Show the total time estimated for a list

mikabren says:
Right now, only on the web interface the estimated time of a list of tasks (or a single task when selected) is shown.
It would be a big improvement if this estimated time is shown in the app too. If it would, working with duration times will become far more useful!
It would be a big improvement if this estimated time is shown in the app too. If it would, working with duration times will become far more useful!

anaroberta says:
Every time I update my tasks on my android app or ipad I have to visit the website and see the estimated time, so I can assure my list is executable. It took me a long time to become pro because the android app didn't have this feature. I bought it because with two devices I must keep everything synced, but I really miss rhis feature.

eddy.kwok says:
Same thing happened to me. BTW, I expect that the total estimated hour isn't only shown per day, but it should also could display in weekly basis. Here is how it should look like

eddy.kwok says:
After a long wait until I actually forgot about it, Bob has finally made this suggestion available on Android. Thanks a lot, Bob!
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