Integration with Google Now on Android App

damen says:
Within Android google now provides the means to do a "Note to self" and then creating a task with Gmail, Google Keep and since I've installed Wunderlist even with that as integrated workflow.
For RTM this is unfortunately not possible, this would be a great feature for adding tasks while on the go (normally when I get my best ideas).
There are some workarounds, but using gmail, ifttt and thus cluttering my gmail inbox with tasks that I want to have in RTM is not really the best solution imho.
For RTM this is unfortunately not possible, this would be a great feature for adding tasks while on the go (normally when I get my best ideas).
There are some workarounds, but using gmail, ifttt and thus cluttering my gmail inbox with tasks that I want to have in RTM is not really the best solution imho.

davewh says:
Great suggestion! While I just renewed my RTM Pro membership for another year, Todoist almost lured me away due to that feature alone. It's an especially great feature to have while in the car, cycling, etc., for entering tasks with simple deadlines when it's not convenient to pick up/unlock your phone. Esp for those of us with Moto phones. In my opinion, the integration wouldn't even have to cover all aspects of entry parsing, just some of the basic ones.

davewh says:
Damen, just a heads up that I posted a version of this request with "voice entry" in the title at, as my initial query didn't pull this one up. Hopefully b/t the two of our posts, others interested will locate at least one of the posts depending upon their initial query terms and be able to chime in. best wishes, dave w.

digitap says:
This integration seems obvious, and sadly lacking for Android users. Hoping it's an idea that catches on quicker than nesting tasks.

davewh says:
Please also see the idea I posted here, which would allow for use of a forwarding filter within Gmail. It requires RTM to recognize emailed tasks with "note to self" in the subject line: . It might be easier for them to program in the meantime...

digitap says:
I see this integration has been added for Siri and for Alexa. I'm not a Mac user and I don't have Alexa. Google Now was around before Alexa. Alexa should have been an after thought. says:

j.starke says:
I really need this feature, too.

timns says:
please add my vote too

digitap says:
I tweeted this suggestion to RTM, and was essentially blown off. I don't know why adding tasks to RTM easily using Google Now has been put off. I get most tasks I need to add when I'm driving. I've tried using the Evernote integration, but the Evernote added has Note To Self as the title and what I want added to the body of the note. If I set the reminder in Evernote and it syncs to RTM, only the title "Note To Self" is synced. How on God's green Earth is THAT helpful!! I have to edit the task in Evernote so it syncs properly. Again, it's available for Siri and Alexa but not Google Now. This has been a request for quite a while.
Any solution I try to use to automate this using Google Now always ends up with some intervention on my part. Some step is required that makes the whole process not easy to use. Please RTM devs, for the love of your paying customers, add this feature.
Any solution I try to use to automate this using Google Now always ends up with some intervention on my part. Some step is required that makes the whole process not easy to use. Please RTM devs, for the love of your paying customers, add this feature.

kstckel says:
I'd like it too!
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