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Keyboard shortcut for 'duplicate task'

joerg.rieckermann says:
This would be a very useful feature (and not only for all GTD-ers out there) to have as a shortcut. Creating tasks with the same characteristics (List, Tags) on the fly would be such a gain!

Please consider!
Posted at 5:44am on April 5, 2011
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
While not a direct keyboard shortcut, you can now access the 'More' dropdown with the '.' keyboard shortcut, and then use the arrows to reach 'Duplicate task'. Hope this helps!
Posted 8 years ago
j.aitken says:
+1 Please consider, I would find this a productive & time saving feature.

Many of my tasks act as a seed which spawn or morph into new tasks that retain many of the attributes (tags, location, list etc...) of the original. It would be great to have a keyboard shortcut to speed this process along.
Posted 13 years ago
karmayogin says:
Posted 13 years ago
shaunareid says:
Yes please! :)
Posted 13 years ago
sambahat says:
Posted 13 years ago
rich.jackman says:
Posted 13 years ago
cpengel says:
Posted 13 years ago
furet says:
Posted 12 years ago
scottstilson says:
Posted 12 years ago
galeksic says:
+1 and pretty please :)
Posted 12 years ago
eric.schafer says:
With this, you could arguably solve the requests for dependencies as well. I typically put follow-up dependencies in name of the task. I then duplicate, complete, and modify the name of the task. This would save a mouse trip to the drop-down menu.
Posted 11 years ago
alfred74new says:
I am a relatively new user, but it looks like my system will be heavily dependent on tags. Duplicating a task has been a great time saver, but having a keyboard shortcut would really turbo charge this feature. Please :))
Posted 11 years ago
solid71 says:
+1 for duplicating tasks via keyboard shortcut
Posted 11 years ago
relevart says:
+1 I would just found it useful now.
Posted 11 years ago
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