New due date format: [number] days before [date] (e.g. '4 days before october 14th')

(closed account) says:
Is there a syntaz for setting the due date to X Days before Y? Today I needed to set a due date to 4 days before October 14th. I tried "4 Days before October 14th" and the date was set to October 14th. Obviously that is not a very hard date to subtract 4 from, but others are harder. :) And a week before September 3rd would be nice.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
It's not something that we currently support, but it would be handy :) We're continuing to improve our date and repeating formats, so appreciate any suggestions on formats that people would like to see supported.

(closed account) says:
I would love that!
It would come really handy to prepare a set of default tasks for similar projects such as organizing events.
"Do something 3 weeks before 2013-12-24"
or even better
"Do something 3 weeks before &deadline"
But that would require to have the notion of projects and tasks related to projects. We could then just update the end of projects to have all related tasks due date updated.
It would come really handy to prepare a set of default tasks for similar projects such as organizing events.
"Do something 3 weeks before 2013-12-24"
or even better
"Do something 3 weeks before &deadline"
But that would require to have the notion of projects and tasks related to projects. We could then just update the end of projects to have all related tasks due date updated.
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