Attachments for tasks

(closed account) says:
A lot of services are beginning to offer the ability to attach files to tasks, folders, etc. Such as relevant documents or pictures.
I'd more than willing to pay a fair subscription for this ability.
What say ye?
I'd more than willing to pay a fair subscription for this ability.
What say ye?

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We've just launched our attachments feature, with support for Dropbox and Google Drive. We hope you like it! :)

hourback says:
I yearn for attachment capability.

laisan says:
I'd like to vote for this feature if it will help to speed up it's development.

mabla says:
take evernote!

shaun.deans says:
One way the cost factor could be alleviated is to integrate with an external "Cloud" storage site like drop box. The attachment could be stored in the Cloud with only the meta data being stored against the task. Then when you hit the download option RTM throws you over to the cloud storage provide.
The RTM team then just need to write the code semi modular so that they can add different storage providers such as dropbox, amazon s3.
[ ps. Happy for the dev's to contact me for more info ;-) ]
The RTM team then just need to write the code semi modular so that they can add different storage providers such as dropbox, amazon s3.
[ ps. Happy for the dev's to contact me for more info ;-) ]

xinhes says:
I wan't to be able to attach an URL to a Google Doc. Maybe a document I need to work on or a calc sheet that needs to be filled in.

brentholomule says:
I need to attach excel files and adobe files. Usually only 1 page long, but occasionally 2 or 3 pages.

auger says:
I "attach" documents by pasting the Google Docs URL in the notes field of a to-do. Works like a charm.

magnolie42 says:
i cannot wait to have this capability available. its one of the few things missing in Rtm

(closed account) says:
It is better to allow the user to connect his/her own cloud storage to RTM, rather than expand RTM to include such storage natively.
Just like shaun.deans propose
Just like shaun.deans propose

frankt72 says:
Good idea! Please do.

faye.gary says:
I think attachment of documents would be essential as the program grows and competes with other software. I have explored several other software packages and found the capacity to attach documents. The user friendly approach in RTM is very attractive. Thanks.
Also, how do I save everything that I have completed? I need to data for reference and for accountability of work. Thanks again. Faye Gary
Also, how do I save everything that I have completed? I need to data for reference and for accountability of work. Thanks again. Faye Gary

tryster says:
I currently do this by sharing a file/folder via sugarsync, but it would be much nicer if I could do it all via RTM.

pmthomson says:
I think it makes much more sense to integrate with an outside provider either Evernote or Dropbox for file storage using tags. I clip everything into evernote anyways and being able to access and see those items would be much more useful than having RTM become a massive does everything product.

(closed account) says:
I forward a lot of emails from Outlook to my to-do list. It would be great if the attachments stayed with the task. That way I can delete my email as I know I have all the relevant info in my task.

xdhrvt says:
Same here - I also often take pictures of a paper note w/ my smartphone & send it by mail to myself in order to remember it in the future - and I really miss the ability to find it in RTM. Strong support from my side.

test.teste says:
Adding attachments should be added to RTM ASAP!

metaloop says:
Free cloud storage can easily be found elsewhere. Add URLs to your tasks and let's keep RTM lean and mean.

rayu99 says:
there are many times when a document or graphic would be helpful to document a task- more info then in a note. Attachments would provide this capability- I would accept limitations- like no more then 50 or 500 mb, what have you and as a pro feature only

drober01 says:
Being able to attach pictures and/or files would be a great help to "go paperless"

heathweaver says:
It should be able to link up with Dropbox, Google Docs, or others. You can put a link right now, but it would be great if there was a more integrated way to do that.

dacian.lontis says:
Totally for attachments !

(closed account) says:
No changes since April 14, 2007! Are you serious?

david.snigier says:
URLs are the answer here. Link to an item on your cloud provider elsewhere

(closed account) says:
Well, i think it well be easier for evernote guys to implement calendaring than RTM to implement attachments. Well stick to EN.

sfabius says:
What is needed is an easy way to add the URL without going back and forth. So an add-on to a browser, for example, that opens a small window to create a new task with a link to the current url (kind of like the evernote clipper). When emailing, presumably one could simply include the url on the appropriate line.

hansekaiser says:
Evernote integration!!!!

martyrizzo says:
Being able to include attachments in emails would be a very useful feature to have. Please consider adding it as soon as possible.

aka178 says:
That would be useful

whsantos says:
+1 on attachments from emails. Given the way I work with Outlook, that would be great.

xavier.mangoen says:
+1 for attached file from task created by mails or added in outlook with any files

hdinapoli says:
It would be very useful to be able to place more than one tag to each task

(closed account) says:
it should not be that RTM is getting a second dropbox, but just some space (limits per attachement and overall) are nice...

