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Sort completed tasks

basovink says:
one of the key features for me of RTM is the never expiring of completed tasks. The most inportant list where I scan through completed tasks is my shopping list. It is annoying that this list is not sorted alphabetically. Could you change the sort to follow the main list sort order and/or make it a choice?
Posted at 9:02am on February 5, 2016
akslambert says:
Posted 8 years ago
basovink says:
Posted 8 years ago
sean.digitalfix says:
+1 Is this not a "pro" feature?

I thought "advanced sorting" was a pro feature... I'm going to hold off on getting a pro subscription until this gets--ahem--sorted.
Posted 8 years ago
iljasorokin says:
Advanced sorting of completed tasks would be really useful for weekly review, for example
Posted 8 years ago
basovink says:
This is a duplicate
Posted 8 years ago
catseyetc says:
Basovink is right. There are two threads.

I am so frustrated with the lack of sort order with completed tasks that I am even considering not renewing my subscription next year. I have no idea where I should 'vote'. I wrote to RTM about this in Jun 2016 and I am clearly not alone in this request for 6 years!!! Really??

It's even worse in the new windows app now because at least I could use the browsers 'find' facility without leaving my list. The app makes me navigate away from the list every time.

I am posting this in both forum posts. Not sure if RTM are going to start bothering to check the forums. Let's hope.

Post links:
Posted 8 years ago
simon.miner says:
Posted 8 years ago
timns says:
Posted 8 years ago
sean.digitalfix says:
I would pay for a pro account if this *extremely basic* list management feature was exposed to users.

This is *invaluable* for maintaining a shopping list (or any list where items are regularly recycled).

Please, please, please let us sort completed items!
Posted 8 years ago
timns says:
I've raised this will support a couple of times... they are polite, friendly, quick to respond, but doing nothing
Posted 8 years ago
(closed account) says:
This is a requirement to manage a shopping list.
Posted 7 years ago
ramprecht says:
please add. does not change anything on the basic concept. whats the reason for holding-off?
Posted 7 years ago
sailj32 says:
I find it very odd that this feature does not exist. It has to be easy to implement - sorting by name is already possible for incomplete tasks, why not for completed tasks?
Posted 7 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 I keep returning to RTM and am immediately reminded why I keep wandering off to other task management systems: it's lack of usability for recurring lists like a grocery list simply because there's no way to sort completed tasks
Posted 7 years ago
velopuella says:
I vote FOR the functionality to sort completed lists alphabetically by task item!!
PLEASE JOIN ME in this VOTE/Request!
Posted 7 years ago says:
The ability to sort completed items is a basic. It is clearly important to users. Developers owe it to users to implement the functionality. I will not pay for pro without this feature - shopping for another app solution in the meanwhile.
Posted 7 years ago
thomas.ritter says:
I never anderstood (and still do) why developers take the seat of a SW user and decides for her/him what is good for her/him, means what limitations or functions the SW should have.
This is NOT to insult any developer of the RTM team!
Just my view after having worked 30++ years in SW support (and being a day 1 user of RTM).
Why limit a sort option, that is essential for running a grocery list, the VANILLA feature of a tool called "Remember the Milk" is meant for?
Sorting for completed task should be implemented the same way as for incomplete ones, with the selectable sort option "completed" for sure.
Posted 7 years ago
dcurley says:
+1 here. I've resorted to re-keying grocery items rather than mess about looking for items in the completed list. Very inefficient and I don't always remember the milk!

Advanced Sort within Completed view would let me sort by tag. My tags are grocery store 'departments' like #dairy, #frozen, #bakery etc. which saves me time and money in0store (reduces en-route impulse buys if I reduce unnecessary wandering round the store). So this would let me rebuild my shopping list in seconds instead of minutes.

Pretty Please?
Posted 7 years ago
ewbiosfp says:
The simple? solution here is to offer a custom sort (within reasonable bounds) for tasks that are Completed. Personally, I would like them to be sorted by their original due dates because that is how I see them on a calendar, and a vast majority of my tasks recur on the same dates every month. RMilk currently sorts the completed tasks by their _actual_ completion dates and times.

