Ability to create a note when adding with Smart Add

ali.aliev says:
I'd like to add a note WHILE I'm doing a Smart Add. I usually have a few thoughts relevant to the task, which I wright down immediately. I have to save the task, than find it in the list again and add a note, which is inconvenient.

emily (Remember The Milk) says:
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Yup, this is now possible with the new Remember The Milk.
Just type "//" at the end of Smart Add, followed by your note contents.
Hope this helps!
Just type "//" at the end of Smart Add, followed by your note contents.
Hope this helps!

danie.kotze says:
Me too, please

jennifer.ryan.88 says:
and me, please!

nuclearscan says:
I have notes on most tasks - this would greatly help workflow. Thanks for considering !!

pwdavenport says:

tony.grout says:

ignorantguru says:

dominic.spachmann says:

sleepyalf says:

eamonireland says:

harryl says:

p4designer says:

metaloop says:

rasmusrempling says:

dazngad says:
+1. Drives me crazy not having it.

(closed account) says:
I think this would be good.

garson says:

esmejoy says:
Please please please!

chris.geiger says:
yes yes yes

(closed account) says:
I am a Google Tasks switcher and I would love to see this. It would make RTM perfect for me.

r0bis says:
agree +1

tony.grout says:
Agree +1 - having to find a task I've just added to put a note against it is a drag

rich0684 says:

jstallkamp says:

kevshangar says:
Notes are added in at least 50% of my Tasks and the current method is abysmal. As a note is associated with the Task then making us enter a Task only to have to find it again so that we can finish it by entering the note seems as though notes are treated as an afterthought when, actually, they are part of the Task itself. Going through this rigmorole every time is a total waste of our time. This desperately needs a quick method of entry.

rtmraphael says:
This is critical when using the android app to enter phone numbers that can be dialed.

peterl1966 says:
Not being able to add a note at the lime of creating the task is a real pain and horribly inefficient. As it now stands you have to create the task, save it, refind it then add the notes. that is goofy.

dmitter says:

derekhuds says:
Please please please

xiaoqiyuan says:
I wish it.

blackdovemfg says:
an absolute must! thank u

(closed account) says:
This is required to avoid breaking workflow.

calvingray says:

calvingray says:
this and the ability to shuffle would make me a pro user for life

torsten.karzig says:
This would be so useful

phillysnoodle says:
oh yes, please

gptoth says:
absolutely a necessity

alwaysoutbound says:
yeah, really need this option.

denis.a.makarov says:

csaba_nagy says:

raelyard says:
having this missing is currently the worst thing about remember the milk

mrsharps says:

kirkhagan says:
Hope this is still being considered! Been using RTM for only a few days and the "note" entry is already a pain and feels broken.

dave.john63 says:
+1: please add this - current entry method seems archaic

jacob.l says:

(closed account) says:

kpflugshaupt says:
Yes, please!

nicholasemay says:
Can't you do this with the '//' syntax now?

tristo (Remember The Milk) says:
That's correct nicholasemay - // is your Smart Add for a note!