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Option to only show location-based alerts when tasks are due at that location on that particular day

fnbmbm says:
I like the idea of being reminded of location based alerts on the android app, however it would be nice if you could modify them to only show when there are tasks due at said location on that particular day.
Posted at 2:13am on October 17, 2010
lars_m says:

...and it would be nice to control if a task with a location needs to trigger an alert at all. As I understand it (testing the android app now) you either have alerts for all tasks with locations or none. A bit more control would be very useful, since grouping tasks based on location doesn't always mean you want to be alerted of every single one whenever you enter a given location.
Posted 14 years ago
recker says:
count my vote in favor of this. RTM designers, please consider location aware/based alerts.
Posted 14 years ago
ddborowitz says:

My use case: I have a repeating task to pay my rent, which involves dropping off a check in person. If I set the location to "Home", I get a notification literally every time I get home. It'd be great to only get the notification on the due date.
Posted 14 years ago
neilmcc says:
love to see location aware reminders
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I totally agree location aware reminders are essential !!!!
Posted 13 years ago
wheretheskygrows says:
How do people even use the location functionality if this doesn't exist?
Posted 13 years ago
isim says:
Hi, I vote for the that option. I really like location notification, but if the task has due date next month, it is very annoying that the notification alerts me everytime I'm around the location. It would be nice to have an option in Menu->Location->Don't alert before due date
Posted 13 years ago
isim says:
Posted 13 years ago
mbostrom says:
Location based reminders is why I bought the pro account, and now I find out it's useless. RTM even creates a notification when there are no active task at a location.
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
I love the idea of location reminders - however, because they are not tied to a due date, I generally turn them off. For example, I've got a repeating task to remind me to rotate my tires at the tire center where I purchased them. I wouldn't mind the location reminder to appear within say a range of dates of the due date.
Posted 13 years ago says:
Posted 13 years ago
dameron.ben says:

This is the initial reason why I signed up for Pro :(
Posted 13 years ago
max.rasboldgabbard says:

Really pleased with location-awareness in RTM, but having empty reminders show up is bugging me a bit and makes the feature less useful.
Posted 13 years ago
aredd says:
What would be really useful is an additional setting, where you can choose the sensitivity, such as due today, due within 3 days, or due anytime. Getting really fancy you could set up custom searches for each location. Eg none at work. due within 2 days at home or due anytime and has a priority at parents house.
Posted 13 years ago
jhollington says:
Actually, to follow up on aredd's suggestion, I think the custom sensitivity should be managed via a Smart List. Essentially, allow a user to specify their own Smart List for which tasks should trigger location notifications.

This would allow a much wider variation of settings both in terms of which tasks you want to be notified of as well as which locations (since the locations could still be included in the Smart List as well).
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
I like that Idea. Then you can have a list like:

dueWithin:"7 days of today" AND locatedWithin:"1 miles" and just monitor that. I like that.
Posted 12 years ago
faramant says:
Yes, using Smart List as intelligent filters. Ideally, we could mark any Smart List as a Reminder and if the condition matches, we get a reminder. If the Smart List contains a location based condition, the any location update will evaluate the list condition and trigger if it gets true.
Posted 12 years ago
ninkozi says:
Add my vote to the list. I really need time-aware location-based reminders.
Posted 12 years ago
elias.pipinakis says:
+1 for iphone
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
+2 that would be one of the most useful features ever. I have many recurring tasks and would like to combine them with locations, e.g. for different offices.
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
Yes, please! With the inclusion of Aredd's suggestion. Currently I don't use location for repeating tasks because it was crippeling the other location reminders. Now I have to go specifically to that locations were I could have already passed it twice that day. Not very efficient.
Posted 11 years ago
ejtodo says:
It would be a huge advance to have a task triggered only when both a date/time and a location criterion are satisfied.
Posted 11 years ago
bugsie says:
I would like to set notifications per smart list; encompassing location when location is part of the smart list criteria. I could then set notification relative to distance and relative to due date. In essence , the notification would only pop up when items migrated on to the smart list based on the smart list's criteria.
Posted 8 years ago
maklipsa says:
I would also be very happy to see location based notifications.
Posted 7 years ago
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