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Smart Add widget

lak_b says:
Widget only for SmartAdd: just text filed + OK button. It will be very, very nice.
Posted at 12:07pm on May 28, 2010
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
This is now available in our Smart Bar and Badge widgets in version 2.0.0. :)

Please see our blog post: The ginormous Remember The Milk for Android update
Posted 13 years ago
jes.thesclawfirm says:
Posted 14 years ago
jay12701 says:
I agree, this would be awesome.
Posted 14 years ago
jhollington says:
Yes, this would definitely be great to have, especially tied to voice input -- push a button and dictate a task.
Posted 14 years ago
redders6600 says:
+1 to this - my most wanted feature at the minute!!
Posted 14 years ago
denys.zadorozhnyi says:
Posted 14 years ago
jhuesos says:
+1 I wrote the same in the IDEAS forum.

It should easy to create and very useful!
Posted 14 years ago
erica.strand says:
YES! esp voice to task! :D
Posted 14 years ago
mpslanker says:
+1 - that would be amazing!
Posted 14 years ago
pgambling says:
I'm actually writing a widget to do this exact thing as a project to teach myself the Android SDK. It's not quite done yet, but I plan to put it out in the Android market for free. I'll let you guys know when it's available.
Posted 14 years ago
jhuesos says:
+1. There must be a very quick method to add new tasks.
Posted 14 years ago
mvogel70 says:
+1 Thats what we need..
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
+1 for all the ideas mentioned before

smartAdd would be neat with using ^#!* syntax
using voice would be killer ;)
Posted 14 years ago
miamiray says:
I think its a great idea. If the microphone is used, one issue would be how to "speak" special characters like # and @. And how to avoid having a space placed between them and the word that they operate on.

For instance, if someone says meet John at mcDonalds, what you really want is to enter: "meet john @mcDonalds" and how do you prevent a space from coming between the symbol @ and the word mcDonalds? And what about the hash "#" for tasks? there would perhaps have to be special reserved words that would be converted after using speech-to-text.
Posted 14 years ago
miamiray says:
I think its a great idea. If the microphone is used, one issue would be how to "speak" special characters like # and @. And how to avoid having a space placed between them and the word that they operate on.

For instance, if someone says meet John at mcDonalds, what you really want is to enter: "meet john @mcDonalds" and how do you prevent a space from coming between the symbol @ and the word mcDonalds? And what about the hash "#" for tasks? there would perhaps have to be special reserved words that would be converted after using speech-to-text.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Hi all,

I'm a Droid/RTM newbie, but it seems to me like the Android RTM app already supports the SmartAdd special characters. Is what you are all imagining something even cooler than that (besides voice, which would indeed be great)? What am I missing here?

Just curious,
Posted 14 years ago
gte619n says:
I was visiting the forum to ask for this very thing! Basically, something that looks just like the Google Search widget, but gives me the ability to Add Tasks to RTM.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Okay, now that I am less of a Droid/RTM newbie (4 days later), I totally understand the need for quick add! I don't want to have to press and swipe all over the Droid screen to simply add a new task. This should take seconds, not minutes!

Not only that, but I don't want my new task to automatically be preset with a due date (that is, if you happen to be looking at Tomorrow, and add a new task, its due date is automatically tomorrow). That's a good way to lose track of a task, especially if you're doing GTD and you want to just throw something into the Inbox for a later processing step.

So, what I ended up doing was to treat the Android RTM app as basically read-only (no more adding tasks from there!), and using Twitter to create new tasks from the phone.

1) Set up Twitter with RTM (thanks to sandiegan for, but NOT the SMS part. (The SMS integration is cool, but you have to remember to prepend everything with "d rtm", which doesn't cut it for me.)
2) Add a "Contact quick tasks" icon for "rtm" (which was already in my contacts list complete with the cute cow), and set it up as twitter only.
3) Shrink that icon down to 1x1 and put it on your home screen (or wherever).

Now, when I want to quickly enter a task ("capture" in GTD terms), I just:

1) Go to the home screen.
2) Hit the RTM cow.
3) Select Message from the popup. (Wish there was a way to auto-skip this, but I haven't found it yet.)
4) Enter the new task. (In this mode, I hardly ever want to take the time to presort this with task with SmartAdd stuff, but if you want to, it works.)
5) Hit Send. The app nicely dismisses itself.

