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The opposite of postpone (bring a task's due date forward to today)

saul.rosenbaum says:
Just a quick Idea that I Know I would find helpful - the ability to make a specific task a MUST DO witha single click (I'm thinking similar to starring email in gmail) I know I can just change the duedate - but this would be a nice quick enhancement that I know I'd enjoy
Posted at 7:25am on January 30, 2007
lizziepridmore says:
I'd like this too - a button that allows you to bring a task forward to today, alongside the 'postpone' button that is already there.
Posted 15 years ago
doles says:
the shift + P would work fine for me. For example, select a task, then hit "p" key to postpone or "shift" + "P" to expedite. (the opposite of "p" being "shift P" to me.
Posted 12 years ago
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