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Export tasks to CSV

nickle says:
Could you implement a quick, export all as raw data

ie. No need to go to an API, just Nice orthogonal table accessable using an URL.

That way it would be very easy to implement a spreadsheet that uses that URL in order to extract the information.

That makes it very easy to implement your own statistics.

It should show all tasks, completed or not completed, along with their tags etc.

Posted at 1:38pm on January 12, 2007
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Nick, thanks for your feedback -- not sure if you saw this already (or if it's helpful), but we have an iCalendar export available. We provide the iCalendar format as it's handled by most calendar software -- you might be able to use this export to get the data into other formats. Hope this helps!
Posted 18 years ago
nickle says:
Rethinking the idea, I can get the atom feed, parse it and go from there. is my atom feed when I copy the link.

I get an error message saying the site is either unavailable or cannot be found. What am I doing wrong?

Posted 18 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Nick, this URL seems fine on our end -- as the list is private, it should prompt for your username/password if you aren't already logged into Remember The Milk.
Posted 18 years ago
smpandrews says:
Emily, I would like to support Nicks idea whilst the Ical format is great for importing to calendars it is not friendly if you wish to create your own reports using excel and/or MSaccess. This would greatly help me manage my team (who all use the iphone app) and brief my boss on completed tasks. The boss has a certain way they like things presented.
Posted 13 years ago
soxfree says:
Vote for import/export via Excel
Posted 13 years ago
zockette says:
Having a complete export with notes would be awesome :)
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 for excel including notes
Posted 13 years ago
plockerman says:
export to csv please
Posted 13 years ago
dschur says:
+1 for export to csv files
Posted 13 years ago
sylviavas says:
prefer export to tab-delimited but some kind of easy export would be great. even just a copy/paste if it didn't pick up too much irrelevant stuff
Posted 13 years ago
linkz57 says:
This might be close:

I'm not suggesting leaving Remember The Milk for Google Tasks, but Google Tasks is easier to export from, advertising an export to CSV from this same tool.

So far I haven't gotten it to work, eleven snapshots and it's still failing on me. That said, the idea is promising: import from RTM and export to CSV. From a CSV, you could open that in Ms Office, Libre Office, Google Docs, etc and export to XLS, TSV, and go from there.

If you're feeling really clever you could take the source code from Tasks Porter, combine it with a Google Docs API for conversion and simplify the XLS export from RTM into a one-step effort. Take that one step further with Grease Monkey and now you have an "export to..." menu on the RTM page with options like CSV, ODS, XLS, etc.

That would require much more Python and Javascript than I have to offer, but if someone else could (perhaps the fine coders at RTM, like Bob T. Monkey) and I for one would appreciate it.
Posted 12 years ago
allthatcaz says:
@linkz57, I'm not clear on how to use Google Tasks Porter to import tasks. It's asking for a file, but all I have is the RTM iCal address, which the file field won't accept. I've successfully linked RTM to my Google Calendar, but how would I create an importable file for Google Tasks Porter from my RTM iCal address?
Posted 12 years ago
willmarlow says:
This would be an awesome feature -- I'd love to be able to export the raw data to .csv.
Posted 12 years ago
markginter31 says:
Same here. Export to csv or tab delimited or even to Open/Libreoffice format in Calc
Posted 12 years ago
aka178 says:
The 1st thing to do with any new software/gadget is to investigate backup/recovery options. RTM looks poor. Please dont tell me about lossy iCal exports. It is a shame.

Please add XML/CSV/BIN/whatever export and import. So i would able to backup data, wipe my data and restore it back with all details in in 3 mouse clicks.
Posted 12 years ago
aka179 says:
Please add XML or CSV or BIN or whatever export and import. So i would able to backup my data, wipe my data and restore it back completely and without using 3rd party tools.
Posted 12 years ago
alejandropolit1370 says:
Please add XML or CSV or BIN or whatever export and import.
Posted 12 years ago
fcastell says:
+1 to have export to excel!
Posted 12 years ago
sjhanley says:
I vote for exporting tasks with notes within RTM in csv or excel format.
Posted 12 years ago
mebsan00 says:
see it
Posted 12 years ago
brennen.chua says:
+1 to CSV
Posted 12 years ago
limacat says:
CSV would be useful
Posted 12 years ago
sherry.agee says:
+1 to CSV
Posted 12 years ago
rchrin says:
CSV would be useful
Posted 12 years ago
sunjana1 says:
+1 on CSV
Posted 12 years ago
isaacab says:
Posted 12 years ago
darrenmwalker says:
Excel export please! - Don't make me go looking for a To Do App that does.
Posted 12 years ago
jumibu says:
+1 on CSV
Posted 12 years ago
cobas says:
+2 on CSV
Posted 12 years ago
henrivdm says:
I have been a PRO user for a few years, advances on Mobile has been fantastic, but on web there are still some annoying missing features, no simple export being a key one!

