago
martin.fogarty says:
This is a huge omission on this feature and it should be rectified - if anything, it is more important to be reminded of overdue tasks than due tasks.
Posted 14 years ago
rachelober says:
Posted 14 years ago
hova4ever says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
mbaroukh says:
+1 but if nobody take care of customers needs, this post is not really useful ...
Posted 13 years ago
cjk42 says:
Ok, maybe this is over-simplifying, but why not create a smartlist for overdue items using the "dueBefore:today" parameter. Then click on the "Atom" link for that list and save that link it to your favorites or a shortcut on your desktop? Check it daily to see a list of things you haven't done yet. Works for me.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 Including a specification of the tasks per project in the email!
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I would love to be able to be notified about overdue tasks!
Posted 13 years ago
adamup says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Please add
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
mbaroukh says:
Posted 13 years ago
sm2n says:
I would go Pro for this feature alone.
Posted 13 years ago
secretwings says:
Posted 13 years ago
ruphskunk says:
Posted 13 years ago
mbrocious says:
Posted 13 years ago
calbert says:
Posted 13 years ago
aarondick says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 13 years ago
daryltask says:
Posted 13 years ago
sergekh says:
This one is really a must have.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I signed up for RTM, hoping that this would be a feature, but no.

What RTM needs is not just regular reminders for past-due items, but increasingly insistent reminders and threats. I'm actually serious: If I have procrastinated on paying the visa bill for two weeks, I want not only a regular morning reminder email, but a reminder sent to my husband to give me heck, and a threat to email my mother if I leave it another week.
Procrastinators need all the help they can get!!

I can put reminders with multiple email notifications on my Google calendar, but once the date passes, everything goes quiet. This is the LAST thing I want to happen.

Please help me and all the other procrastinators, RTM!
Posted 13 years ago
lizzeh says:
Agree this is a must. It decreases the usefulness of the reminders if it does not remind you of past due items. An option for a daily reminder with upcoming (week) tasks and those overdue would be helpful.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
it would be simple to break down the daily reminder email. One section for tasks due today, a following section for tasks overdue etc
Posted 13 years ago
josh.deckard says:
Any update on the ability to get a daily email summary of all tasks (preferably by list)?
Thank you
Posted 12 years ago
spency says:
Please add this.
Posted 12 years ago
kaktus74 says:
Lack of this feature forces me to write own script which will send me overdue tasks via email...
Posted 12 years ago
democrito says:
It's time!
Posted 12 years ago
jeradzan says:
+1! Desperately needed!
Posted 12 years ago
lillgu says:
+1 about time...
Posted 12 years ago
robbertkl says:

Automatically postponing overdue items at the end of the day would also do the trick for me, although then you can't see the original due date anymore, i.e. it won't be overdue anymore.
Posted 12 years ago
jane.macgregor says:
This seems like a major oversight and also hopefully something relatively easy to implement? I find email reminders fairly useless without it.
Posted 12 years ago
john.fournier says:
I would like this too + 1
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Wanted to post here that I've come up with a workaround after spending days looking at other task managers none of which could lure me away from RTM. So, I am using the RTM app push notifications to let me know when I have tasks due "today", but since that doesn't include my overdue tasks, I have to have a separate reminder for those.

Here is what I came up with:

1. Set up Twitter so that you can DM with @rtm
2. Make a smart list called "Overdue" from a saved search for dueBefore:Today
3. Open an account at
4. Enable the Date/Time and Twitter channels there
5. Create a recipe using the Date/Time trigger (I set it for 3am) that tweets: d @rtm !gl Overdue
6. Make sure Twitter is set up to email you your DM's
7. (optional) Set up an email filter to delete emails that contain "Overdue: no tasks" so that you only get an email notification when RTM finds overdue tasks.

PHEW! This works. Now I wake up to an email that tells me about any overdue tasks.

Note, you can also have Twitter text you your DM's, but then you can't filter out when the message finds no overdue tasks. You will get a daily text whether you have overdue tasks or not.

I hope this helps someone out there who needs a nudge to complete overdue tasks.
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Here's a link to the IFTTT recipe:
Posted 12 years ago
alexreichl says:
So obvious..yet no response from Milk. This is essential if you are trying to manage somebody else through tasks
Posted 12 years ago
drcarolynmiller says:
Posted 12 years ago
radi69 says:
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 12 years ago
betsy.ptak says:
Yes please.
Posted 12 years ago
wheretheskygrows says:
@rjpianist: The IFTTT Twitter recipe works great!

I actually like this better because it gives me a list of things in an email for any list I choose. So I can combine two smart lists into one and have that sent to my husband every day. He always has a running list of calls or items to check that are not necessarily are overdue, but things to remember. He's so scattered so he won't go check the RTM website, but having it in one email that he checks every day is easy for him.
Posted 12 years ago
ifieatturkey says:
+1 Please just allow email reminders for overdue tasks!
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:

Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1. Without this feature, email reminders are almost useless. I, like Douglas Adams, love the whooshing noises that deadlines make as they go by, so I'd use this feature all the time.
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
(Not to mention that while the Twitter workaround is clever, it seems shocking to me that I'd need to rely on Twitter, of all things, to implement a missing feature for a time-management system. It's wrong!)
Posted 12 years ago
dispensa says:
Posted 11 years ago
jphw says:
Totally agree. +1
Posted 11 years ago
kaktus74 says:
Posted 11 years ago
zamomin says:
@rjpianist Thanks for sharing your recipe!

Nevertheless, reminders for overdue mails should be part of a time management system. How many people complete all due tasks on the due day every day? If I am too busy to buy milk today, I still need it tomorrow ...

Posted 11 years ago
ashwin says:
If user is overdue on a task, he needs to be reminded about this. This is just as important or more important that reminder about his current tasks.

For email reminders that are received once a day, this feature is really easy to implement and is a must. Just place list of overdue reminders on top of today's tasks.
Posted 11 years ago
bekozi says:
I agree this is much needed. It is easy to rely on reminder emails and forget to look at the interface.
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
would be very helpfull
Posted 11 years ago
cwb3106 says:
I like this idea. It would also be useful to have a periodic email listing the contents of a specified smartlist.. Periodicity should have all the repeat options of tasks; e.g., every day, every week, every weekday.
Posted 11 years ago
chris.copac says:
Please, please, please add this as an option.
Posted 11 years ago
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