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Copy notes with repeat 'after'

traycerb says:
I understand the default behavior for "Repeat After..." tasks is not to copy over notes to the next task after completion, as Emily explained here:

However, it seems arbitrary to copy notes for "Repeat Every" and not for "Repeat After."

e.g. suppose I need to get a haircut after a month, and I use the notes to write the address and phone number of the barber. There's no benefit to making the task "Repeat Every...", because, if more than a month passes, I only ever need a single haircut, and thus, only ever need a single task to mark for completion. Yet by making it "Repeat After" the ancillary information is all lost.

At least a few other people would like this behavior changed, though at least one other person prefers the opposite, that notes NOT repeat: . (Though in that case, it's trivial to delete the note, whereas, it's much more involved to recover the notes from a completed task).

Perhaps there can be a global option, or a keyword in the note that triggers a repeating note, though I think just making it act like "Repeat Every..." makes the most sense. I use "Repeat After..." a lot for tasks that need regular completion only once, but without any hard deadline, and the Notes thing is a major hindrance. Any thoughts on this?
Posted at 4:36pm on October 1, 2010
(closed account) says:
I would also like to copy notes with "Repeat After", for exactly the same reasons as traycerb. I use the note-field to keep track of when I last did a repeating task that doesn't repeat with a fixed interval but *after* a fixed interval, like the haircut example above. Losing the notes with the task is major nuisance.
Posted 14 years ago
bwicks34 says:

It definitely feels like the distinction between 'Repeat Every' and 'Repeat After' exists only for technology/coding reasons, not user experience reasons. I don't see why a user would want this distinction to exist. I could see that some users may want notes to exist for both and others would want them not to exist for both. Seems like an option to turn on/off for both would be the best scenario.
Posted 14 years ago
jeanniebean says:

It would be nice if you could choose whether the note would be sticky at the time of creation, if it's a frustration for others to get rid of notes they don't want to repeat with a task.
Posted 14 years ago
jeremy.dolvelde says:
Posted 14 years ago
pstoffel says:

Although scenarios exist where you don't need notes to be copied, I can't understand why they get lost by design!

Now you can't keep a log in the notes!

Even worse: before adding a note, you now have to check "oh wait, this is a repeating task... @$*, it's repeating "after"; I must close RMilk and open up EverNote to type my notes, close that app, re-open RMilk, and then continue milking ;->"

I've just added an extra check to my "RMilk quality control" task (which was repeating AFTER :-#) to check for recently completed repeating tasks with notes... I caught 3 other unnoticed issues!
Posted 14 years ago
hspolte says:
Yes - Keeping notes should always be the default. Notes should only be deleted by actually deleting them. Please make a option to keep them.
Posted 14 years ago
mackay.multispares says:
If I have made notes about account numbers, etc I want to be able to refer back to them if I need to
Posted 13 years ago
jjmnz76 says:
Posted 13 years ago
mlukacs says:
Posted 13 years ago
amishmm says:
+ 1

I would vote for this too. In my opinion, deleting notes is a BUG and not a FEATURE as its destructive in nature and can cause data loss.

Yes you can recover notes by going to completed tasks but what you never noticed that notes were not carried for few months (because u already know what u have to do) and some day u have memory loss and suddenly realise that NOTES have disappeared!! (at trash may have emptied)
Posted 13 years ago
serodmat says:
+1 !!!
Posted 13 years ago
cise says:

thanks to traycerb for the cogent original post. I've found my completed notes and for the moment I'll store them elsewhere. But I was already looking for an option to keep/copy notes from completed repeating tasks.
Posted 12 years ago
codyeilrich says:

Please add!
Posted 12 years ago
tvjames says:
Yeah, I had one for "Replace smoke detector batteries" after 6 months. The notes told me which detectors took which battery types (surprisingly, not all use 9 volts, but all require a really tall ladder). It would be nice if there were a checkbox on the task that said "Copy this note to repeated task" Then you could have on a note-by-note basis a little more flexibility.
Posted 12 years ago says:
+1 Totally agree.
Posted 12 years ago says:
+1 Please add
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 please fix that
Posted 12 years ago
skanuit says:
Posted 12 years ago
doshit says:
Posted 12 years ago
mr.clifford says:
Posted 12 years ago
bueccd says:
I like to keep notes with recurring tasks so I don't have to store my personal tips "somewhere else" when I get around to completing that task the next time. Now I have to consider making all those kinds of tasks repeat EVERY even though in terms of my personal behavior I want to repeat it AFTER. That gets me into the bad habit of marking things complete just to keep my list clean. I guess I can look on the bright side -- I'll feel that much better the next time you guys throw that pop up that tells me how many tasks I've completed.
Posted 12 years ago
nskoric says:

This is very annoying "feature" since RTM is one of rare pieces of software that deliberately deletes user information without informing them. I thought that I'm crazy when I noticed that my notes are missing, since I can't remember last time that an app deleted my information on purpose and without my knowledge. I still haven't full recovered my notes since I started trusting RTM and I didn't have a backup of my notes on another service.