I think offering a _limited_ custom sort option for Completed tasks would be the best compromise for the myriad scenarios that all the RMilk subscribers have presented.

Posted 6 years ago
erica.nofi says:
Sorting completed items is essential to repeating tasks lists like groceries and packing. I would love the same functionality as sorting the incomplete items--or even the ability to see complete and incomplete together in the same sorted view--so that I can easily re-add items.
Posted 5 years ago
(closed account) says:
Agree - being able to find items in the completed list is a fundamental necessity for a re-usable list.

I'd love to use RTM to help me remember the milk (a core purpose, as someone else pointed out) but without completed-sorting my 200-item shopping list remains in the otherwise-inferior Google Tasks. The non-Google mobile apps which connect with it are somehow able to sort completed items ... well fancy that!

Wunderlist had the same issue when I used to use it - completed lists couldn't be sorted, multitudes requested it over many years, but nothing ever happened.

Are there technical reasons why it's harder to implement than regular sorting? I doubt it, but if so, I think we'd all appreciate someone from RTM letting us know why it's tricky, or whatever other reason it hasn't been done yet. And if it ever will. Please!
Posted 5 years ago
monkeygreg says:
Any update on sort options for completed tasks - I need it real bad.
Posted 5 years ago
stephenfleming says:
Obviously, there's something wrong, since this has been requested for three years and there's no action. It seems to be a fundamental problem with an app that's supposed to help us "Remember the Milk" when I have to scroll through 150 grocery store items to *find* the milk.

I'd be happiest with a sortable mixed view of completed and uncompleted items. I'd be satisfied with a sortable list of completed items. I'm very unhappy with the status quo. You might even say that I'm... out of sorts.
Posted 5 years ago
tkorshin2020 says:
Posted 5 years ago
polgs says:
I notice that this request was originally made just over four years ago and there are still people asking for this feature now.
The valid reasons for having the ability to sort all items, not just incomplete ones, have already been stated above, so there’s no need for me to repeat them here.
Could we please have some feedback on whether this feature is even being considered by the RTM developers or if we should Just give up waiting? How hard can it be?
Posted 4 years ago
tkorshin2020 says:
Sorting through completed items is a must have! Please, implement!
Posted 4 years ago
fant says:
Posted 4 years ago
kasparek says:
Must have feature - do it please
Posted 4 years ago
jbyars says:
This topic seems to be brought up every few years and ends up in multiple threads. Ex:
My Assumption is that there is a threshold that has to be hit for RTM to implement a new feature. It says that votes are consolidated when threads are consolidated. However, it seems it does NOT take account of the fact that some questions are similar and would actually be solved by the same code update. Ex: This thread is asking for the ability to sort by Due Date (IE, custom sort), while is asking for sort in completed lists to follow the same sort options as incomplete (ie, custom sort). These are the same things and both threads are open...and not consolidated. As this is already implemented in the "incomplete" view, it seems the code could be somewhat easily incorporated into the "completed" view since they render the same way...and yes, I know, no code change is "simple". But I would ask that RTM look at searching for other similar threads where the "ask" is phrased differently but would be solved by the same code update. This "ask" has been around for 13 years (or longer) at this point.
Posted 10 months ago
jbyars says:
BTW-RTM, I've found a workaround, but it is VERY tedious to set up the first time. However, once it is set up, it can be reused. Before I post it into tips and tricks, I'd like to show someone from RTM as it could be a bit database intensive. Please contact me at the email address on file if interested.
Posted 10 months ago
cek1227 says:
@jbyars, I'd love to see your workaround. Mine is tedious, too. If yours is less tedious, more elegant, or more efficient than this, then I want to see it.

- Open the list of completed items I'm interested in
- Tag all tasks with "report"
- Uncomplete all items
- Go to the "report" tag list
- Sort as desired
- Print this list
- Complete all items in the list again
- If appropriate, go back to the completed list and untag "report"
Posted 16 weeks ago
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