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Springpad integration

ethan.roday says:
Springpad is a web app / browser extension / mobile app that allows you to organize various parts of your life. It's similar to Evernote, but I've found it to be a bit smarter. Unfortunately its task management is lacking in any sort of advanced functionality. If I could integrate my RTM lists into Springpad, I would be oh-so-very happy.
Posted at 7:29pm on June 20, 2011
(closed account) says:
I agree! I love Springpad for managing all the info of my life, being able to integrate with the awesome task management of RTM would be great!
Posted 13 years ago
eefmeijerink says:
Hear, hear!
Posted 13 years ago
danmonken says:
yeah... make it happen!!!
Posted 13 years ago
matthew.gentry says:
Agree, I like Springpad much better than Evernote.
Posted 12 years ago
sunnysigara says:
Posted 11 years ago
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