Ability to specify the timezone for a task

david.hausheer says:
It would be very nice if remember the milk would support to specify the timezone for the due time of a task (or even better if the timezone would be taken from the location of the task)

alzeih says:
I want to be able to add a task at a time given to me in another time zone, and have it show up as the due time and date in my time zone.
So if I specify a time zone it should use that time referenced in that time zone.
So if I specify a time zone it should use that time referenced in that time zone.

jeevan.pingali says:
It's useful to have this feature everywhere, web, Android etc.

shemigon says:
I'm looking forward to that feature too as working with people in different timezones and calculating the time of every task is tedious.

(closed account) says:
Just adding my support for this feature. I really need to be able to specify the timezone when adding a task so that my future self will get a reminder at the correct time based on where I'll be.
For example: "Check into flight at 7pm EST" would be great for when I'm on the east coast even though I live on the west coast in a state that doesn't use daylight savings time. I don't want to have to figure out the correct time myself.
For example: "Check into flight at 7pm EST" would be great for when I'm on the east coast even though I live on the west coast in a state that doesn't use daylight savings time. I don't want to have to figure out the correct time myself.

aviskase says:
One other place where this feature could be extremely useful: birthday lists if you have relatives & friends who are +12 h from your location. Also it'll make life easier with trips and webinars.
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