Windows 8 app

amirmasoudabdol says:
Last week, Microsoft introduced Windows 8 and it's definitely one the best windows ever. The Metro UI is productivity ready, for instance, you can pic one application in Start Screen, or put one app in one side of the screen.
I think it would be really great if Windows 8 has Native RememberTheMilk app which provides these feature.
Just think about it, while you are working on one of your project list of all related tasks shows in side of your screen, you can easily cross them off from your list or add new tasks to your inbox! It's super productive.
I think it would be really great if Windows 8 has Native RememberTheMilk app which provides these feature.
Just think about it, while you are working on one of your project list of all related tasks shows in side of your screen, you can easily cross them off from your list or add new tasks to your inbox! It's super productive.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
We've just launched Remember The Milk for Windows! We hope you like the new app. :)

kai.yee says:
great idea

jonathan.w.tin says:
Any plans to create this? The live tile feature in Windows 8 would be great to show due tasks.

I'm a long-time Mac user, but....
Win 8 looks very good. "Windows" is a misnomer, it seems to me.
Metro is more a unification of Apple's pioneering work on touchscreens and PARC's pioneering work on the WIMPs interface. Metro feels like the first time in a great long while MSFT has gotten a bit ahead of the industry it still dominates.
I'd think RTM needs to be in the App store, the sooner the better.
Win 8 looks very good. "Windows" is a misnomer, it seems to me.
Metro is more a unification of Apple's pioneering work on touchscreens and PARC's pioneering work on the WIMPs interface. Metro feels like the first time in a great long while MSFT has gotten a bit ahead of the industry it still dominates.
I'd think RTM needs to be in the App store, the sooner the better.

jroppert says:
I'm using the desktop widget in windows 7. Since Win 8 doesn't support widgets, a native Win 8 app is essential for me.
... and i moved to Windows 8 today ;-)
... and i moved to Windows 8 today ;-)

nosila says:
I've been thinking about this for almost 3 months, will try to deliver something in time for Windows 8 release date!

(closed account) says:

john.long says:
Definitely could use this. Windows 8 could very well end up being the platform people associate with getting actual stuff done, and what better tool to remember what to do than RTM?!

davedunne says:
I just got a Surface with Windows RT so I would be very interested in seeing a native app in the Windows store.

ryan.mette says:

rezosh says:

51r519m4 says:
The other to-do apps on the W8 store are likely amateurish at best. RTM should move in and show them how it's done.

joseph.oh says:
yes please!

(closed account) says:

vappigural says:
This is a must. If it doesn't get made, I will have to find a new reminder-app with live tile-feature

(closed account) says:

andrey.lomakin says:

p.wong says:

d7a7z7e7d says:

lintop8 says:

lintop8 says:
The surface gets released in Australia on the 7th, hint hint :-)

niallcollins says:

(closed account) says:

derspinner says:

jigarshah84 says:

jigarshah84 says:
don't forget about windows phone 8. :)

pankajuppal says:
Would love to have a windows 8 app soon..The live tile feature would definitely enhance productivity as we will be able to see our due tasks at a glance..

andylewisart says:

tone.tonydeaf says:

ehead says:

kalats says:

sshowers83 says:
It's inevitable that the masses will move to Windows 8. May as well hop on board RTM.

ieatfish says:
Add me to this list. Would love it on my Surface RT.

kerrpe says:
Gosh, this would be fantastic! +1

vll.brittens says:
+1. There really needs to be an app for RTM

jroost says:
+1 Please create for W8.

ddiall says:
This is an absolute must... Please support flexible custom views (smart lists, etc), ensure the app caches content locally with bidirectional sync and make it compatible with MilkSync for Outlook. That would be an absolutely killer app particularly as it fills the gap of Outlook not being currently available on Windows RT tablets (ARM processor)!!

justin.short says:
Yep, a killer app for RTM on the Windows 8 Surface RT would be superb - please!!!

rollered says:
Absolutely, this would improve my Win8 experience greatly! +2

todd.liberty says:
+1 having never been a fan of the web I/F, I have remained a free user exclusively on my single mobile device. With win8 on my touchscreen laptop, I am ready to justify the pro sync.

