GitHub Issues integration

dotnetcarpenter says:
If I could create a task in RTM and then post it to an issue list of one of my projects on, it would help me a lot.
Motivation: I often find myself do repetitive work when creating task that is essential a reminder to fix an issue, listed on github. My fellow hackers doesn't necessarily have an RTM account (for various reasons) and while RTM is starting to be a great help in organizing my todos, I need to communicate project issues and status outside RTM.
A task could be given the RTM tag "github [repo name]", that would create an issue on When complete is pressed, the issue would be closed. RTM would need to store the issue number, which in turn could be sent to other RTM users.
Use the github issue API see Open and Close Issues
Motivation: I often find myself do repetitive work when creating task that is essential a reminder to fix an issue, listed on github. My fellow hackers doesn't necessarily have an RTM account (for various reasons) and while RTM is starting to be a great help in organizing my todos, I need to communicate project issues and status outside RTM.
A task could be given the RTM tag "github [repo name]", that would create an issue on When complete is pressed, the issue would be closed. RTM would need to store the issue number, which in turn could be sent to other RTM users.
Use the github issue API see Open and Close Issues

dgcombs says:
I like this.
I'd also like to integrate tasks with Git Hub pull requests.
I'd also like to integrate tasks with Git Hub pull requests.

(closed account) says:
uuuuh I'd love it... if you do it I'd pay again for RTM

cvirus says:
I was just looking for something similar :-D

metasoarous says:
Know this is an old thread, but I would REALLY appreciate this. As a programmer having to coordinate my RTM todos with issues on GH is a massive headache that doesn't have to be. Hoping this is still something that's under consideration.

zlatta says:
+1 to this

Chiming in here, I'd love what liowalter describes. I've had this set up with IFTTT and just discovered today that it's been failing silently for at least two months with no clear reason why, so I've been unintentionally dropping the ball on issues assigned to me. Perhaps a native RTM integration would be more reliable?
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