(closed account) says:
I would love to be able to attach photos and document scans to tasks.

(closed account) says:
attachments would make this service almost brilliant

brett_mumaw says:
+1 for attachments.
Use s notes on my galaxy note 2. I can't export them via url. Sure, I could export them as a pdf to evernote or dropbox and then add the url to my task, but who has time for that?
Please please please add the ability to add attachments!
Use s notes on my galaxy note 2. I can't export them via url. Sure, I could export them as a pdf to evernote or dropbox and then add the url to my task, but who has time for that?
Please please please add the ability to add attachments!

baysailor says:
Come on guys, that is the last (and very important) pice of the productivity puzzle! Wea ll see it a added value and would pay an opt in fee.

vleseg says:
I can't see a point here.
I'd rather have an ability to assign multiple URL's to one task with one always reserved for links to outer cloud storages.
I can understand this longing desire for innovations, that any user of any web-service possesses these times, but - please- be reasonable.
RTM's power, above all, is it's simplicity, abstractedness and, therefore, flexibility.
Let it stay that way.
I'd rather have an ability to assign multiple URL's to one task with one always reserved for links to outer cloud storages.
I can understand this longing desire for innovations, that any user of any web-service possesses these times, but - please- be reasonable.
RTM's power, above all, is it's simplicity, abstractedness and, therefore, flexibility.
Let it stay that way.

caseycs says:
I also vote for attachments, it will be very useful!

halexis says:
Is it possible then to put a link in the url-field (or the notes) to a particular photo from my Dropbox account ?

relevart says:
I don't think it's needed. It would bring too much complication. A simple dropbox link is enough in my opinion.

eucatastrophe1 says:
What about the proposal from a vendor that I have in my email box -- which I will review next week (and may simply discard). I think it's important to be able to forward the email to a task manager where it can be organized and planned outside of email.

cmklar says:
Dropbox?? why upload file, just because i need to link to it from RTM?
why not just attach, an image, a pdf, an .eml file, go figure what else...
Dropbox?? why upload file, just because i need to link to it from RTM?
why not just attach, an image, a pdf, an .eml file, go figure what else...

davebower says:
Need to attach attachments!

sigphyl says:
Yes, to attachments & photos! Yes to being able, then, to copy the attachment or photo to more than one tag or vice versa, to tag more than one time. Then to search the attachments independently by tags or by their original items. Also great: to be able to email or print just the attachments or photos or along with their original tasks or note. (And of course, to be able to email or print the original task without the attachment if one wishes.) Would gladly pay for the enhanced capabilities.

bondar.as15 says:

(closed account) says:

limamedeiros says:

I'd like a feature that allows to create a task in RTM with a file "attached" seamlessly:
1. Create the task as usual
2. Click on "attach" a file (upload a file o from URL)
3. The application "attach" the file not by storing the file in RTM but in dropbox and creating the link RTM-DB automatically
1. Create the task as usual
2. Click on "attach" a file (upload a file o from URL)
3. The application "attach" the file not by storing the file in RTM but in dropbox and creating the link RTM-DB automatically

ben.palantir says:

istjgeek says:
I'm amazed this still hasn't been added. Will prevent my renewal. Toodledo has had this for years.

(closed account) says:

jessicahawk says:

jonrouston2 says:
I take it that after 8 years this is unlikely to happen, but it breaks RTM for me. I came here for better email of tasks and therefore easier task management from outlook, but if it doesn't bring the attachments with it, it makes at least three more steps (download to dropbox, generate link, add url to task)

carloscadu says:
As said before "there are many times when a document or graphic would be helpful to document a task- more info then in a note." Also, to count on third parties (Evernote, gDrive) to obtain/insert external links into RTM makes add task information much slower than it would be if attachments would be managed direct by RTM.
As said before "there are many times when a document or graphic would be helpful to document a task- more info then in a note." Also, to count on third parties (Evernote, gDrive) to obtain/insert external links into RTM makes add task information much slower than it would be if attachments would be managed direct by RTM.

(closed account) says:
I am saying +1 for the feature, knowing the potential difficulties emerging from it (encryption, attack protection, storage space and so on).
Anyhow for those with some PHP webspace at hand: maybe you can give Jirafeau a try ( It takes you three clicks to upload a file; for everyday stuff like spreadsheets, images, pdf, etc. quite suitable.
Anyhow for those with some PHP webspace at hand: maybe you can give Jirafeau a try ( It takes you three clicks to upload a file; for everyday stuff like spreadsheets, images, pdf, etc. quite suitable.

