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Google Desktop gadget

jim says:
I'd love to have a gadget in my Google Desktop Sidebar that is similar to what is available via the Google Personalized Home Page gadget.

Is it easy to port from one to the other formats?
Posted at 9:09pm on January 25, 2007
barry.mcbride says:
Second this!!!
Posted 18 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
jim, theoretically the Google gadget should work with both Google Personalized Homepage and Google Desktop, but unfortunately there are some quirks with using it in Desktop -- we're looking into this and may create a separate version for Desktop in the future. Thanks for your feedback!
Posted 18 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
I had this working for a bit, but the quirks were too much to take. Being able to get to RTM from the Sidebar with no quirks would be great.

The gadget's very robust. I used Amnesty Generator on my Mac to turn it into an Expose widget, and it works great there.
Posted 18 years ago
jeffschell75 says:
Boy oh boy-- I second that. It would be GREAT to have a Google Desktop version.
Posted 18 years ago
rmchale says:
I add my vote here as well.
Posted 18 years ago
sean.herschmiller says:
I enthusiastically add my vote as well.
Posted 18 years ago
lhomme says:
Woo! 2 cheers for a desktop gadget!
Posted 18 years ago
(closed account) says:
Three cheers for the Google desktop gadget!
Posted 18 years ago
kate.herd says:
Go go google gadget!
Posted 18 years ago
samsterism says:
I too would love to have google desktop access. This would complete RTM's status as a killer app.
Posted 18 years ago
(closed account) says:
Same vote here
Posted 18 years ago
(closed account) says:
An other vote from me too ;-)
Posted 18 years ago
devil says:
Yes, one for me, please.
Posted 18 years ago
(closed account) says:
Go for the desktop gadget!
Posted 17 years ago
sixou says:
I must agree: it would be great to have the desktop gadget.
Posted 17 years ago
paul.rucker says:
Add one more vote for a google destop gadget!
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
Same here,, Its very important, for many ppl I assume.
Posted 17 years ago
vrandezo says:
Dito! Do numbers count? :)
Posted 17 years ago
ascaaear says:
Hope so!!! Count me in too...
Posted 17 years ago
paraselene says:
I'm also keen to see this.
Posted 17 years ago
eaino says:
think this is a great idea, used to use the backpack yahoowidget all the time
Posted 17 years ago
wwelch says:
me too
Posted 17 years ago
yuliya38 says:
any news on this?
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yeah! I'd love one. That way, I wouldn't have to go back to my google homepage to mark stuff off.
Posted 17 years ago
puritangurl says:
Yes, another pretty please on this-- I would love to be able to use it from the sidebar
Posted 17 years ago
colbymulkey says:
The only reason I started using the Google Desktop app is that I wanted to have RtM on my sidebar... but it's too quirky the way the Google Homepage module works right now.

I'd love to see a version dedicated to the Google Desktop Sidebar!
Posted 17 years ago
wioota says:
Just another vote to the fray. The service is brilliant and as an Australian I am proud of what you have achieved with this product. As a google desktop user (who primarily started using that for the simple task widget) I will be very happy when an RTM gadget becomes available.
Posted 17 years ago
octane097 says:
Or at least make it work with the Web Clips (rss reader) gadget that already exists
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
How would it fare when put through the Amnesty Generator ( for the Vista Sidebar? Pretty soon the Vista Sidebar will inevitably have a larger installed base than any of the other widget platforms.
Posted 17 years ago
shimalsky says:
would be a good one
Posted 17 years ago
agotesman says:
I'm thinking that adding another vote in support of a GDS gadget can't hurt. Would love to see one!
Posted 17 years ago
mr23bean says:
Here's my vote!
Posted 17 years ago
3dogs says:
That's what I'm talking about
Posted 17 years ago
marcel.imrich says:
here is my vote too.
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
I would love to see this!
Posted 17 years ago
raibaz says:
My vote too for's the only thing i see missing on the way to perfection :)
Posted 17 years ago
seanmilfordimpaq says:
I second that. I will use Vista Sidebar. Google Gadgets or Yahoo widgets as I LOVE my RTM! The ease of use and view on the google homepage is brillant and to have it on a sidebar... brilliant so please count me in on the votes for this feature. Thanks!
Posted 17 years ago
happychap says:
I'd like to add my name to this growing list - I've just been searching for a RTM gadget to add to my Googel Desktop sidebar as it's much more convenient than iGoogle. Thank-you!
Posted 17 years ago
kzapth245 says:
I would definitely love a Google Desktop gadget for RememberTheMilk which will provide the same functionality as iGoogle gadget.

