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Amazon Echo Integration

fdunayer says:
Right now I'm using IFTTT to get an item from Echo into RTM. However, I have to use the Echo's built-in Shopping List app and can't choose the RTM list to add it to. I'd like to be able to say "Tell RTM to add paper towels to my shared list".
Posted at 2:24am on September 25, 2015
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We launched Remember The Milk for Alexa back in June -- sorry I missed updating this idea on the forum. :)
Posted 8 years ago
fisherw says:
Being able to add items to specific lists via echo would be a killer app for me
Posted 9 years ago
paladintom says:
Amazon has just allowed integrations with other task apps. I'm sure there's now an api to integrate RTM with the Echo.

Please make this happen! :-)
Posted 8 years ago
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