Ability to edit task names inline (in the task list)

lhenriquez says:
I wish I could edit tasks in place instead of having to select one, then go to the tasks pane. Also my tasks tend to have alot of text, so its a pain to have to get to the end of a multi-sentence task in the tiny text box - why not have it expand to the full size of the text area like facebook comments. There's tons of jquery plugin that make this simple - when you select the text area, auto-expand to the full size.

dana2345 says:
Definitely an important feature to add.

buzztone says:
Ditto - would be so much easier to edit tasks in place instead of having to select one, then go to the tasks pane.
Currently when you click on the text it puts tick in the tick box. This has no advantage over having to tick in the box and in many cases leads to me ticking items I don't won't ticked as I do a lot of cutting & pasting text.
I also have the problem mentioned with editing long descriptions - it is really tricky and very slow the way it is implemented.
By the way I Loooooove RTM but editing task titles drives me to distraction.
Currently when you click on the text it puts tick in the tick box. This has no advantage over having to tick in the box and in many cases leads to me ticking items I don't won't ticked as I do a lot of cutting & pasting text.
I also have the problem mentioned with editing long descriptions - it is really tricky and very slow the way it is implemented.
By the way I Loooooove RTM but editing task titles drives me to distraction.

johnmazz says:
Yes, this would be so useful!

condemetrius says:
I came here to suggest editing just the task label in place, but your idea is even better.

remotefacade says:
Agree - renaming tasks is currently pretty clumsy due to the tiny size of the text box.

carolsher says:
My top priority would be the ability to easily edit long task titles.
I use RTM extensively for work and home lists, and find it frustrating that it's so hard to edit the description.
I would be quite happy to just have a bigger box on the edit pane.
Like others here, I really value RTM - thanks for building such a great product.
I use RTM extensively for work and home lists, and find it frustrating that it's so hard to edit the description.
I would be quite happy to just have a bigger box on the edit pane.
Like others here, I really value RTM - thanks for building such a great product.

jillian.cocklin says:
I just signed up yesterday - I keep trying to do this intuitively and getting frustrated when it doesn't work!

wintermute314 says:
I would at least expect a larger area on the task pane on which you can edit the task's name. If you use RTM in a business setting tasks tend to have more complex names than "pick up the milk".
I don't see why they just make the editing box a bit bigger. This can't be too much work and there's ample screen real estate.
Of course being able to edit them in line would be much nicer, but much harder to do.
So, Bob, start with enlaging the edit box!
I don't see why they just make the editing box a bit bigger. This can't be too much work and there's ample screen real estate.
Of course being able to edit them in line would be much nicer, but much harder to do.
So, Bob, start with enlaging the edit box!

shansell says:
AGREE: This is a very important time saver.
I edit tasks a lot and it takes too many clicks to do.
I edit tasks a lot and it takes too many clicks to do.

bicer says:
Some tasks are long. The short edit line on the right of the screen is hard to use. One needs to scroll back and forth. Why?
Please add inline editing and save us from this misery.
Please add inline editing and save us from this misery.

(closed account) says:
Please, please, please... inline editing at best, but *at least* make the edit box expand to accommodate longer entries. This is the only thing that bugs me about RTM--and it bugs me a lot and often because it comes up so often. Please!

glbosse says:
please--i agree
bigger text box
bigger text box

amamas says:
- edit inline
- edit box expand while editing
- edit inline
- edit box expand while editing

pean says:
Yes! Smart add is one of the features that turned me into RTM in the first place and I want that for edit too.

pfaco says:
I agree, editing inline is crucial. Of course it should be done not only for the task name but for all other fields such as tags and due date.

johnfoland says:
@pfaco - Those other fields are already edited inline.
Bob: I up-vote this feature for sure, but please know that I up-vote "Show Subtasks Underneath Parent Tasks" way more.
Bob: I up-vote this feature for sure, but please know that I up-vote "Show Subtasks Underneath Parent Tasks" way more.

dannynelson says:
As a counterpoint, I like the simplicity of the current design where all task edits happen in the task editor. Introducing multiple ways of editing the task title (inline & in the editor) creates a more confusing user experience.
After selecting a task, it's easy to quickly edit the title using the the "r" keyboard shortcut.
After selecting a task, it's easy to quickly edit the title using the the "r" keyboard shortcut.

cjdenbow says:
Disagree with the previous poster. Being able to edit lists -- by deleting, adding and renaming all in one editor session would be a great improvement. If some, like the previous poster, don't like that option, have a way to turn it off in Account Settings (probably under General).

(closed account) says:
I have no problem with the way things are now regarding editing task names. Almost everything can be edited in the main view.
Implementing this request means these steps:
1. Click a task to select it
2. Click the title on the left view to enable editing
3. Edit the title
4. Press Enter
As it is now, without this request:
1. Click a task to select it
2. Click the title on the right view (easier: press "r") to enable editing
3. Edit the title
4. Press Enter
There doesn't seem to be much in the way of improvement by implementing this request.
Implementing this request means these steps:
1. Click a task to select it
2. Click the title on the left view to enable editing
3. Edit the title
4. Press Enter
As it is now, without this request:
1. Click a task to select it
2. Click the title on the right view (easier: press "r") to enable editing
3. Edit the title
4. Press Enter
There doesn't seem to be much in the way of improvement by implementing this request.

(closed account) says:
I do agree that a large text box on the right pane would be useful, but not on the left pane where the tasks are listed.
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