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Choose which categories in Outlook sync to Remember The Milk

marquies says:
Hi, I'm used to work with RTM on the web and iPhone but I need to sync it with my outlook at work. MilkSync does the job, but I'm not happy about having private tasks in Outlook. So I would like to have a sync filter, which only sync selected lists.

What about you?
Posted at 9:23am on February 7, 2011
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
You can sync selected lists via the Sync tab of the website's Settings. See our FAQ for some details/screenshots.

Hope this helps!
Posted 14 years ago
derekh4 says:
Well, this is sort of true. You can choose which lists in RTM to put on your Blackberry/Outlook, but you can't choose which lists in BB/Outlook to put into RTM. So if you use RTM for personal use and BB/Outlook for work you get all your work junk into RTM not just the lists you want to sync.

This was posted to the form at the following URL but never got any response and is not auto-closed (I've never seen the reason to auto-close forum posts that were never solved).
Posted 14 years ago
marcellolamacchia says:
Very useful!
Posted 13 years ago
luc.steelandt says:
@andrewski I'm not sure your suggestion is enough as answer to the need.
If you have an outlook at home and one at work, by configuring RTM on your server you will define wich lists will be synchronized for both outlook.
If I understand @marquies, the need is to define at work which lists synchronize with outlook and at home the others one.
Posted 13 years ago
richard.rosetti says:
I agree - the sync should be controlled at the client level, not the server level. This way you can sync specific lists to work outlook and a different set of lists (or all) from a personal outlook at home.
Posted 12 years ago
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