meltycheeze says:
Nothing fancy, just want to attach a pic
Nothing fancy, just want to attach a pic

pralston says:
Yup +1

devarni says:
For file attachments and notes I use Evernote... it's IMO better for such stuff and Evernote can be easily linked to RTM.
I've used also Todoist with a premium subscription and Todoist has this features and I have rarely used it.
Anyway for $40 it should not be a problem to reserve some server space (or use a cloud provider) to allow attachments. With other todo apps this is working since a long time.
I've used also Todoist with a premium subscription and Todoist has this features and I have rarely used it.
Anyway for $40 it should not be a problem to reserve some server space (or use a cloud provider) to allow attachments. With other todo apps this is working since a long time.

acance says:
So is this a feature that will be added later down the line? Todoist allows you to add attachments - we like to add spreadsheets or the actual procedure to a task for it to be completed.

ukgarethevans says:
I vote for linking capabilities to local or network files or folders. It seems like such a basic and useful feature I am surprised your product owner doesn't seem to care about it.

wellington.alves says:
This request was posted almost 10yrs ago and NOTHING?
Come on RTM guys.
Did you at least read this forum?
Come on RTM guys.
Did you at least read this forum?

(closed account) says:
Actually attaching files could cause problems with many corporate IT services, as they ban this sort of thing. It would be better to include links to some other storage service such as in Shaun Dean's proposal.

romain.boiteux says:
Attaching files is a necessary function, please add it !!!

sgrundman says:
Considering perhaps moving over to Nozbe for this reason. I think the RTM interface is much better, but I need my assistant to attach files to my tasks so that I don't have to go fishing when my task appointment arrives.

(closed account) says:
Please consider implementing this.

dominic.spachmann says:

rstettler says:
Bitte implementiert die Möglichkeit

dagbostar says:
I did seriously consider not coming back to RTM after the big rebuild (after using it when it was first released and then trying many others) b/c of the lack of attachments.
However, since I use Evernote all the time and it's easy to link to Evernote, I am able to cope. Actually it makes it easier and I keep attachments on the original email they come on, or in Evernote.
Having a third place to keep them has always been a confusing pain and RTM's lack removes one decision point for me.
However, since I use Evernote all the time and it's easy to link to Evernote, I am able to cope. Actually it makes it easier and I keep attachments on the original email they come on, or in Evernote.
Having a third place to keep them has always been a confusing pain and RTM's lack removes one decision point for me.

jo.loschky says:
same here!

webrunner69 says:
Please consider implementing this.
Please consider implementing this.

would like rtm to identify urls, so that any url in task or note works with just click on it, so i can put more than one url into one task, describe it and use it as just click control to open url on browser or app...other solution, same result without expanding storage and time to up/download, synchronize etc

(closed account) says:
1st - sorry about my englisch.
Attachments for us are very helpful.
I tested ToDoist Pro for a long time and I used wunderlist Pro a few month to organize the tasks of my developement team. In both Apps I can import attachments via drag and drop -> for example: from outlook an e-mail inclusive the e-mail-attachment. This is a very great function.
Nevertheless I think about to change to Remember the milk because of a lot of other better functions.
I have only 2 critical pionts: 1. Attachments and 2. I miss a function to send the selected List via e-mail (comparable the daily digest).
I am very hopeful you will take this 2 functions into your developement plan.
Attachments for us are very helpful.
I tested ToDoist Pro for a long time and I used wunderlist Pro a few month to organize the tasks of my developement team. In both Apps I can import attachments via drag and drop -> for example: from outlook an e-mail inclusive the e-mail-attachment. This is a very great function.
Nevertheless I think about to change to Remember the milk because of a lot of other better functions.
I have only 2 critical pionts: 1. Attachments and 2. I miss a function to send the selected List via e-mail (comparable the daily digest).
I am very hopeful you will take this 2 functions into your developement plan.

(closed account) says:
need dropbox integration.
need a box in task list , when we choose the files, it should be uploaded to the dropbox and a url should present in the RTM. dot
need a box in task list , when we choose the files, it should be uploaded to the dropbox and a url should present in the RTM. dot

dencold says:
My #1 request for RTM. It's been *NINE* years since this was initially suggested. It seems like every task management tool has support for this (Asana, Trello, etc.). Can we please get this as a feature for the app? Maybe start simple with the ability to at least attach an image, and then go on to other file types.

holst.uwe says:
Count me in, pls.

carlosleitao says:
That´s a good idea!
While not deployed, use Evernote to do it.
1)Click a note
2)Modify sharing
3) Copy link and past in your note.
When you click the link, you can see everything that is there (documents, text, pictures, audio, etc)
While not deployed, use Evernote to do it.
1)Click a note
2)Modify sharing
3) Copy link and past in your note.
When you click the link, you can see everything that is there (documents, text, pictures, audio, etc)

golusy says:
add Doogle Drive will great and make us the work easier.

