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Project templates, i.e. sets of tasks for repeatable projects

markwilliams says:
Have a template for projects that repeat, but not on any schedule.

Adding the Template would generate new tasks for the full scope of the project. The tasks could be scheduled for day #1, a b and c are due. On day 3, d and e. On day 27, task f is due. This would allow due dates to be created based on the generic project flow stored in the template.
Posted at 6:40pm on May 18, 2011
dank2878 says:
This is a great idea. I use a set of text files that can easily be copied/pasted into an email when repeating projects get underway.

Having this type of checklist/template functionality would make things easier.
Posted 13 years ago
ralf.kraft says:
this would be a great improvement for me
Posted 13 years ago
utahtoad says:
What about the import of list?

Create an outlook signature or template and send it to your import email address. Then it would at least be able to create several at a time!

I'm going to try it!
Posted 13 years ago
utahtoad says:
It works! Importing a linked list of project and canned NextActions.

I have created two "Static" Lists. Projects and Actions. I like to clean out my Inbox.

I created an OUTLOOK template with the subject Projects (which is one of my lists, and the NextActions go to a list called RTM) and put the following in my mail body.
(See Below)
Granted I have to do a Ctl-H and replace, but it is a lot easier than adding 5 separate tasks. And, by using the -end- code, I can leave instructions in my template. They just get ignored by RtM.

They are all linked back to the project by the tag, so I just go to projects, select my project, and click on the hot link tab (in the "edit" box), and RtM creates a search list of my projects with all associated Next Actions, both those added manually later and those emailed below. The Prefix is just so I can easily remember what project it connects to.

----------TEMPLATE SUBJECT STARTS HERE---------------
Subject: Projects
----------TEMPLATE BODY STARTS HERE---------------
[PROJECT_NAME]: [Prefix]: [Client] Test Install #[Tag],actions,at_work,zz1w ^[DueDate]
[Prefix]: Oracle Database Installed #[Tag],actions,at_work,zz1w ^[DueDate]
[Prefix]: ReDo Logs adjusted to 512M #[Tag],actions,at_work,zz1w ^[DueDate]
[Prefix]: Set up backups and cleanup #[Tag],actions,at_work,zz1w ^[DueDate]
[Prefix]: Create tablespaces, users, and import seed database #[Tag],actions,at_work,zz1w ^[DueDate]
[Prefix]: Check that SQL Developer installed #[Tag],actions,at_work,zz1w ^[DueDate]

1. Ctl-H [PROJECT_NAME] ie. PRJ-005 (Do best guess or check your projects for next incomplete)
2. Ctl-H [Prefix] ie.SUTR or MHER or NFL etc
3. Ctl-H [Client] Spelled out Mem Herm or North Florida
4. Ctl-H [DueDate] ie. Sunday or Nov 21
5. Ctl-H [Tag] from Project_Num ie. PRJ-005 is tagged prj005
Posted 13 years ago
sn3akyp3t3 says:
I would use this at home and at work. Home for shopping or inventory checklists like camping equipment checks and preparations. Work for various projects and maybe quality control.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
This is a great idea, and I hope RTM can add it. I travel for work several times a year, and each time I get ready for a trip, there are tasks I need to complete. So a task template with sub tasks would work perfectly. For example, create/insert the template with a travel date of 15 XXX. The template would be set up to create several sub tasks with due date filled it: Check itinerary and pick seat -3 (12 XXX) set out of office -1 (14 XXX) etc.
Posted 12 years ago
alfred74new says:
Can someone explain what the tag, "zz1w " in the template above helps with? Also, It's not clear to me how the system "pick seat -3 (12 XXX) set out of office -1 (14 XXX" works.
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
I would <3 this for the packing lists I make before every trip (of which I have a lot). It would really make packing a lot less error-prone.
Posted 8 years ago
gordonrobb says:
I would like this too. I want to create a task, that has a lot of commonly repeated tasks. Adding the ability to enter a start date, that cascades through and updates ll the due dates would be great too.
Posted 7 years ago
ajzadrozny says:
I also think this would be useful. I do use repeating tasks, but sometimes I need vary sub-tasks from one month to the next. If I add or delete a sub-task, then that is carried forward. Please consider adding something like this.
Posted 7 years ago
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