This is a much-needed tool for RememberTheMilk!!!
Posted 17 years ago
jsaenz says:
Dammit, I would even dump my Basecamp paid account if you made this gadget! (not using that to collaborate much with other people anymore). It would be the absolute killer app: your to-do's not only on your desktop, but on ALL your desktops (your home PC, your notebook, etc), on the web, and offline with google gears if need be.

Posted 17 years ago
jsaenz says:
BTW, have you noticed that if you type "remember the milk google" on the google search box, you get "remember the milk google calendar" first and "remember the milk google gadget" second? how's that for proof of popular demand? ;)
Posted 17 years ago
christiga says:
I'd love this idea too!
I'm using the 'temporary' google gadget and it's working well but not resizable...
tanhk you
Posted 17 years ago says:
This functionality would definitely have me using RTM a lot more.
Posted 17 years ago
daniel.walker says:
+1 on this please
Posted 17 years ago
tdombos says:
need this badly
Posted 17 years ago
fatordigital says:
I need a RTM gadget for Google desktop!!!
Posted 17 years ago
hlk1414 says:
i need, too!!
Posted 17 years ago
mads_d says:
+1 ! would be the feature that got me to make the switch!
Posted 17 years ago
jun.ohira says:
I'd love to have one!!
Posted 17 years ago
bilenberg says:
Me tooooooo
Posted 17 years ago
dreamflasher says:
Posted 17 years ago
wolfsong says:
i was just looking for this
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
There is one, more or less... aside from not being resizable after a certain point, it works quite well...
Posted 17 years ago
grav3k33p3r says:
Instead of a google gadget, using the power of google gears why not make a stand-alone app for RTM? Desktop gadgets are funky and buggy in my computer because my system is pathetic.
Posted 17 years ago
buktotruth says:
Add one more vote.
Posted 17 years ago
gepower says:
Agree to the topic. Would be great to have a gadget for Google Desktop.

On the other hand: I agree to grav3k33p3r. A stand-alone application or something similar would be cool.
Posted 17 years ago
ncabiac says:
7 months of demanding this...I hope it comes soon!
Posted 17 years ago
zixia says:
when can we use RtM for google desktop?
waiting for that!
Posted 17 years ago
zajako says:
I want this too >.<

I want a good desktop list widget, please do this, as the yahoo one sucks :/
Posted 17 years ago
cmuncey says:
I agree -- Google Desktop gadget is needed
Posted 17 years ago
tomahawktim says:
diito, I'd love a RtM Google Desktop app!
Posted 17 years ago
manimal says:
i'd like this too!
Posted 17 years ago
mubix says:
Any status update on this?
Posted 17 years ago
johnfoland says:
Anti-vote : the iGoogle gadget is good enough for me!
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
We need this gadget.
We need a sacrifice!! ]:-&
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
Must have google desktop gadget. Love gadgets, may be addicted to them, must have. Please.
Posted 17 years ago
bzpilman says:
You can't anti-vote. (Not that I want it either =D)
Posted 17 years ago
iron says:
you can use Hypercube:
Posted 17 years ago
cek1227 says:
I may have stumbled onto a hack that works. See the 05 Sept comments at .
Posted 17 years ago
tessat says:
ME TOO! i also wish it was more integrated with google calendar as a to do list with the events. I have it on my calendar and igoogle.
Posted 17 years ago
heydouggeorge says:
pretty please
Posted 17 years ago
danleighton says:
Oh yes. Please. Google sidebar.

