Search for Evernote Reminders in Remember The Milk

oddhnp says:

uwe.matthes says:

ken.nelson says:
Please add some search mechanism so we can build smart list.

davidbumbacher says:
please add a search for all added Tasks out of Evernote

dapatton says:
Yes, absolutely.. Would love to see this.

(closed account) says:

lbrt says:

(closed account) says:
Yes, please. And the ability to see notes that are NOT tagged. Would help in task reviews to make sure alerts line up....

mibara says:
+1 Evernote not fully integrated until this feature is added

rich.jackman says:

goraleksi says:

oliver.burn says:

nuclearscan says:
Much needed feature to compliment EN integration.

christopher.richards says:
Yes definitely needed

I have a suggestion. If you're fairly diligent about tagging and prioritizing your tasks when you enter them straight into RTM, then tasks submitted via Evernote will be on a short list of untagged, unprioritized tasks. So a search (or a pre-built smart list) that consists of the following:
list:inbox and isTagged:false and priority:n
…will find you all of your Evernote-submitted tasks, and hopefully not much else. Then you can tag and prioritize them as you wish, and can also change the reminder time that might have been added to your task automatically / unintentionally.
list:inbox and isTagged:false and priority:n
…will find you all of your Evernote-submitted tasks, and hopefully not much else. Then you can tag and prioritize them as you wish, and can also change the reminder time that might have been added to your task automatically / unintentionally.

andrew.bird says:
For those coming from a web search: this feature is already implemented. Just search for "source:evernote"

chrimiko says:
Yes, this would be a helpfull Feature.
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