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Show tags in reminder emails

jasonrudolph says:
In the daily email reminders, it would be helpful to see the tags listed next to each task. For example, I have multiple tasks that have the same title, but apply to different "projects" (which I denote with tags). My daily reminder looks something like this:

These 7 tasks are due today:
1. Morning review (9:25AM)
2. Pre-standup check-in (9:25AM)
3. Morning review (10:15AM)
4. Pre-standup check-in (10:10AM)
5. Afternoon check-in (5:00PM)
6. Afternoon check-in (5:00PM)
7. Review new communication and "waiting" items (6:00PM)

Notice that there's no way to differentiate #1 from #3, or # 2 from #4, etc. If I could see the tags associated with those tasks, I could differentiate them. That would be a big help.

Keep rockin'!
Posted at 9:04pm on August 9, 2010
carlson.james says:
Amen amen amen!!!
Posted 13 years ago
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