As soon as poss...
Posted 17 years ago
magjor says:
Yes, Desktop Gadget Please!
Posted 17 years ago
dcoops says:
Posted 17 years ago
katemines says:
yes please
Posted 17 years ago
rahulbatra1 says:
omg.. another vote.. i hope this acts as the last straw..
Posted 17 years ago
zervin says:
zzzzzz..huh..wuh...yeah ME TOO!! Need some sort of app on a sidebar or desktop to flash HEY YOU Get This Done!!! This is the last building block of task harmony for me. What I have settled for, for the moment, is using the google calendar notifications.
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
I wrote a very simple Google Desktop Gadget that shows the tasks due for today and the overdue tasks. A reminder pops up when the task is due. You can download it from
I will enhance it please let me know what the most important features would be.

Posted 17 years ago
beau.raines says:

The idiosyncrasies of the iGoogle gadget are pretty annoying as a GDS gadget.
Posted 17 years ago
hhommersom says:
Posted 17 years ago
joshhyles says:
+1, but please make it have features to show NON date related tasks too... I dislike the "Overview" page because I dont set due dates as I just have things that need to be remembered.
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
The new version is available and supports showing of tasks with no due date.
Posted 17 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
Now that Google Gadgets work on the Mac with no need for the Amnesty hacks, I'm even more eager to see a robust Google Gadget for RTM.
Posted 17 years ago
paul.dillinger says:
+1 maybe for Xmas.
Posted 17 years ago
zachariah.hayes says:
+1 please.
Posted 17 years ago
gilbertojr says:
wow, that would be really helpfull
Posted 17 years ago
dmd1272 says:
this would be great
Posted 17 years ago
adame says:
Posted 17 years ago
cristiano.fontes says:
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... this would be the best Google Gadgets in with beautiful Desktop...

if i can help... post here i will do what i can, and would like it very much

i know JAVA but no experience with javascript.
Posted 17 years ago
tommy.wilson83 says:
Me too!!! Please oh please!! I beg of you!!
Posted 17 years ago
alexvercammen says:
I vote for it as well.
The RTM by "CAT soft stinks" and I am no expert on how to modify it. Also since iGoogle RTM is already great, why not update it for the desktop sidebar.
Also IF you HAVE multiple LISTS, would it be nice if we could COLORIZE them accordingly
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
Maybe you could be a bit more specific about what's stinking. Multiple colorized lists would be nice, what else?
Our contact information is available and we're always happy for new input concerning our software.
Posted 17 years ago
alexvercammen says:
Sorry Arthur, I did not mean to be rude. But it was rude of me and I apologies.
Here is the problem, I can only see the INBOX of RTM in your gadget! The iGoogle RTM is about perfect as a GUI. Would it be possible to replicate?
Also my wife loaded me up with different lists. So just like gCal gadget, being able to turn on/off lists would be a + or colorize them. So you can visually prioritize the priorities. (Catch my drift :)). I wish RTM would allow us to color scheme its lists. And therefore the gadget would be.
Thank you, Alex.
Posted 17 years ago
kkaland says:
I'd like it too.
Posted 17 years ago
scivetta says:
Here's another vote for a Google Desktop RTM gadget!
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
I updated the gadget. You can now choose which lists do display and customize the background color of each lists. You can either download at Google or directly from our website at
Enjoy! Arthur
Posted 17 years ago
alexvercammen says:
Thank you Arthur, this is great. Now I really fell "crapy" by stating your gadget was "Stinky", when all you wanted was some feedback to develop it. And your response time is fantastic!

