Zapier integration

its_erika says:
I love Remember the Milk. I also love a lot of other online services to run my business. One thing that frustrates me is that I end up keeping redundant to do lists. For instance, I have a to do list on Capsule CRM on when to contact potential clients, I have a to do list on Basecamp where I run projects with clients. Right now there is no way to connect these. However the service Zapier would let me create to do items in Remember the Milk when I used these other services. It would make Remember the Milk infinitely more useful. I understand that you have a commercial API and that Zapier has already submitted a form to use that and at this point, you just need to approve that. Please do that!

brookwarner says:
This would totally rock! Please do it guys?

furet says:

poma says:
I'd like to see it too

aforementionedthoughts says:

willsnell says:

dspapps says:

kjpoalses says:

(closed account) says:

jason.lemieux says:
This would open up so many doors in one fell swoop. Please please please?
What would I do with it? Off the top of my head....
Finally sync tasks with gcal and have a combined meetings/todo view of my day!
Add todos via IM.
Sync task list with todo lists in basecamp
OMG you could make Mailbox (iphone) emails be added to RTM via gmail labels
More due task notices such as phonecalls for when you are offline
What would I do with it? Off the top of my head....
Finally sync tasks with gcal and have a combined meetings/todo view of my day!
Add todos via IM.
Sync task list with todo lists in basecamp
OMG you could make Mailbox (iphone) emails be added to RTM via gmail labels
More due task notices such as phonecalls for when you are offline

nishant.kapoor says:
yes please!

wh00seyerdaddy says:
would love zapier and rtm integration. please

(closed account) says:
Zapier or IFTTT integration would be great. They already integrate with a bunch of other to-do apps, and I'd bet you're losing business to them. This seems like a no-brainer, since all you have to do is let them use the API that already exists.

calexo says:
I really need it !
RTM lacks of integration to do complex things (Pebble, Zappier/IFTTT, Android Tasker/Locale, ...)
I really need it !
RTM lacks of integration to do complex things (Pebble, Zappier/IFTTT, Android Tasker/Locale, ...)

kelly.culbertson says:
deciding to go pro or switch, as I love RTM but once daily mobile syncing [it's actually much more laggy in my experience], no subtasks, and no way to test pro voice add capabilities w/o subscription are problematic
deciding to go pro or switch, as I love RTM but once daily mobile syncing [it's actually much more laggy in my experience], no subtasks, and no way to test pro voice add capabilities w/o subscription are problematic

(closed account) says:
I'm also thinking about switching. Love RTM but It's just too much hassle having to add tasks manually from Podio to RTM and vice versa. RTM make the ntegration with Zapier possible or you'll lose customers

(closed account) says:
Is there any movement on this? I would love this feature

gustavopayan says:
I would love to have a response on this one. Before recommitting for a new year to RTM.

jchirschy says:

docdss says:

miels says:
I'd love my RTM Tasks to be shown in PomoDoneApp.
And mark the RTM task as completed when I've done so in PomoDoneApp.
Would be great to allow this via Zapier.
And mark the RTM task as completed when I've done so in PomoDoneApp.
Would be great to allow this via Zapier.
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