When I get back to my RTM inbox later, I've got these random reminders ready to refine and assign tags and dates ("process" in GTD terms).

This is my answer to David Allen's "scribble it on a piece of paper, toss it in your inbox for later processing, and get back to what you were doing". So far, so good.

Posted 14 years ago
mark.dimarco says:
Posted 14 years ago
jkrell says:
Posted 14 years ago
internetlovemachine says:
A thousand times this!

9 out of 10 times, I'm using the android application for the sole purpose of entering new tasks.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
Hi all,

Ignore what I said earlier about using Twitter for this. 8-) For whatever reason, the "Message" choice kept disappearing from the popup.

So now I use Gmail to do this instead. How? Like this:

1) Add a contact called "RTM Inbox". Give it only one detail: Your Inbox Email Address (find it from the web interface under Settings -> Info).

2) Put the cute cow icon on your new contact.

3) Add a "Contact quick tasks" widget for this new contact. (NOTE that this widget is apparently only on Motorola phones. I have a Droid X. Maybe you can do something similar if you have a different manufacturer.)

4) Shrink that widget down to 1x1 and put it on your home screen (or wherever).

Now, whenever I just want to record something quick, I just hit the cow. There's a new Gmail message dialog with "RTM Inbox" all ready in the To: field, and the cursor waiting for me on the Subject field. I rarely add notes at this point, so I just enter something and hit "Send".

I now have the simple one-click add-a-task thing I've been wanting. (The only improvement I can think of is if it could do auto-complete like the RTM App does, but I almost always just enter quick plain text and do the tagging/dates/etc later on my PC anyway.)


p.s. Are you first setting up your phone and getting a message like "No email accounts configured", and you're thinking you already set up Gmail? This bugged me for a while until I figured out that I had set up Google (not Gmail) using my Gmail address. You ALSO need to configure an email account (from the phone: Settings -> Accounts -> Email), and give it your Gmail address. Confusing!
Posted 14 years ago
henrov says:


@above: very good idea, also in combination with anycut
Posted 14 years ago
jheydasch says:
+1 Would LOVE to have this widget.

Plus, I second @henrov: great idea @etramell!
Posted 14 years ago
marco2152 says:
Posted 14 years ago
lighthouse084 says:
This widget would be awesome. +1
Voice input would be great as well.
There should be some defaults (priority, list, tag) for all voice inputted tasks.
This should allow us to process all voice inputted tasks separately and make sure that they have been properly inputted. It would be great if we had voice notes and picture notes as well.
Wow, I'm very demanding.
Posted 14 years ago says:
+1 for a Smart-Add widget - 1 row high by 4 across would be perfect, just like the Google Search widget (as mentioned.)

Please please please please! :-)
Posted 14 years ago
ronakshah2000 says:
+1for a 1 high x 4 wide
Especially with a 4 wide x 3 tall list widget to have a great homescreen
Posted 14 years ago
eric.bernstein says:
Please! A smart add widget would be awesome!
Posted 14 years ago
arwild01 says:
+1000 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Especially like ronakshah2000's suggestions too.

Look, I LOVE LOVE LOVE RTM. I couldn't live without it. I wouldn't have switched from blacberry to Android if RTM didn't have a great interface on Android, but 90% of what I want to do on my phone is jotting down items when the strike me. I can't count the number of times that I had to wait on the "loading" screen so it can load my list of tasks (that at the moment I didn't want to look at)... and then FORGOT what I was wanting to ADD!!!!

Yes, the probably means I need some help with my short-term memory, but regardless, just give me a quick way to add tasks to the list. I need that way more then a widget for viewing tasks (which is nice too, but if I had to pick between the two...)
Posted 14 years ago
mscarolm says:
+1 for the smart add widget
Posted 14 years ago
alex.spirin says:
Posted 14 years ago
john.mcnamara says:
+1 A widget for my homescreen would make my day. I really like the 6 icons that show when entering a task in the All Tasks screen.

Voice input is *not* necessary as it is already built in to Android. I just hit the search button and dictate an email to my RTM inbox - done.
Posted 14 years ago
david.geldbart says:
Posted 14 years ago
jeffthom says:
+1 . . . this would be an awesome addition to RTM!!
Posted 14 years ago
sysax says:
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Excellent idea, one day the devs might give Android some love.
Posted 13 years ago
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