Please do not force me look elsewhere....
Posted 12 years ago
henrivdm says:
I have been PRO for a few years, and the ONE thing that is a huge irritation is that there is no simple export feature.
Posted 11 years ago
egatlin says:
why can't I export my data? all fields/contents to a delimited format? just weird that this isn't available
Posted 11 years ago
huffhomeservices says:
it's ridiculous. i do believe the task manager managers don't want us to be able to manage our task managers.
Posted 11 years ago
morrisont says:
+ 1 million for CSV export....
Posted 11 years ago
grahl says:
I patched rtm-cli to export my tasks to a csv file, see here for details.
Posted 11 years ago
stevep771 says:
I discovered a work-around for this if anyone is interested. Go to one of your lists or do an advanced search. At the right side of screen, in the box you have an option to print. This creates a printer friendly version of the page. Now right-click on the page and choose 'save.' In save dialog box, choose 'single page htm.' This creates an htm file that you can open in excel.

Once in Excel, i made a spreadsheet that you can paste your data into and it will parse the data so you can save it as csv. If anyone is interested, i can make the sheet available. I know it's not ideal. Is a multi-step process. But if you're desparate, it works.
Posted 11 years ago
rothtimo says:
+1 for integration with excel
Posted 11 years ago
manny.josbena says:
+1 for Excel. I use Smartsheet and BaseCamp, too and have a weekly recurring task in RTM to reminder me to do those download/backups/exports. Sadly, I can't do weekly backups from RTM. I want all Tasks and Notes, too, because I have lots of Notes saved that I need to be sure are backed up weekly. Please make this a priority. Thanks.
Posted 11 years ago
eagleofjade says:
Definitely thumbs up for CSV export, surprised this hasn't been done by now!
Posted 11 years ago
weiszguy says:
+1 for export!

If I could have a CSV/excel/tab-delimited, or something along those lines, that would making reporting so much easier.
Posted 11 years ago
rameshcpoy says:
It will be great if we get raw data including notes in CSV format.
Posted 11 years ago
francois_nguyen says:
+1 for export : it would be possible to do some data analysis
Posted 10 years ago
(closed account) says:
Let's see, it's been EIGHT YEARS since someone suggested this feature. Wonder why you won't implement it??
Posted 9 years ago
kenneho says:
Posted 9 years ago
fernando.angeli says:
+1 for export!
Posted 9 years ago
bzdevil says:
Sad such a BASIC feature doesn't exist.
Posted 9 years ago
prasi00 says:
+1 for CSV/Excel export
Posted 9 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 for CSV/Excel expor
Posted 9 years ago
julie.jacksonforsberg says:
+1 for CSV export. My boss also has a certain way she wants / needs to see information, and she's not open to new tools. I need a task management system that works for me!
Posted 9 years ago
tiebor says:
Posted 9 years ago
ashineko says:
+1 - All these great new features, and we still can't export to CSV.
Posted 9 years ago
cwb3106 says:
Posted 9 years ago
ulrik67 says:
+1 to excell
Posted 9 years ago
carloscadu says:
+1 csv/excel export
Posted 8 years ago
(closed account) says:
I despair that these are ever read by RTM staff.
Posted 8 years ago
andrewturnbull says:
Another +1 for a simple csv/xml export option
Posted 8 years ago
delucals says:
Yes please consider export in csv format! Loading into a calendar doesn't help me when I manage my list by project, not day ;-( - Thanks for considering!
Posted 8 years ago
ciltis says:
+1 for CSV export of search results/lists/tasks+subtasks instead of the entire database.
Posted 8 years ago
southstu says:
+1 for excel including notes, subtasks, priority and tags with export search results only options.
Posted 8 years ago
rebecca.oday says:
+1 for excel or csv including notes, subtasks, priority and tags. I agree with everyone here, having an export that is easier to use than iCAL would be a really nice feature. Please note, I have never seen Remember The Milk go offline nor have I never been able to get my data. However, for analysis purposes or just plain piece of mind, having a more standard export option would be great.
Posted 8 years ago
adam.marx says:
I'd also like to request the ability to export to a CSV. It would be nice to pull all the relevant information, including any notes.
Posted 8 years ago
alex.romanov says:
It's very important: export to CSV !
Looking at the thread above - no need to explain.
Just +10
Posted 8 years ago
(closed account) says:
rtm needs more methods to get the data out. sharing and connecting different services is the expected workflow nowadays

