Support for bullets in notes

waynedunkley says:
Hey there... it would be great if I could make bullet lists within notes... since my notes are just short ideas most of the time...

(closed account) says:
The end-of-line character is not ignored, so you can just start each line by a dash.

waynedunkley says:
Visually round bullets work better for me than dashes... but it is good to know I can use dashes...

cobrastyle says:
If you're using a mac, option-8 creates a round bullet point: •
They don't seem prominent enough for me, so I use dashes like mzjln does...
They don't seem prominent enough for me, so I use dashes like mzjln does...

waynedunkley says:
That's a great Mac hint... thanks very much!

(closed account) says:
I would like to have this feature as well - along with indented sub-bullets to eliminate formatting with spaces.
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