(closed account) says:
Must have

swarkist says:

gabrieg says:
Must Have

jfsebastian says:
+1 (not much more to say :-) )

dumbbum says:

alpay.kasal says:
i just grabbed a win8 tablet and was sad to see no RTM live tile available... i'm eagerly awaiting this as well. thanks.

ashwin says:
An official Win8 app would be good.

t.bogard says:
+1, please, it will be very good :D

werneri says:
+1 please! Need it!

dillo99 says:
Come on....we are waiting!!!!

zbig_t says:
If a month ago someone told me that I'd advocate for this, I'd say he's confusing me with someone else. I was really convinced I'm gonna hate Windows 8 with passion ("whaaat?! no start menu???", "what's with these childish "tiles" anyway?") but turns out I don't. RTM just begs to be implemented as a "modern Windows 8 app" (you guys know you're no longer supposed to call this Metro, right? ;-))
If a month ago someone told me that I'd advocate for this, I'd say he's confusing me with someone else. I was really convinced I'm gonna hate Windows 8 with passion ("whaaat?! no start menu???", "what's with these childish "tiles" anyway?") but turns out I don't. RTM just begs to be implemented as a "modern Windows 8 app" (you guys know you're no longer supposed to call this Metro, right? ;-))

asnih says:

felix8372 says:

sbozaydemir says:

(closed account) says:

lgaertner says:

(closed account) says:
1+ and +1

angela.randall says:
Using RTM on ie for Windows RT is a total pain. Would love to see a proper app.

roxberry says:
RTM in 1/3 Snapview mode on the Surface RT would be great.
RTM in 1/3 Snapview mode on the Surface RT would be great.

stefandel says:

juan.avila says:

avd82 says:
+1, that would complete my (already very usefull) user experience!

r0bdej0ng says:

(closed account) says:

hamdanfiras says:
I use RTM Pro and Evernote.
Evernote has a beautiful window 8 app, we need something similar for RTM.
I use RTM Pro and Evernote.
Evernote has a beautiful window 8 app, we need something similar for RTM.

atgr24869 says:
A must have.

colin.mattholie says:

zakikrayem says:

sunyibo says:

dgjlee says:

paul.rea says:
As a Pro account holder and a Surface Pro user, I would greatly appreciate a windows 8 app.

(closed account) says:
Agreed here. Might actually use the W8 start menu. I just really live in my browser now.

seanutria says:
This is a platform RTM could shine (and grow) on. The sooner the better!

dillo99 says:

shapiroron says:
While I'm not in love with Win8, I am in love with RTM. An app, similar to the ipad app, would rock.

jcoud says:
I agree: the RT platform is ideal for the experience of RTM and getting things done. Having just purchased an RT tablet and avidly avidly avidly loving my RTM, I beg of you from the bottomest depths of my heart: get 'er done.

adnoiseam says:

otaci says:

(closed account) says:

vturek says:
A version for Win8 RT (i.e., for MS Surface RT and other similar ultra-portable devices) would be awesome!
A version for Win8 RT (i.e., for MS Surface RT and other similar ultra-portable devices) would be awesome!

siddhartha.kongara says:
yes please! if works and looks just like the sidebar plugin for gmail, but i can put it on my screen permanently, thats good enough

mrschilling says:

thehoff50 says:
would like a windows 8 app...

chrisharris00 says:

killedthedream says:
I was developing Windows 8 app for Remember The Milk some time ago but then I gave it up. Seems like I need to complete the project and to publish the app.

kevaldc says:
@killedthedream although there are some desktop clients available but they simply suck.
Go ahead and create something like a native app.
Best of luck
Go ahead and create something like a native app.
Best of luck

jcoud says:
This is important and a market opportunity, RTM. There is no great task app for Windows 8 that truly synchronizes across devices and is GTD focused. Don't rely just on user votes; anticipate the need on this one before it explodes.