so +1 for csv export as this is a open and universal format
PS: the android app lacks content sharing too, there isnt even a button for copy to clipboard
Posted 8 years ago
liowalter says:
Posted 8 years ago
coasterguy53433 says:
I want this too. (The iCal format is just useless for export. CSV would be more valuable.)
Posted 8 years ago
tm36 says:
Wished I'd checked on this before paying for pro, moved from todoist, like the RTM interface a lot more, but export should be a basic function.
Posted 8 years ago
blackgaff says:
Still no export?
Posted 7 years ago
(closed account) says:
yes, please
Posted 7 years ago
bonzofestoon says:
This is a great idea requested a decade ago.
Stop monkeying around and get mooooving on this. You practically have it done with the export to ical and atom feeds; between the two I am sure you can figure it out.
Posted 7 years ago
djgoncalves says:
This is a basic but an essential feature. Thanks.
Posted 7 years ago
alessandro.puzielli says:
+1 for export in CSV. Thanks
Posted 7 years ago
xyrafo says:
+1 for CSV on selected tasks :-)
Posted 7 years ago
benjamin.m.holden says:
+1 for CSV output.
Posted 7 years ago
satoshi.sakao says:
+1 for CSV output.
Posted 7 years ago
shivrajd says:
+1 for CSV output with notes for selected tasks.
Posted 7 years ago
catyr says:
Yes this is essential. I'd like to quickly clean up my tasks but don't want to have to look through everything. It would be great just to export stuff to CSV that I can go through at a later time and reenter anything that I want to do. Then I could just happily delete away and clean up my lists.
Posted 7 years ago
hguillemain says:
Same as the 75 smart people before me
Posted 7 years ago
kngrmd1 says:
Export tasks option needed please
Posted 6 years ago
matmuleme says:
Option to export to CSV please!
Posted 6 years ago
kngrmd1 says:
option to export import tasks easily via csv or excel,with all info like notes, tags,notes, duedates, repeating scenario are essential please

may be smartsearch etc., does not have to be exported/imported.
Posted 6 years ago
mkazmer says:
Piling on here to this decade+-long thread -- need to be able to export selected tasks via csv with all notes, tags, due dates, etc.!
Posted 6 years ago
kngrmd1 says:
Remember the milk is afraid that people will abandon RTM

RTM has excellent architechture in terms of Android app and chrome browser in my windows 10 laptop.
(i have not tried RTM in any ios devices, but im sure you have a great app there too)

Anyways RTM has immense facitlities and it has great snappy app.

When mass adding tasks , why should we go round about like emailing tasks , or using google sheets and zapier?
why cannot it be as simple as importing an excel sheet ?

RTM can provide a template excel sheet that we have to download, we should not really edit the header in that sheet.
we can populate the specific rows and columns and just import N number of tasks in one go

It is necessary please
Posted 6 years ago
kngrmd1 says:
Also exporting the tasks with the due date, repeat patters, tags, list it is in , start date, estimated time, notes , location name alone at least, should be made available.

we tap export and all tasks are exported to a nice excel sheet

how difficult is that?
RTM should not fear people will abandon them at this point in time.
You give what customers need, they will not leave you .

when there is a possiblity of exporting to excel sheet, there is peace of mind , if RTM shuts down or if there is an error in RTM, our tasks are safe.

Lets say i have a loving , upper middle class father.
My father has to make sure he insures his life in a good reliable life insurance company,
make Fixed deposits etc., etc.,
create safety nets for his own future and also for his dependents future , if he dies suddenly.
Not just that he has to make sure the information regarding all his insurances and fixed deposits are available to his dependents.
It does not mean father will die, but a safety net is there.
This is life.
Life has to continue, no matter what, is'nt it?

Likewise No one is expecting or wishing RTM will die or will have a glitch once in a while.
But if anything like that happens , RTM should care for us by giving option to export the tasks into nice excel sheet.
Thats all.