Please remove this destructive "feature"! Apps should not delete user information without notice...
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Posted 12 years ago
dominic.spachmann says:
+1 :)
Posted 11 years ago
freeminder says:
Actually this behavior is so weird, that I considered it a bug and wanted to report it, then found a page saying it's by design! I converted many of my old "repeat every" tasks to "repeat after" some time ago. It was quite a surprise to learn that all my notes linked to those tasks we lost at some point (and I've already cleared the Completed list since then). Fix this please, there's absolutelly no point to make this behavior different in these two use cases, especially in such a unobvious way.
Posted 11 years ago
marekhappy says:
Started to use RTM 4 days ago... went crazy for like 5 minutes when my notes disappeared in repeated task :D

+1 thanks.

Eventhough RTM has some imperfections like tis, its really solid tool / Good Job ;-)
Posted 11 years ago
codyeilrich says:
I noticed notes are preserved if I complete a task using the android app. I'm not sure why the behavior would be different between mobile and web browser but it is!
Posted 11 years ago
kkyang says:
Posted 11 years ago
blackjack000 says:
+1, the majority of my notes are "repeat after" and I rely heavily on notes for personal notes to myself, often used to speed up the completion of my task. I've resorted to typing in long strings of text into the note description as a workaround. Please consider allowing notes to remain on "repeat after" tasks! Thanks!
Posted 11 years ago
(closed account) says:
This mysterious behaviour made me think RTM was unstable and I was going to look for an alternative tool, until I found this page. I rely heavily on notes. It was made more difficult to track the issue down because the notes are not deleted when completing on Android (as noted above).
Posted 11 years ago
mbowes80 says:
+1 - this is important. Notes need to carry over to the next occurrence.
Posted 11 years ago
pachela says:
I have repeating tasks to remind me to refill Mom's prescriptions. I keep notes on special instructions from the doc, as well as side effects to watch for and possible interactions. "Repeat after" is a better fit than "repeat every" but I don't want to lose my notes.
It doesn't make sense to me that "every" retains the notes, but the very similar "after" drops them. I'm hoping for a fix. Thank you.
Posted 10 years ago
blackjack000 says:
Totally agree. I usually use repeat after x days for my repeating tasks, and use the notes section for any kind of clarifying instructions. Because of RTM's behavior of deleting the notes on these type tasks, I often write in long notes to myself in the task name so I have a place to hold this information. It works, but it clutters up my RTM.
Posted 10 years ago
markmorton says:
Yes please, this is very weird
Posted 10 years ago
zichaj says:
Yes please this just bit me.
Posted 10 years ago
sully says:
How is After vs Every still treating notes differently? Very frustrating.
Posted 9 years ago
davidfarquhar says:
I agree please change to keep notes
Posted 8 years ago
(closed account) says:
On a "Repeat After" the notes are still in the task but the date and time the note was added is defaulted to the task completion date. So if you spoke to 3 people on 3 seperate dates every time you completed a task the note would change to the last date completion. I have started putting a time stamp into the notes so it will be saved
Posted 8 years ago
juliusz.gonera says:
+1. This RTM behavior confused me as well

Stopped using notes at all for repeating tasks because of it
Posted 8 years ago
woutervhb says:
Posted 7 years ago
kngrmd1 says:
if notes are not copied, this is stupid by design

repeats every 2 sundays is different and repeat after 2 sundays is different

in both types of repeats , notes gets lost?

kindly clarify

also admins take note of this issue
Posted 6 years ago
emmetml says:
Absolutely necessary! Please add this!
Posted 4 years ago
jaykaplon says:
Adding this to make clear that this is in the same state as it was 5 years ago. That is, the issue is 50% completed.

On a "Repeat After" task, when you mark it completed the notes ARE copied to the new instance of the task (which is good), but the date and time of the note is changed to the date and time at which you completed the task.

To be clear, when a repeat AFTER task is completed, all notes should be copied to the new instance and the modification date and time of the notes should NOT be changed. (Because the notes have NOT been edited even though technically RTM internally made a new copy of the notes for the new task instance, that is just a programming detail and not of value to the user.)
Posted 2 years ago
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