Ability to add photos or audio to tasks
nlstefan says:
The possibility to add rich media to your task as a note
pablo.aramburu says:
Quick notes (photo & audio) while on the move would be really helpful
tedhobson says:
Evernote seems much better at notes, RTM much better at tasks. If RTM had this feature it would be great. I find the notes in general are not easy to use and not very functional, both on mobile and the web site.
Why can't notes show on the sidebar of the web site instead of behind a tab?
Why can't notes show on the sidebar of the web site instead of behind a tab?
thebrianlange says:
I would really like to see this functionality. Sometimes it makes sense to have a useful photo attached to a task.
lasse99 says:
..be able to send a photo from my iphone (or else) and assign it as a task without any hassle..remember 1 picture says more than 1000 words
d.jansegers says:
Quick notes (photo & audio) while on the move would be really helpful
tigran.mkrw says:
I also encourage you to support this feature, evernote has it.
michaelhb says:
New to RTM, and I was surprised I couldn't just take a picture of something as an explanation for a task. For example - something broken at home, snap a picture of it, show it to the guy at the hardware store.
carly.tonkin says:
Another use case - in a physical store, see something you would like to buy but know you could get it cheaper online. Take photo with your phone of the item and add task to RTM to buy it online later
davidbrake says:
Please implement!
mathias.durand says:
any news about it? Please make it happen :)
dominic.spachmann says:
yes, minimum pics for tasks, currently I take pics in evernote or directly in ios pics and search for them when i need them for a task...
rustyellis says:
I have to agree here,this would be huge. I recently cancelled my evernote account, only to leave myself needing another solution. I began using Google Keep to fill that void for now, but would rather be able to just use this with RTM.
boneycur says:
I switched from RTM to Trello a couple of months ago because of the need for attaching images and other media. But I came crawling back because I prefer RTM's compact interface which allows for quick view and manipulation of items.
However I came back grudgingly. I hope you add this feature soon!
However I came back grudgingly. I hope you add this feature soon!
mic.sa says:
super important!
jonkoplo says:
I always feel difficult when hurry to add new task. It more easy when there is a capture photo feature.
klymestar says:
I would love this feature as well. It would help when showing images of works in progress and other tid bits.
(closed account) says:
It's helpful indeed.
philippefraser says:
I'm amazed we can't add photos. I often would like to add a photo - I use RTM to delegate tasks to my PA - taking a photo and saying "buy one of these" would make such a difference.
Also, is I could take photos of parts of the building that need maintenance at work, and delegate it to our facilities manager who uses FTM would save so much time compared to writing and then having to email a photo... in fact, this is one area where I have to resort to email often, and then the other people in the team stop using RTM
Also, is I could take photos of parts of the building that need maintenance at work, and delegate it to our facilities manager who uses FTM would save so much time compared to writing and then having to email a photo... in fact, this is one area where I have to resort to email often, and then the other people in the team stop using RTM
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