I have 4 more suggestions.
1) It only shows what is due today! What about being able to set how many day ahead to look for due dates?
2) Then in the list show on the far right, the amount of days left before the Due Date (2 digits Right Justified). NEGATIVE days would be OVERDUE tasks. Keep the list sorted as you have it: Lists / Days to Due Date. I think we should be able to set the number of items to scroll by. Therefore it will determine the maximum size of the window. Or just allow us to set its size.
3) Improve the space usage of the Expanded View, by showing more info. per tasks. Like actual Due Date, Priority, Notes, etc...
4) Be able to make those changes without going to RTM website itself! That's a biggy, I think.

Just the first 2 would help manage the sidebar. The 3rd & 4th request sounds more like a side project.

I wish I could help out. I used to write software a long time ago (before C+), taught myselft some javascript and understand a little html... But I would love to jump back in the wagon. Any suggestion?

Thank you Alex.
"Au Revoir Monsieur"
Posted 17 years ago
alexvercammen says:
Good morning Arthur,

I did notice that overing over an entry list, it does show a ghost window. That's great! That should fulfill #3.
Posted 17 years ago
alexvercammen says:
Arthur, more things after a cup of coffee.
#2 should be sorted by Due Date. Don't you think? The colors let you know which list it belongs to and therefore how urgent it actually is. I also found out the window is sizable but no scroll bar. Maybe you could show how many tasks within the Due Date span, so we know there is more. The expanded window would reveal them.
#3. The overing shows the Notes. What about showing the actual tasks details in the expanded window? I saw other gadgets where you can set its Min/Max/Auto height size.
Cheers, Alex
Posted 17 years ago
alexvercammen says:
One last thing. Would it be possible to jump to the actual task when clicking on it? Presently it takes you to RTM Overview page.
Thanks, Alex.
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'm looking into i as soon as possible. One option would be that I release it into a Google open source project (but I would need to do some cleanup).
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
I released a new version of the gadget including the following thinks:
- Shows Tasks x days in the future (colored blue)
- Sort by due date + time. The most current on the top
- Direct link to the task on RTM when clicking an item.
Have fun! Arthur
Posted 17 years ago
alexvercammen says:
Arthur, thank you for the update. Much improved!!!
I think the duration needs to be at the right of the task maybe in between ( ).
I understand Blue is Future, red is Today's. But since they are ordered by Due Date, I still prefer # od days maybe in between [ ]. We do have to think about people like me that may have a lot of past dues (Negative Days) and they may overcrowed the top of the window. Since its a fact they are past, maybe we should have first the 0 days+time, followed by 0 days+time. That should provide a clear picture and alarm you of past dues in relation to future tasks. You know 30+ day hours of to do list :)
I still need to play around and add lots of test tasks task...

Thank you, Alex.
P.S. Tell us if you upload it in Google Open Source. I would love to learn how to...
Posted 17 years ago
alexvercammen says:
Arthur sorry for the delay testing.

2 issues:
1) The Colored Type makes it hard to read with certain list's colors, like Black and Blue. I still believe in # of days to/past the Due Date would work better and in between [ ].
2) If you size the gadget window to be smaller and toggle Expanded View, coming back will reset the gadget window a bigger size! Also the gadget window size should be maintained locally between Computer Restarts.

Question: What is the use of Previous/Next in the pop gadget window? Could that be used to scroll up/down the listing when the window is too small to show all?

I've mistaken due time to duration. But still, I think it will look better in between ( ) and after the entry name. We can easily extrapolate the # of day to/past due date to an actual day date.

Are Task Notes overwriting the content of the Overing Window? If you have NO note, it shows the Due Date and Time. If you do have a note, it only shows the note. Is that correct? And it's fine to me.