ruckiand says:

dsmking says:
+1 - I would love to be able to snap a Remember the Milk app to the side and have easy access to my lists.

dillo99 says:

brentl says:
An app for Windows 8 that also runs on Windows RT tablets would be awesome! The bonus is that the code for this app can also be easily ported to Windows Phone too (or vice-versa!). Just about hit two birds with one stone.

mrschilling says:

pquadrat says:
A Win 8 App would be helpful, I agree.
A Win 8 App would be helpful, I agree. says:
Will be back as a pro-user when WP8 and Win8 is officially supported! Soon I hope! :)
Will be back as a pro-user when WP8 and Win8 is officially supported! Soon I hope! :)

convicesdr says:

edward.kozlowski says:
Droid app is incredible, and work has me using a windows 8 tablet. The web interface is great, but a native app would be most welcome!
Droid app is incredible, and work has me using a windows 8 tablet. The web interface is great, but a native app would be most welcome!

(closed account) says:

marvin.schrooth says:
wp is the operatingsystem of the future
a remember the milk app would be great om my nokia lumia!
kind regards
a remember the milk app would be great om my nokia lumia!
kind regards

natasja.paulssen says:
+1 (!!!)

marius.i.marin says:

nivgol says:

yusukeoi says:

gorn708 says:

manulele says:
I wish Remember The Milk for my new Nokia and if is possibile an app for my Win8 desktop too (Please!)

(closed account) says:

coolfinn says:

kevshangar says:
I have never liked the web app and have primarily used RTM on an iPhone and iPad. Now changing the iPad for a full Windows 8 tablet (also got a Windows 8 touch laptop. We really need to be able to use RTM with the same look and feel as we are used to on the apple devices. Even the Android app is very similar. The web app is, however, very different. I much prefer the style of the iPad app.

zhzexi says:

lespmartin says:
Can't really add anything else but please created something soon. An official app with a live tile for wp8 would be the fantastic.

rachelute says:
yyyyyyeap. agreed. Want this. Getting used to win8, but LIVE off of RTM, so really NEED a way to access easily from my mainscreen or desktop....

tiebor says:
+ 1
Ipad's App is great. It would be nice to have the same on Windows 8!
Ipad's App is great. It would be nice to have the same on Windows 8!

ekoenke says:
A windows 8 app would be very useful. Please work on this!

kate.aston says:
+1 please - both windows phone and surface.

robfairhead says:
+1 too
On Windows 7 I had the "I Forgot the Milk" sidebar widget on my desktop all the time. Now in Windows 8.1 I don't have that option, so an app would be great.
BTW does RTM ever read these posts and answer them?!
On Windows 7 I had the "I Forgot the Milk" sidebar widget on my desktop all the time. Now in Windows 8.1 I don't have that option, so an app would be great.
BTW does RTM ever read these posts and answer them?!

skrieder says:
Windows 8 would be great!

(closed account) says:
yes. this would be very useful

(closed account) says:
+1 for a WP8 app. I love RTM, but it pains me that there isn't a native app.

interet says:
if Rtm go not to Windows 10 , i think i go wunderlist (compatible all platforms) !

matthew.frahm says:
If RTM builds an app now, it should be able to use much of the same code on Windows 8/10 and Windows Phone.

mkfavreau says:
I have enjoyed using RTM, but I need an app for the Windows 8 tablet. I need a solution or I will need to look elsewhere. Thanks.

tpjones70 says:
RTM would look great as a Windows 10 app, the ability to have windowed Modern apps would suit RTM much better than the quarter/third window option in 8.1
Please consider building a Win 10 app.
Please consider building a Win 10 app.

naikian says:
Windows 10 app is really needed especially for those who want to move to Windows phone. Otherwise, we might need search for an alternative there!!!
Windows 10 app is really needed especially for those who want to move to Windows phone. Otherwise, we might need search for an alternative there!!!