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Ability to attach photos to tasks

alecbrown says:
I want to remind myself to buy this lovely wine (example) that I am currently drinking at this restaurant when I pass the wine shop at the weekend. Currently I would put a picture in Evernote and a reminder in RTM, but it could all be done in RTM.
Posted at 9:00am on July 1, 2011
maurer.didier says:
I would like to see this function in RTM too ! :)
Posted 12 years ago
merkurius1 says:
Where can I put a photo and get a URL for his ONE to put URL to RM task?
Posted 11 years ago
philippefraser says:
This is a no-brainer. Why can''t we add photos from our phones on tasks - would save so much time, and save us from having to revert to emails with team members.
Posted 5 years ago
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