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Ability to postpone to later in the date or fixed time

justinrdmv says:
If I were to set a time for a task, say 08:09, and I want it to be postpone to 10:04, I just can't easily do it. I need to edit the task and change the time. It would be nice to be asked for / have a popup to fix the day and time for postponing.
Posted at 7:57pm on December 5, 2011
dfilskov says:
I agree ! - Gtasks, Astrid and most other to do-list apps do this easily.
Posted 12 years ago
danielcormier says:
Definitely needed. If I have a task due at a certain time, but I can't do it then, I might only want to postpone it for an hour.
Posted 5 years ago
derekh4 says:
Whoa, just found this post and thought ... cool, someone else wants this. Then I see 2011 ... so 11 years, guess this feature isn't coming.
Posted 2 years ago
cblupo says:
I wrote up a solution for this with MilkScript + IFTTT

Video demo

Add a tag to a task such as "postpone-hr01" which triggers an IFTTT action which runs a MilkScript which bumps the due time on the task by 1 hour (or 3 hours, or 10 minutes, etc)
Posted 1 year ago
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