debuck3 says:
I would love to see a more integrated approach for attaching photos (to see the photos themselves at a glance would be huge)! That said, I get around this by linking with Evernote and adding links to Google Drive or wherever in the notes.

wpost says:
After reviewing not just the proposal but the many comments, my impression is that the broader issue is "is RTM a task and list manager, or is it project management software?" I come down firmly on the former, and RTM's simplicity makes it ideal for that.
If I have a task like "Finish report X", then the task's note reminds me where the supporting materials are. That could be a URL to something in Google Docs, a folder on my computer's hard drive, a note in Simplenote (or Evernote or OneNote or...), a Confluence article on my employer's server, a photo on my phone, or a physical folder in a physical filing cabinet. There are so many different kinds of task or project support materials that it would be impossible to support them all. It is however easy and possible right now to put a reminder to yourself where they are in the task's note.
If I have a task like "Finish report X", then the task's note reminds me where the supporting materials are. That could be a URL to something in Google Docs, a folder on my computer's hard drive, a note in Simplenote (or Evernote or OneNote or...), a Confluence article on my employer's server, a photo on my phone, or a physical folder in a physical filing cabinet. There are so many different kinds of task or project support materials that it would be impossible to support them all. It is however easy and possible right now to put a reminder to yourself where they are in the task's note.

sebastien.plouzeau says:
+1 - I'd pay for this feature.

(closed account) says:
Although URL can be used to link to cloud storage, it's not a real solution to the attachment need.
I want real photo attachments where I can take a photo, while inside RTM, of a part or a box of supplies that needs replacement or ordering. The photo ensures I get the right brand, part#, size, color, etc. when these specifications are critical.
If I go the URL route, I have to (1) take the photo, (2) upload it to the cloud, (3) log into the cloud provider, (3) determine and copy their URL, (4) come back to RTM and paste the URL. Also, some cloud providers (I'm thinking Google Photo here), wrap that photo in another layer of branding and controls. So not an optimal user experience compared to built-in app implementation (but admittedly better than not having any work-around).
You'll also note that RTM allows one and only one URL per task. So if you want to link to BOTH a spec. sheet (e.g., via mfg. URL) and a photo URL you'll have to put one of them into the URL and the other(s) into Notes as a work-around.
I want real photo attachments where I can take a photo, while inside RTM, of a part or a box of supplies that needs replacement or ordering. The photo ensures I get the right brand, part#, size, color, etc. when these specifications are critical.
If I go the URL route, I have to (1) take the photo, (2) upload it to the cloud, (3) log into the cloud provider, (3) determine and copy their URL, (4) come back to RTM and paste the URL. Also, some cloud providers (I'm thinking Google Photo here), wrap that photo in another layer of branding and controls. So not an optimal user experience compared to built-in app implementation (but admittedly better than not having any work-around).
You'll also note that RTM allows one and only one URL per task. So if you want to link to BOTH a spec. sheet (e.g., via mfg. URL) and a photo URL you'll have to put one of them into the URL and the other(s) into Notes as a work-around.

mbart67 says:
It would be one way to get me to go Pro on RTM;
(to help cover storage costs), would love to see some ability to drag files into Notes or similar, however I notice that this request was started over 10 years ago, and may be falling on deaf ears !!!!
(to help cover storage costs), would love to see some ability to drag files into Notes or similar, however I notice that this request was started over 10 years ago, and may be falling on deaf ears !!!!

crhode85 says:
Please don't add this functionality. If your app adds this functionality it will be blocked from access for me at work. This is the only app that I am able to access from work because you can't attach documents. If you add this I will have to search for a new app and i already spent money on this.

thomas.decker says:
Nobody will force you to use attachments?!

(closed account) says:
This is interesting.

suthep.s says:
For convenience please accept "Paste" (Ctrl+V) shortcut key for adding an image to input box since sometimes I don't want to save captured-screen image to actual file.

cetin.demir1 says:
When will this be implemented? There is no activity from the developers :(
I want to go Pro, but this is the only reason that's keeping me from switching from Todoist to RTM... Can we at least get an ETA?
A soon to be RTM Pro user ;)
I want to go Pro, but this is the only reason that's keeping me from switching from Todoist to RTM... Can we at least get an ETA?
A soon to be RTM Pro user ;)

muadib1311 says:
All major players in the ToDo list apps market (Todoist, Toodledo, Wunderlist, ...) offer file attachments. Why do not you? As soon as you realize that I am a subscriber of the pro version.

rhe says:
I'm using rtm in the pro version and I'm really missing task attachements. For me attachments are meanwhile a essential functionality of a todo app. I've used todoist and wunderlist which have pretty cool file attachments functions. Hopefully this will be available in rtm in near future, too.