May I suggest detailing the tasks in the Expanded View? It's almost a repeat of the list except it shows all. But that's another project/undertaking. (#3 project extrapolated)

Cheers, Alex.
Arthur, don't over do it this weekend `:)
Posted 17 years ago
(closed account) says:
Hello. Based on the post by joecloud, I did a little hack on the XML of the iGoogle gadget to support scrolling and user-defined widths (see

To install, do the following:

1. Go to the "Add Gadgets" window as you would do normally to search and add gadgets.

2. Type in the following URL to the search box on the top right of the window (kinda weird, but it works):

3. The gadget magically appears in the gadget list. Hover over the gadget and click on the "Add" button.

4. After clicking on the "Ok" button to the obligatory "Third Party Gadget" warning, you should see a login screen in the newly created gadget window. Login, and you will be able to access your lists.
Posted 17 years ago
lea.viljanen says:
Hmm, installing the rtmDesktop.xml to sidebar from does not work for me. I go to the add gadget -screen and type the URL to the top right search box, but no gadgets magically appear. If I access the URL directly in my browser, I do get the XML file.

Can the problem be the language? This Vista box is localized to use Finnish is the primary language, but RTM is not available in Finnish. That's obviously not a problem for me but I wonder whether that breaks the gadget installation.
Posted 17 years ago
lea.viljanen says:
Sorry, disregard that. I forgot that I had to use Google sidebar, not the Vista sidebar.
Posted 17 years ago
xaueious says:
Nice! Someone needs to put this up on the blog!
Posted 17 years ago
alexvercammen says:
Good morning Arthur,

How have you been?

I was wondering if you had a chance to cleanup the code and upload the gadget on Google Open Source?

Thumbs up, Alex.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
The rtm plugin is now a google open source project. Feel free to join:

Posted 16 years ago
alexvercammen says:
Thank you, Arthur.

Posted 16 years ago
andy.close says:
I have installed and authorised the Gadget. When I click on options I see:

CATsoft Development GmbH
Visit CATsoft
A grey strip
Number of the days in the future
A Blank Grey Area
A list of color pickers
OK and Cancel Buttons

I do not have the option to select my lists so I see no Tasks at all.

Any idea what I might have doen wrong.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:

the gray area should show your available lists. It seems that you authenticated the application but there is a problem getting your lists.
Try to reinstall the gadget.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I included some suggestions like showing the number of days and sorting with today on the top.
Please download the beta version from and let me know how it works.

Posted 16 years ago
howardstotland says:
This would be exactly what I need. So many people want a RTM google desktop gadget
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
The latest version is (V is officially released and can be downloaded either from or Of course you can add it also through the Google Desktop with Add Gadget.
Enjoy, Arthur
Posted 16 years ago
ben.carter says:
The idea is great, however I must be doing something wrong - its not grabbing my lists from RTM.
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Click on Menu and choose "Options". In the option dialog you have to click on the link to authorize the application to access RTM. The browser will open and tell you whether the authorization was successful. If so close the browser and the option dialog. Reopen the open dialog. You lists should be visible. Check the list you want to see and choose the background color for there items.
Set the other options as if suites you best.
HTH Arthur
-> If it's not working you can always drop me a mail with more details about the problem.
Posted 16 years ago
chriskanan says:
I would really love it if the iGoogle RTM gadget worked on Google Desktop. I tried the CATsoft version, but it isn't as elegant and lacks many of the functionality.
Posted 16 years ago
kseistrup says:
I put the iGoogle RTM gadget into a Prism webapp, essentially making it a standalone application (with some quirks, admitted).

Here's how I did it (after having installed prism, which was easy as “wajig install prism” on Ubuntu Hardy Heron):

Run prism from the commandline or from the Applications → Internet → Prism menu, then put in the URL field, and RTM! in the Name field, put a checkmark in Create Desktop Shortcut, and voilà! :)

Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Any plans for this?
Posted 16 years ago
nicoj says:
One and a half years after the first post this is still a top requirement... The main limitation of the existing CATsoft gadget is that it doesn't display search lists... That makes it rather useless for me. Maybe it's quicker to support Arthur to improve his than to wait for the RTM crew? Issues can be pointed out at
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Version 0.8 is available for testing either through "Add Gadgets"
or Google Code at New features are:
- Support for Smart Lists
- Mark a task as finished
- Reconnect when connection is lost.
Please post any issues to Google Code or by email directly to me.
Posted 16 years ago
amandanw says:
I am loving RTM, why is there not an official sidebar gadget by now for either GD or Vista sidebar?