I can set up a task which repeats every sunday to export the tasks from RTM and keep the exported file safe , this way if something happens to RTM, i always have few days old data as such.

Show that RTM cares for its customers even if RTM dies down,
even if RTM has a glitch that could be once in 10 years.

{im telling about the scenario in india, where life insurance premiums are low , Bank interest rates for fixed deposits are high (banks pay interest for the money we save in india)}
Posted 6 years ago
kngrmd1 says:
I will set up task " backup RTM " that repeats every sunday.

I will backup RTM to nice excel sheet .

If RTM has a glitch or dies down for whatever reason,
then I always have few days old data that i can refer to or use it else where.

show that RTM cares its customers , no matter what
Posted 6 years ago
bhugo says:
It is unfortunate that RTM doesn't seem to want to listen, I left Evernote for the inability to have multi-level pages, and it now seems I will be leaving RTM for no export ability. These are not outrageous requests or crazy demands...I cannot understand why they won't create this feature. After almost 5 years of RTM, Todoist it is then.
Posted 6 years ago
mmoore100 says:
As of today (12 jan 2019), it looks like I can export in a JSON format or an iCalendar format.

JSON format export does seem to be what some other task management tools offer these days, but I, too, would like to also have CSV format as an option because that would allow me to manipulate data in Excel.
Posted 6 years ago
dbsk says:
I'm surprised this continues to get so many comments, as a script was already posted to do this:
Posted 5 years ago
dbsk says:
Whoops. I couldn't get the old Python version to work (rtm itself imports rtm?) Hopefully the new NodeJS version will.
Posted 5 years ago
lee_colmer says:
Excel / CSV please! Why haven't they listened and implemented it already, how hard can it be?!!
Posted 5 years ago
stevejlock says:
Posted 5 years ago
thomas.decker says:
@lee_colmer: There are many thinks like kanban waiting or will never be there what I personally believe.
Posted 5 years ago
rjallison81 says:
Users have been requesting an export to Excel function for more than eight years and still nothing from the RTM team.

Posted 5 years ago
lalorm664 says:
+1 for excel or csv export, thanks
Posted 5 years ago
juanescofet says:
Simple answer. They dont want us to take our work flow out form them, because we may (probably) not come back
Posted 4 years ago
jhernelyn says:
scrolled through this hoping there was a solution in the end........
Posted 4 years ago
jhernelyn says:
Emily leave the company?
Posted 4 years ago
coasterguy53433 says:
+1 for CSV export.

I've tried the other options (RSS and JSON) but they're just too difficult to manage.

Sometimes I just want a simple CSV export so I can work some magic in Excel.
Posted 4 years ago
prasi00 says:
+1 for CSV!!!!
Posted 3 years ago
juancamilobarrero says:
This should be as simple as clicking on a button and choosing export to... CSV, TXT, XLS, CLIPBOARD.

There are workarounds to export lists, but this is a productivity tool. I shouldn´t have to waste time:

I use a smartlist to control my follow ups with my team. Every time I want to follow up on stuff I have to go through this annoying process...
Posted 3 years ago
evanhahn says:
I wrote a MilkScript script to export selected tasks as CSV.

The code is here, which you can copy-paste into a new MilkScript script and export tasks as CSV:

I consider this a prototype, and it may have bugs or missing features, but I hope it can be useful to others.
Posted 1 year ago
mars0i says:
- The link for iCalendar export doesn't mention exporting to iCalendar. Maybe it's there somewhere, but one has to explore every link there to figure that out.
- Exporting to CSV is just basic functionality. I don't understand why RTM doesn't provide it.
- It's great that a user has created a script to do this, but how do I know it's not malicious in some way? I will have to learn Milkscript to feel secure using it and understand how to use it. This functionality should be provided by RTM.
Posted 1 year ago
mars0i says:
Thanks @evanhahn for this script. I'm grateful for that, and I mean no disrespect.
Posted 1 year ago
prasi00 says:
@evanhahn - Thanks! Finally a solution to exporting. The script works like a charm. I've been bugging support to put together similar script with no luck.
Posted 1 year ago
evanhahn says:
Posted 1 year ago
happycorey says:
lol, Remember the Milk will never implement this basic export to CSV feature because they know most people will use it to leave the platform. Most other platforms have it as they know their platform is good enough people won't leave and if they do they aren't handcuffed.
Posted 10 months ago
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