I am completely in love with the Gmail plugin -- if that UI could be ported to a sidebar gadget or even a standalone app, I'd throw some cash at the co.
Posted 16 years ago
minus says:
Posted 16 years ago
planner1b says:
I would love it too!!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I just might install Google Desktop if this is I guess Google wants you to add it!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Version 0.9 is available for testing either through "Add Gadgets"
or Google Code at

I wasn't please with the checkbox to set a task as fixed.

New features are:
- Mark task as fixed and postponed in a dropdown
- Menu entry to check for Gadget updates
- Gadget checks for updates

Please post any issues to Google Code or by email directly to me.
Posted 16 years ago
ikaris says:
I had some serious problems with version 0.9, downgrading to 0.8 has fixed many of them...

Part of the issue is that for me the options panel in 0.9 does not show the checkboxes to activate all of your lists. Dropping back to 0.8 allows me to see them, and now I can see my checklists.

Any ideas why 0.9 is doing this ? Am I the only one ?
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
how do I unistall the gadget? I tried to install the v0.9 but it didn't worked properly.... now I can't downgrade to v0.8...

it ocuccurs an error saing that I have to unistall the other version first, but I could not find the file to do this...

any help?
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'm using 0.9 myself for over a week without problems. Could you try this:
- Remove the Gadget from the Desktop
- Delete the file "RTM Tasks by CATsoft-Arthur" from "My Documents\My Google Gadgets"
- Install the latest version
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
The latest version is available at
New features:
- Added option to sort the task like on the RTM web site
- Alerting works now through the desktop -> Enable Alert in Configure Gadgets
- Fixed Bug with missing lists due to "All Tasks" list
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Hey all, does adding the gmail labs version of RTM work for everyone? I tried it just for the heck of it after trying the igoogle version and not liking the way it looked, and it seems to work with no bugs, and fits a lot better, to boot. This is the link to paste into the search box for google desktop:
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Adding my vote... it is possibly to add the iGoogle gadget to Desktop but it isn't formatted for that purpose so it looks kinda screwy.
Posted 16 years ago
stawfik says:
na2rboy: I'm trying your url in the 'search gadgets' box but nothing is coming up.

Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
i just tried it and it worked, but i had to remove the space at the end of the url.
Posted 16 years ago
jornetsimon says:
Seriously, we need a great gadget like iGoogle or Gmail ones !
Posted 15 years ago
daverck says:
i agree ^^
Posted 15 years ago
taghor says:
I like the Gadget for Google Desktop a lot.
But i have one question:

It would be gerat if it would be possible to have 2 gadgets running. 1 which shows one list and a second one which shows another list of RTM.

I can make htis happen for a short time but as soon as he make an updtae both gadgets show the same.

Is there a workaround for that?
Posted 15 years ago
foxontherock says:
I add my voice, I would like to get the RTM google desktop gadget near my google calendar, gmail, and gdocs gadget! And if you do this gadget, you may know that there is some very small differneces between the google desktop gadget and the windows 7 desktop (or vista sidebar) gadget.

Both are local html files that get their content content from your api and update the local html dynamically (unlike the gmail / igoogle gadget that can get server side update from the web server)...

Using your JSON api would be really useful to do this kind of gadget!
Posted 15 years ago
roebot says:
+1, seems like it would be pretty simple given there is already an igoogle gadget. No?
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
There is a google gadget!
Posted 13 years ago
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